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Everything posted by Encima

  1. Yay! Now to see if the sound borking out in warzones is fixed too.
  2. I like the whole world event idea. I like how this one dragged players of opposing factions into the same area. Hopefully we'll see more of these events in the future, even if some people aren't appreciating it.
  3. Glad it's a server/game issue, I started feeling suspicious when I was rolling back drivers to desperately try to fix it. Oh well, some day it'll be patched I hope.
  4. Dual spec, ie. being able to set up two or more skill point allocations and toolbars which you can switch between on the go. Of course it should have cast time / cool down, but it's really neat.
  5. Good job, it's getting frustrating listening to the complaining about it and people "forced" to go sit and defend for a while to be sure they get theres when the other side are heavily outgunning us.
  6. Longer load times Chunky lag/delays especially in warzones Sound going completely bizarre especially in warzones None of these issues were present before 1.2 for me. I had everything up settings wise and my computer and GTX 550 Ti were both bought during beta, now I can't even get 2/10 performance with everything on low. It doesn't matter if I run on high or low this game's performance is utterly garbage and borders unplayable, but only after 1.2 and regardless which of the 3 most recent drivers I use (301 beta, 296WQHL or 286WQHL)
  7. Encima

    should i pvp?

    Do you like shooting people in the face? Do you like getting shot in the face? That really is the question you should be asking yourself, because that's all you need to pvp.
  8. I still drive the free scooter, chicks dig it.
  9. Don't forget IG chat, it's horrible.
  10. haha I think it's funny when people think they're supposed to t ell Bioware what to do. That being said, I think cross server queues should be the only kind of queues.
  11. Encima

    Pve>Pvp yet again

    I'm having a blast pvp'ing. Granted it's not perfect, but it's fun as hell.
  12. I don't mind personally but I do feel kind of sorry for the people who got pulled a Mustafar on them. But then again, if people unsubbed since launch, they probably aren't having fun and probably aren't fun playing with anyway.
  13. I have like 3 titles on my bh and they're all from Black Talon. This despite my Social being Rank 2 and my Alignment being Rank 2.
  14. lol the truth is so simple, unfortunately they introduced gear and other things to pvp in games, so the carebears want tangible rewards every time they shoot at a red dot.
  15. Can we revoke posting privileges of anyone who hasn't taken a toon to 50 please :l
  16. Thank you for composing a thread that will have a lasting impression on me. From now on, I will probably be less likely to tab out and look at the forums, which means my toons get more love.
  17. Because a lot of people came from SWG and probably haven't ever seen a GTAOE ability before.
  18. People just like to whine about stuff they don't have a clue about. I don't know why it's such a major issue to people that they die in pvp, but no skin off my nose.
  19. I think it was super easy to get the pvp gear and not have to do several side quests to get your hands on decent gear, perhaps the devs agreed and took it out so more people would do the content. You can still get lots of gear from the 30comm cost chests, though it's more of a lottery.
  20. Yeah that would work. I'd support NOT being automatically requeued with the option of checking "requeue" or "requeue group", I'm ok with having to check a box for that.
  21. Haha that's a cool idea, that is if it's absolutely no reward.
  22. It's a complete waste of time, it's repetitive and it makes it more convenient to queue up solo which defeats the whole idea of team sport.
  23. I have two problems when we queue for warzones. I have to invite everybody after every warzone Everybody has to uncheck the "Requeue" box I wish the box wouldn't be checked since it ruins our group queuing or that it was an option you could turn on to automatically check it. But more than anything I wish we could re queue as a group without first having to uncheck boxes and reform the same group over and over and over.
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