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Everything posted by Encima

  1. Anyone who uses the term "wow killer" in a sentence ever should feel stupid, I approve this thread, whatever it might say after the "I feel stupid" part :|
  2. As someone still playing I guess it's not really relevant what I think, but the things I'm hoping for the most is server consolidation (merges/transfers PLUS cross-server play, which shouldn't be an issue since we play instanced anyway) and of course ranked warzones which was a lot of people's reason for leaving.
  3. I had to look up his name to even know what he was doing around here. Pretty sad considering he's supposed to be the most prominent figure towards the community.
  4. Means they got rid of the excessive weight (sorry, I know these are men and women who's got families to support), which is generally a healthy business decision.
  5. Yeah I was pretty mad when they gave me 30 days for free, goddamn global elite.
  6. Wouldn't it have to be at least Campaign to transfer the set bonus?
  7. Hype is always about games yet to be released, nothing new.
  8. I am enjoying the game, but definitely it would help to take care of underpopulated servers and future-proof it by adding cross-server warzones.
  9. When minimap is placed in the top, exit area almost disappears Also when minimap is placed in the top, docked tooltips will appear out of the picture I wish I could increase height on health on Me and Target without increasing the size of the entire thing (ie. width)
  10. I did all the other unlocks tonight and didn't come past any of them
  11. I propose a new mode. Make current story mode "Normal mode" then make a story mode where you just get the cinematics, how's that? I mean why even fight the encounters if you have no desire to beat them? Just watch the movies.
  12. Dual spec Allow me to set up two or more specs on my character (for example a healer mercenary and arsenal dps mercenary) and let me switch on the fly between them (can cost respec cost for all I care). Preferably save with toolbar as well. Guild Alliances / Superguilds Basically stolen from WAR, a superguild would be comprised by members of several guilds allowing ingame communication (alliance / superguild chat) and whatever else you might add. Groups persist through warzones Also stolen from WAR, it would be very convenient if I didn't have to reform my group after every single warzone. Uncheck "requeue solo" box per default or add a toggle for it. Change "Lord" to "Darth" on Interlude loading screen for level 50 inquisitors who have finished the class quests. Legacy Cargo Bay / Bank Vault.
  13. I love the game but since 1.2 performance has been so bad, I spend more time complaining about it than enjoying it.
  14. Yeah they're about as expensive as Rakghoul DNA on my server.
  15. Showoff, I can't even get one to drop and Hoth snow is blinding me
  16. Does it drop as loot or Bioanalysis?
  17. I agree with the dark/light criticism. KOTOR was awesome because you could start over and get a completely different story, I expected that from TOR as well.
  18. I like space in TOR, it's very relaxing.
  19. If fixing all bugs were that easy they wouldn't exist. Some bugs are incredibly persistent, that doesn't mean they aren't important.
  20. Hey man I'd love to be playing too, but saying that the patches aren't fixing broken things is just wrong.
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