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Everything posted by VinnieDaMac

  1. I largely agree with your post. The only thing I disagree with is your view on Huttball. It's one of the few things BW didn't copy from WoW and I found it pretty innovative. Granted, I don't play Huttball all day because I'm Republic. The one thing I do hate about Huttball is the seemingly random vents and the map layout.
  2. At the very LEAST, they should remove the armaments, that's just a slap in the face to the Republic who have no chance to even getting them. ...and then we can all be miserable together.
  3. I leveled my commando purely healing specced and loved the fact that I could pretty much solo any other than Heroic 4 mans and Flashpoints. I could solo same level champions with ease (although it took a little time). Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to see a dual spec system, but my reason is because healers get the shaft in Warzones. Either reward healers appropriately or give me the option to play DPS without having to respec back and forth.
  4. It's got potential, but as it stands, it's basically WoW with less things to do... and voices.
  5. I heard they're implement a new race that looks like a human.
  6. I think the other point would be, why is the cap so low or why there even needs to be a cap?
  7. I wouldn't mind so much if I could just stay on my mount.
  8. They're only good for PvE imo. The cover system is a liability for PvP play.
  9. Real PvPers have no choice BUT to play Republic... People that like being carried play Imperial.
  10. Your skill is pretty low still, you can probably drop it and pick up Biochem without having wasted too much time/money.
  11. This post pretty much sums it up nicely. I'd rather go back to point swapping than deal with this garbage.
  12. If you play on the Bondar Crystal server, there are server forums set up here: http://www.bondarcrystal.com/ The forums are starting to gain in popularity and there are almost 60 members registered and posting. I understand that Bioware plans to implement server GROUP forums eventually, but who knows when that will be and how that will be received. In the meantime, feel free to sign up and join the discussions. We could really use more Republic members too!
  13. Alderaan: 1 Voidstar: 1 Huttball: 3 Hullball gets a few points for originality.
  14. We're gonna need a gold post here to verify that this indeed actually happened.
  15. I actually want to personally thank the whiners and doomsayers. They're the ones that will point out all the problems that Bioware will need to fix.
  16. Must be nice where the hardest part of your daily is just finding enough people to kill.
  17. That's about how long it takes now.... for Imperials.
  18. Bioware, please revert Ilum back to how it was pre-1.1 until a PROPER fix is implemented. At least, with the old Ilum, BOTH factions were getting their dailies finished in a reasonable amount of time.
  19. Sounds like someone's mad that they can't steamroll lowbies anymore (
  20. Even before the price increase, I encouraged all my friends to not buy pre-50 pvp gear and just save it for the Champion bags at level 50. You can potentially horde 4000 Warzone tokens and 1 Champion bag until you hit level 50 for a total of 6 bags. The PvP items are slight upgrades at best from what you can get from just questing. If anything, it's the Champion bags that need nerfing as it makes everything obsolete outside of hard flashpoints and up and battlemaster bags.
  21. That couldn't have not happened anymore than right now.
  22. I agree, level 15s should have no more than 2500 hp and be able to one-shotted by my level 49. My level 49 should not have engage a level 15 and worry about the possibility of losing to one.
  23. It turns out that they were right afterall...
  24. I too would like a Space Combat forum. All 5 of us could talk about the 10 different missions available.
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