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Everything posted by Cassidan

  1. It was nice to see more interaction between Palpatine and Anakin. I was hoping they would include them interacting more so we can see just how much Palpatine pulled Anakin's strings before Episode 3.
  2. Why is it every time I enter my personal ship I have to go into orbit? There are times when I have to go there to talk to an NPC but want to stay on the planet. It makes no sense for me to go into orbit just to talk to my companion. What I would like to see is an option when entering ship to either "Enter Ship" or "Enter Orbit". If you go inside your ship and decide to leave the planet, you could put something asking "Enter Orbit" when you press to enter the Galaxy Map. This simple change will cut down on having to go into orbit each time you want to enter your ship.
  3. As the title states, what is you personal favorite from the Star Wars Universe? It can be either class type or a specific Starship. For me, I am a huge fan of the Star Destroyer design from the Original Trilogy. From the first moment I saw them as a child, I was hooked. There is just something amazing in their design. I still remember spending time flying around a Star Destroyer in Tie Fighter and just wishing I was at the helm of one of those bad boys.
  4. I'm having fun therefore I shall continue my subscription. In fact, I am going to go from month-to-month to a longer subscription plan this time. I am enjoying every chance I get to play. Usually by now in other MMO's I start to get bored of the grind and go alt-crazy, but I actually care about my character this time and seeing what happens next. Can't wait to see what the other storylines offer.
  5. My viewpoint on the Midichlorians as I watch the entire saga is this. In the Prequels, the Jedi were arrogant in their position of power and their belief that the Sith were all but destroyed. It is hinted upon by Mace Windu being so quick to dismiss Qui-Gon's assumption that he battled a Sith on Tatooine because the Jedi would of course had known if the Sith had returned. Yoda also talks about this arrogance in Episode II. I believe the Jedi in this time period were so arrogant that they believed they could scientifically understand the Force and the Midichlorians. What they failed to learn to understand is what Qui-Gon knew of the "living Force". Qui-Gon understood the Force in its more basic element and this understanding is what brought him closer to the Force itself and allowed him to break the chains of death. It was his teachings in the "living Force" that allowed Obi-Wan and Yoda to also learn this. That is why they teach Luke about the "living Force" instead of the science of the Midichlorians. It is only when the Jedi abandon technology and science do they draw within the fold of the Force. That is my viewpoint.
  6. I always chuckle at those that state "It's ok but on a childrens channel". Last time I checked, I never seen a kids show that had a spear thrown through a person killing them, or a group of slaves dropped to their death, or a person chocked to death, or speared with a lightsaber.....need I go on? This show is more mature then some of the movies it comes from.
  7. Awesome work Bioware! I am glad they are laying it down on those who try and game the system like they can in other MMO's. They got caught here and tried to cry about some accident and Bioware overreacting, when in fact they knew they were in the wrong and are now upset. Keep up the great work Bioware!
  8. I am really enjoying this game and the great story my character is involved in. Having a sincere appreciation for the lore behind Star Wars, it is great to be a participant during a conflict such as this and see it play out through my character's eyes. The ability to also participate with other players and interact in the story together is a lot of fun and refreshing to see how other people approach different scenarios. What is really fun is being able to come up with a background story for my character and base all of my decisions in dialog choices by that background. It makes for interesting decisions that can effect what happens next in my character's story. As far as PvP, I was a little skeptical going into it since I am not generally a PvP player. To be honest, I was always off-put by the higher skills some players possessed in PvP and my inability to keep up with the action. I think a lot of PvE players don't understand some of the skill that is needed to really succeed at PvP. In this game, however, I found the PvP aspects to actually be enjoyable even when getting obliterated. The combat is fun and exciting which draws me into the different PvP games. I also seem to have more of a chance to actually be involved at a higher level instead of being killed in 2 seconds like in other MMO's. I am very excited for this games future and the possibilities that come with expansion ideas and new planets to be integrated. If I had to make one gripe about the game so far it would be a desire to see the return of the ability to bind the rest of our clothing to our chest-piece. I really enjoyed this feature in Beta since it allowed me to not look like I dressed in the dark lol.
  9. I agree with some sort of confirmation on large purchases as well. I had to re-roll a character the other day because I thought I would be able to preview what an item might look like on my character and found out that I bought the item instead. Lost all my credits on a single accidental purchase. Was easier to re-roll then try and make up the amount I lost, but it was a pain to do something like that for a simple mistake.
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