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Everything posted by Cassidan

  1. I am going to be patient and see what they have in store for us. For now, after trying GW2 Beta and not being even remotely impressed (purely on a personal level), this is where I shall stay as it is the only MMO I have fun playing.
  2. It is even worse when you have waited forever to find a group after having to spam the General Chat, only to be booted from the group after starting the Flashpoint because you do not Spacebar through the conversations even though it is your first run through. Then you have to go back and start the spam/wait all over again.
  3. This reminds me of another game that came out in which the players were constantly told to upgrade. So much so that it even became a major quote called "Buy more RAM". WWII Online had major performance issues when it first came out. Everyone that posted issues were told "Buy more RAM". Didn't matter what the issue, that was always the response they got. It was their computer, not the program. Fast-forward two years and finally the company admitted there was a coding problem with the game that caused performance issues and it was finally resolved. It is easy to dismiss any claims of game performance by just labeling it an inferior PC, but what is being seen here is a wide spectrum of PC users with many different configurations all reporting issues. It shows this goes far beyond just someone not updating their PC.
  4. Then you missed out on why so many are giving up in order to save their sanity and computers...lol.
  5. I also played MMO's back when they were first getting started (though unlike some people, I do not feel like a Grandpa telling his Grandson about charging the beaches of Normandy because I played MMO's back in the day) and there have been many changes made in order to suit more casual players because game companies want a larger audience to make more money. Therefore it should not come as a surprise to other MMO players that casual players would enjoy tools designed with them in mind (such as the LFG tool). This does not mean you are forced to use it, but others might enjoy those tools if they are limited on time. The reason many of us who are limited in time continue to play is because we enjoy the game just as much as you do (surprise!) and want the chance to experience the different parts of the game without having to spend hours spamming a chat channel. There should be somethings outside of a casual players grasp that can only be acquired by really investing time into the game such as for PvP gear in order to draw in the hardcore crowd as well, but casual players and companies reaching out to them is not going to go away. With the hectic times we live in these days, more and more people have less time to spend in a virtual world than we had in years past it feels like.
  6. Does anyone know of any good sites out there that have a full timeline of Star Wars events and how every book and comic book that has come out fits into it? Most that I have found are usually either incomplete or were abandoned long ago.
  7. So if they are upset about being grouped with "idiots" then they can choose not to use the LFG tool and spam General Chat or use a different method. However, those of us who wish to use a LFG tool should not be hindered because of something as trivial as this. If someone doesn't want to group with strangers.....they would not be forced to.
  8. My list would be... 1. Revenge of the Sith 2. Empire Strikes Back 3. Return of the Jedi 4. A New Hope 5. Attack of the Clones 6. The Phantom Menace
  9. I like Coruscant over Dromund Kaas mostly due to the disappointment of how little of Kaas City we get to interact with. We spend more time running through forests and old temples. I also realize that it probably has to do with familiarity with Coruscant from the movies and wanting to see the Jedi Temple, Senate Building, and other aspects of Coruscant.
  10. Why does jesus have to go and unsub? What did he do?
  11. I was actually shocked they went this route. All most of us were upset about was the people that reached lvl50 were regarded as something special over those who may not have had a lvl50 character but dedicated just as much and showed just as much loyalty to the game as to say "Hey Bioware, we don't care about the 30 days but come one, we are loyal too" lol
  12. Went and looked and I am about halfway through Legacy 3. Not sure if I am far enough along to push it to 6 by the 20th but will give it the ol'college try lol The challenge is set...now if I could only get my wife to abide some extra playtime for me. lol
  13. They addressed it in the way they saw fitting and for the fact that they even did so is a positive sign in my book. I did not end up with any possibility of gaining the free month even with the extension, but I applaud them for listening and adapting to the customers. Many companies do not even try. Nice work Bioware.
  14. My gods....this discussion is still going? I think it is safe to say that neither side will find a common ground on this issue and every avenue of arguments has been stated and re-stated multiple times. Now it is just becoming a merry-go-round of the same statements lol. Bioware by now has heard both sides and will act or not act. Either way....still going to stay and play myself. Was a minor hiccup of bad wording imho that hopefully they remember when they do something like this again so is no confusion about a promotion. Never cared about the 30 days, just didn't want to seem less valuable or dedicated than someone who happens to have a lvl50 even though we both invested the same amount of monthly fees since launch.
  15. Again, if they said that instead many of us here would not be so upset. Instead, they went a completely weird route judging loyalty, dedication, and value based upon a lvl.
  16. Again you are not getting it. It is one thing to give lvl50's a speeder, it is another thing to give it to them and say they are the loyal customers. I am just as loyal as you but having a lvl50 is just meaningless in terms of money paid into the game. Get it?
  17. Since someone wanted to use an analogy I decided to post one concerning how I view the problem... Suppose you were assigned to a work group of 5 employees at work to complete a project. Everyone in the group starts at the same time with equal parts of the project. After completion the supervisor calls you together to introduce you to the Corporate bosses. He tells them "Here is the group that completed that project for us. Now here is John, he is one of our most valuable employees who is loyal and dedicated. Ok thank you everyone.". Now later one of the employee asks "Why did John get singled out if we all did the same thing?". The boss replies "Well John had a blue tie on. Everyone else had black.". While everyone did the same work, something superficial was used to distinguish John from the others. How would they feel?
  18. If that is how I play than that is how I play, but my $15/month is just as loyal as your $15/month which is what this is about.
  19. Ummmm no...no not really....no. An interesting analogy try, but it is not the same. lol
  20. They always do staggered with their mass emails. I think they set a "by date" for the emails.
  21. I would comment but unfortunately your post was more self-gratifying than anything constructive to the discussion. Guess I could say thanks for dropping by? It's a valid discussion with the predictable troll here or there, but it is still a discussion.
  22. It is because of the fact that I am a loyal customer that I do not unsub over this. I will still come here and say "Hey now, wait a minute", but I won't unsub because of it.
  23. Well it will definitely be interesting to see if Bioware comes out to say anything regarding this. Not holding my breath of course lol but would be interesting.
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