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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Karandor

  1. If you play a sorc or assassin you better not unbind that S as sprint speed is the same backwards as forwards, I see so many sorcs running away with their back to me when they could just back dash and throw instants....




    Moving backwards has plenty of uses, with the traps and terrain in WZs you need that backwards movement.



    People who unbind 'S' are morons who do it because they think it makes them pro. Removing any movement option is a bad idea. If you find yourself doing it constantly it is very bad but saying you should NEVER do it is idiotic.

  2. VG/PT is borderline OP in PvP as Ironfist, carolina parakeet or full assault/pyro.




    As Ironfist shield will give you more damage than a generator in PvP if you're playing people who don't just stand around waiting for their resources instead of using a basic attack. Now you STILL wear DPS gear, just throw on that shield for CD reset on stock-strike and more ammo. There are plenty of attacks that shield works against in order to make it worthwhile for the bonuses you get from it.


    Ironfist is a super aggressive build that can just dominate casters. You are a melee with ranged attacks to maintain 100% time on target. In a group setting with a healer and assisting in effect they are absolutely incredible.



    Assault specs do insane DPS. They burn people down incredibly fast, they're just quite squishy.


    VG/PT are definitely borderline OP in PvP. When played well it is a scary, scary class.

  3. Seriously? WOW pvp and especially Rift's PVP make this game's pvp look horrible. Simply horrible. 3 rehashed warzones and a bunch of broken unpolished open world zones that dont work right.


    Except both WoW and Rift are horribly unbalanced compared to SWToR.



    WoW has NEVER had good PvP balance. Neither has Rift. There is nothing nearly as dominant in SWToR as there has been constantly in both Rift and WoW.



    I'll take balance over # of WZ options every time. I also enjoy the lack of macros in SWToR. There is a much higher skill differential because of it. In Rift you could easily put your entire rotation on 1 button and mash 1 hotkey for optimal damage.

  4. In order to nerf sorc you must nerf something thats more OP than sorc in almost every shape and form.


    Nerf commando.



    Commando solo defending a node with 7 enemies, walking godlike.


    If you think sorc should be nerfed but commando untouched, please wake up.


    Id like to see a sorc tanking 7 people like the commando can in that video.


    There I have a proof of 1v7 as a commando in WZ, please show a sage/sorc doing the same. And also NO spamming garv/tracer is not skill and probably why you got outplayed learn from the video and then ofc learn to play.



    If those people knew how to interrupt it wouldn't have taken long. 2 MDPS cycling interrupts and CC can easily kill a merc healer.

  5. It's really not. HtL allows you to run out of a bad position, whereas storm can only put you into a bad position.


    Considering that VGs have the highest damage reduction in the game, being in melee is not a bad position.



    Also if you don't know how to use it to escape a melee train then you need to learn to be more creative.

  6. Does expertise stack with damage reduction from armor/resists or is damage reduced before or after armor/resist are taken into consideration?



    Does anyone know?


    If it is an additive stack it is crazy good (especially if you have high armor) and would make the calculations drastically favor expertise.

  7. And I would swap my OP for an assassin in pvp in a second. Lets face it the force classes are (on the whole) a lot more suited to pvp. Going back to the original post it would be nice to see the new wz being built around suiting the non force classes.


    Voidstar heavily favors ranged classes AKA only sages/sorcs are any good from the force users.



    The only reason people ***** about force users in huttball is because it's all you get to play on 3/4 of the servers as imperial.



    I recommend re-rolling republic on the same server and getting to play the other 2 WZs.

  8. I officially had it today witht he class imbalance.


    Specifically Assasins and Operatives.


    It's a joke


    Learn to play good sir, learn to play.


    The only possible imbalances in this game are Merc/commando healer durability and sorc hybrid spec shenanigans neither of which is really that bad and both can be dealt with with a good team.



    This MMO has BY FAR the most balanced classes in PvP. No other MMO comes close, really, not at any point in time has any MMO had classes this close to balanced.


    The WZs, however, heavily favor different classes (except alderaan), huttball is all about mobility (force users, tank spec PT/VG) and Voidstar is all about range and AE.

  9. If you go full tank spec with tank gear in PvP you will be gimp.



    The best durability in PvP is from high as hell armor stacked with straight DR talents.


    The only classes that can really ignore armor in PvP are the BT/Trooper with assault/pyro specs. No other class/spec has enough elemental/internal damage and armor reduction to pretty much hit everyone for the same damage.



    The only PvP tank that should run with a shield (unless you've got the huttball) is a PT/VG who gets both heat/ammo and a CD reset on stockstrike/rocketpunch from shield procs which actually will result in a net DPS increase in PvP if anyone ever fires some basic attacks at you (hint: they will).



    PvP tanking is a combination of utility, protection and damage. If you are bad at any of the 3 you are a bad tank. For damage you run in full DPS gear while in tank spec. In PvP, as I said before, most damage mitigation is from armor and talents. Defensive stats, while they do help, are not as good as being able to actually kill stuff.


    Knowing when and how to use defensive cooldowns is also key. Using your assassin's 50% defense chance against my Trooper or tank assassin is bad (almost entirely force/tech attacks which bypass defense and shields) while using it against that marauder or sniper is good. Using your force shroud against the assassin or trooper is good while using it against the sniper or marauder is much less effective.



    I have a BM assassin tank spec and am currently leveling up a VG with ironfist spec (lvl 41 currently) and they are both incredible PvP classes but I ignore defensive stats.



    Defensive stats could maybe use a small buff in PvP but tank damage without DPS gear is so low it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway as you can easily be ignored.

  10. Dude, more HP does not > more Damage reduction. And I did a test and saw i did more dmg with pvp gear against people.


    People have been brainwashed to think PvE gear is good in PvP by a couple of threads here with incredibly bad and flawed math.


    Easy kills for me I guess.

  11. Vanguard damage ignores armor for the most part which is incredible in PvP.




    Assault VGs probably have the highest and most difficult to shut down DPS in PvP of all classes. The only problem is the ammo system is very unforgiving.



    Commandos can only reach the DPS of a VG if they're left alone. A good DPS or tank will interrupt the 1st or 2nd grav round and you'll be kind-of screwed. A Vanguard doesn't have that problem at all and the mix of range and melee means you're comfortable at every range.



    Commandos are AMAZING PvP healers though. So goddamn hard to kill.

  12. I was doing the same thing, until today...


    This morning I was planning to get another lvl 46 weapon for one of my companions. However, I found out that you could no longer spend comms on items higher than your current lvl. So no more stock piling higher lvl gear for later. I guess your only option now is to spend them on stims and kits or lock-boxes of your appropriate lvl.


    It's greyed out but you can still buy them.

  13. As soon as you're getting healed or playing a healer expertise is godlike.





    I've yet to see any math that shows rakata being better when any healing is involved.




    A mix can be good but you're better off just putting rakata mods in BM gear.

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