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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Karandor

  1. There are several breakdowns on the Jugg forums about how Vengenace is a sub-par spec for PvP.


    PvP is about one of two things, either you are a burster or a controller.


    Venge is neither burst nor control.


    Now, that doesn't mean you can't do well with it, but it is a sub-par spec when compared to a spec that can burst for 5 to 7 k AoE, and a spec with an extra stun, super rage gen and good defense.


    Though the trick to Immortal is to wear Damage PvP gear while playing Immortal.



    You've never heard of pressure specs have you?



    If a rage jugg misses his smash (good players can and will make this happen) he's pretty much screwed. Venge's DPS is quite high and never stops and has excellent burst with almost guaranteed (+60%) scream and vicious throw crits. It also has less issues with rage generation and better survivability than rage spec.



    It's just less sexy because it doesn't get the huge AE crit.

  2. TOR runs like **** on high-end systems too so don't feel bad. You'll feel worse in a month when you're already sick of this game, wondering why you just dropped a grand on a new computer for it.


    Runs fine if you have an i5 or i7. Unfortunately no other processors seem to be able to handle the zerg warfare in illum.




    You can easily build a machine for $700-900 that can run this game very well.

    Building PCs is so damn easy now (you pretty well can't **** it up) that anyone with 1/2 a brain should do it.




    1. Processor, processor, processor. Get at least an i5 2500k. Get a "k" processor so you can overclock it for the future. Intel is the only option at this point, AMD is far inferior.

    2. Hard drive speed and cache size are more important than total size.

    3. Get a P67 or Z68 chipset motherboard to make sure you can overclock.

    4. Video Card is not a huge deal in SWToR, I'm running on an old ATI 5770 (i7 2600k processor) without any problems. Get something good but no need to break the bank.

    5. For ram 8 gigs seems to be plenty for SWToR.

  3. To play a tank in PvP you need to make sure you still use DPS gear and unless you're a PT/Vanguard use a focus instead of a shield. The reason a PT/VG use a shield is the crazy stockstrike/rocketpunch CD refresh when shielding an attack which is pretty awesome.



    Juggs/guardians have probably the weakest tank spec for PvP. Assassins/shadows can put the full 31 points, PT/Vanguard can go 21-23 points while juggs/guardians should just spec DPS.

  4. I premade a lot with people in Rakata gear and they melt faces... I am in full champ and obviously hold my own. They have less than 140 expertise.


    Their damage is fine but rakata gear is super squishy compared to BM/champ gear.


    It is 10X easier to kill a rakata geared healer than a BM geared healer.

  5. Opinion: PVP gear should be abolished in every MMO.


    WAR tried this and failed terribly because you needed to PvE to compete in PvP. Same goes for vanilla WoW where people raiding molten core would just roflstomp people who had been PvPing the entire time.



    If you make equivalent gear available in PvP all the raiders *****.



    Having a PvP stat works.

  6. The problem is that Rakata gear (and some Columni bits) do outclass the Battlemaster gear in pvp. If they just put more endurance on all the pvp items to emphasise survivability, and maybe buffed the Expertise co-efficiant, it might be worth using BM over Rakata in pvp again.


    As it stands the BM gear is too frustrating (i.e. random) to get, and isnt good enough compared to Rakata when you do get it.


    I love when people think rakata is better than BM gear. All the math trying to prove that rakata is better is horribly flawed. As soon as you get a single HoT on you BM is better.



    Now BM gear with rakata mods in it is totally awesome.

  7. 17 pages of crying about not having any friends to PvP with.......




    Get a free mumble server up and running and invite a few of the good PuGs you see in WZs and BAM premade.




    You too can have fun with people in a game that is made for exactly that purpose.

  8. Mid + side is the most stable. 2 sides is a lot harder to defend from zerging.



    Mid has terrain advantages that greatly favor the defender where the sides have the fast speeders.


    I prefer mid + side for the stability and ease of reinforcements. 2 sides gets really hairy and 1 mistake will cost you a node giving the enemy team mid + side which they will probably hold for the rest of the game.


    If you leave mid alone it's very easy for the enemy to take it and then overwhelm the side that they choose (closer to their spawn generally).

  9. this stuff.


    There's nothing wrong with PT tanking, people just don't appreciate what the differences between the tanking styles in this game are.


    A lot of people like jugger tanks because juggies get good "Oh shi-" buttons. A jugger is more likely to be able to handle temporary gaps in healing or bad transition periods than any other tank because he has a great selection of strong defensive cooldowns. He's a forgiving tank to heal and to play.


    What makes PT great is that they're amazing utility tanks for aggro grabbing and maneuvering mobs. Assassins and juggs have a hard time positioning their bosses because they only fight in melee. A PT tank can kite his target, taunt from 30 yards, generate threat on his ion cylinder with 30 yard rapid shots, and generally has a better toolbox for gaining snap aggro on packs.


    In a static tanking environment where the boss doesn't move and the raid doesn't require sophisticated positioning, a jugger tank is usually a safe bet because they're easy.


    in a dynamic tanking environment where players and mobs have to move, its SHOWTIME for the powertech.


    You do not have the assassin's dps potential.


    You do not have the jugger's 'stay alive' buttons.


    What you do have is utility, and utility is the only thing that cannot be replaced. You dont need an assassin tank to do damage if the DPS section is good. You don't need a jugger tank to have cooldowns up if the heal section is good.


    Only the powertech brings something that is irreplaceable.

    Just wait, the raid community in this game is still very young. Eventually, people will figure out what different tanks do, and what kind of content has what kind of fights, and you're going to see that in fights where positioning and control are paramount, there's going to be a preference for PT tanks.


    Assassin tanks actually have great utility and great CDs for tanking. Force shroud is amazing when used properly force speed breaks immobilize and snares (positioning isn't a problem, they also have pull) they have a 24/7 5% AE damage debuff + slow along with a 5% AE accuracy debuff. This along with good self healing (12% every 4-5 GCDs). Assassins' problems tanking are they simply can't reach the armor levels of juggs/PTs for better base mitigation.



    The reason that assassin was DPSing in tank stance is because he probably plays PvP a lot and couldn't be bothered to change his spec. Tank gear sucks in PvP but tank spec does not. Also some people are thinking assassin tank spec may do just as much DPS as the other specs on pro-longed fights due to more stable force usage and regen. Assassins desperately need combat logs to figure things out.

  10. After reading/watching the initial GW2 press info all I can say is...believe the hype. I'm officially a fanboy (god help me). I really think SWTOR screwed itself out of the pvp base. GW2 will probably steal a chunk of pvers too.


    I know a couple people in beta. They tell me it's mediocre at best.



    I had big hopes for GW2 as well but what I've heard has not been good =(

  11. Wither is amazing. 30% snare, 5% damage debuff, hits hard AE and gives you a stack of harnessed darkness.



    I've tried every spec and full darkness is just by far the best spec for PvP. The other specs do more damage but have way less utility and survivability to a point that their damage doesn't make up for it.

  12. All the issues I see here are LRN2PLAY issues.



    Every class has things to do that are important. Marauder speed buff to start a match to get the assassin the ball first sorc to pull up or past fire and then rest of the team to hold mid to get the ball again.


    Melee classes are amazing in huttball because they have defensive CDs and mobility options that ranged classes do not have.

  13. Link to the post so we can see how well he maintained his rotation in Madness?


    Yeah I also would think that madness would win any long DPS race since it doesn't have any problems with force regen like deception.


    Force lightning with harnessed darkness is really good DPS though.

  14. Name another game that has a focus on engame PvP that allows stun locks let alone stun locks that last for 10 seconds even through being dmged. The fact that you're stunned until you die, is essentially an invulnerability. It would be no different than having a bubble that absorbs all damage until you kill the person.


    As for me and my "qq"ing. The first post (the one I linked) was suggestions and feedback for balance. If you actually read it you would see that it was constructive feedback not complaining. This message is requesting that someone from Bioware at least come out as say they are looking into imbalances in the classes, especially where it applies to PvP. Besides aren't you QQing by even posting here and saying I'm QQing?


    The fact is on my server if you are level 50 what you face are guilds stacked with Sages and Troopers who are almost completely invulnerable. It doesn't matter how organized you are, the fact that a trooper or sage can top the charts on DMG done, Healing done, and protection all at once means they ARE overpowered. A sage pulling 50k protection, more than my Jugg is doing in combat, 650k dmg more than our top dps is pulling, and healing 300k+ is a class that's overpowered. If you think it's the imps then I invite you to bring your guild, make a character at 50th and take on the repubs. We outnumber them but they smash us. The server is Sanctum of the Exalted. All I have to say is good luck.


    Are you trolling or is it that you really don't realize that you're talking about 4 different classes and not 2 different classes. Maybe when you figure our the difference between sages and assassins and vanguards and commandos you may have more luck killing them.


    Sages can't get protection, Shadows can. The healing done being crazy on Shadows/assassins is due to pure shockfrozen water exploit that has nothing to do with class balance.


    Merc healers being so stupidly hard to kill is the only thing really IMBA right now.

  15. Please wear rakata in WZs against me so that you can't be healed through my damage.



    Total HP means nothing in this game, all that matters is damage mitigation. All because of healing. BM gear gives you mitigation which makes heals more effective. Say a good healing sorc puts out 330000 in a WZ. That is effectively 363000 on targets with 10% expertise damage reduction. With rakata he could do:


    using 12.7% on the 330000 - 10% (from expertise) so 300000 * 1.127 = 338100


    But everyone is taking full damage so grats, even with a grossly inflated bonus from stats it still works out to less effective healing HP.



    When it comes to DPS the calculations are so freaking ridiculous that I can't believe it. Stat bonuses to damage can never be shown as a percentage unless the base of the stat is known. 127 cunning may be 12.7% increased damage if the base was 1000? The damage increase per point of a stat is linear the % increase per point of stat is therefore not.


    Anyway please keep wearing raid gear so I can blow you up even through the healing.

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