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Everything posted by Rasticles

  1. Do you REALLY want that in print? For all to see?
  2. It's past funny, it's actually sad. While I can understand people wanting into the game, the rash of BS on these forums has been an eye opener ....
  3. Would hate to see you get a foreclosure notice or something REALLY important..... Oh ...................Flagged
  4. I'm glad they're closing threads.....I've been doing my part to Flag as many QQ waste-of-space threads as possible.
  5. Yeah, the OP meant ALL Bioware games while posting in these heated SW: ToR forums...... Wow.... Personally, I thank Bioware for the job they have done, and the job I know they will continue to do.
  6. It means... why did you post this pointless thread for any reason other than to keep the flames burning....... .......................
  7. Jedi One: Hurry, the security of the entire Galaxy is at stake....... Jedo Two: Ok, I'm on my way.... just gotta clear to that Desh pile first.....
  8. North Fort Myers here... as it's windy today, I can spit and hit Cape Coral....... Any Lee County peeps, feel free to PM me.... wouldn't mind some local peeps to pass the time with .....
  9. All you whiners need to grow up already. First, until you have been behind the scenes launching something this big, then you are clueless. Second: EGA has been discussed to death well in advance. If you have failed to read and ask questions now, or whine NOW, then you yourself are the sole issue. Either decide to play, when you can get in, cancel your order/pre-order, or just go away. The whining will not change things at this point, and you are simply making threads that push legit posts further down. There are enough threads on these QQ topics already, go post there please, your UNIQUE thread will not change status quo.
  10. I just say 'Cutscene' and everyone quiets up......they know whats going on ...then 'Done Cutscene' .......
  11. Bakura.... would be cool to see that planet 3k years in the past..... Mustafar... a volcanic planet Kessel Mon Calamari Dantooine Geonosis Bespin/Cloud City There are more I'd like to see, and of course, depends on what planets are known at this timeline.....
  12. There currently is no Dual Spec.. You get your Advanced Class at lvl 10.
  13. It's either control or shift, then either L or R click... sorry, not in game, and forgot since beta closed up..... Control or Shift are required tho ...
  14. Save time, it was so useless I quit after 5 questions.....
  15. You are mostly alone...... Here you are complaining: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=95826#post95826 Here you are complaining again: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=90633#post90633 And again: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=87226#post87226 Here you go again: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=85964#post85964 THIS is a good one: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=81857#post81857 Ok, there are tons more......move on now please.....
  16. The OP joined in Nov 11... THATS when he would have entered his pre-order code... which puts him all back of the bus an' ***t whether he likes it or not, I'm voting not.
  17. Ok, didn't put this tool back in the shed? Enjoy Kung Fu Panda's while you spam 'Bouncey' while sitting in SW like you have for the last how many years?
  18. Umm... yeah.... I umm.... believe you....... umm... .yeah
  19. I'm sorry... I just find it hard to believe that A: people actually DID take the day/two days off from work.....for a game B: people actually did FAIL to read the forum stickies C: people are actually mad about A + B
  20. OMGz we're gonna be 3 days behind in Pee Vee Pee OMGz Nooooooooooooooo!
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