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Posts posted by Rasticles

  1. Why did they say they will be adding more and more people each day if they just did 1/2 a day? lol I am pretty lost now:rolleyes:


    Because it's NOT based on days, but how many pre orders they have on those days.....


    One day with 2000 pre orders is way different from a day with 50,000 pre orders....


    This shouldn't be hard to understand.....




    ^ Read

  2. He should log into the forums himself, and troubleshoot his issues..... you may end up getting quite frustrated trying to help a friend......


    He needs to post full system specs, with a dxDiag report in Spoiler tags if he wants in any way to get this resolved.


    Doing this 3rd party will slow you both down.

  3. Well done OP. If you/we were to remove all of the people with reading comprehension issues, there would be about 85% less whine CS based threads.....leaving only real, legitimate game issues.


    I'm not in yet, but I know I should be today. While waiting for my EGA, I have done plenty of yard work, shaved, threw stick with my dog, cleaned up/out a spare room we have, came in, occasionally to hit F5, check email, back at important things.


    I'm glad you and so many others are having a good experience, and I'm already sure I will as well.

  4. Can people of the community handle a thread that deals with honest and constructive criticism of the game and not get into hate speech and dog crap throwing please?



    These are my main issues right now and I want people to put what they do not like or like about the game and experience as customers thus far.


    1.)Lack of Communication- I was not thrilled nor impressed buy what appears to be "added details later" approach that Bioware and SWTOR has started to use.


    a.) Early Access and Grace Period- Now everyone can say what they want but, the entire community has sang in unison on this point. These have been handled poorly and Bioware has dropped the ball and lost the once in a lifetime chance of the community to "wow" us with an awesome launch.

    b.) Que times and honest maintenance plans- They posted today in the 3rd day of an already delicate EGA pre-launch that they intend to take huge chunks of playtime away from EGA via means of "maintenance"....really? That is again giving detailed information about something too late. 4-6 hours ques time to join your friends to play EGA? What is launch day going to be 8-10 hour ques?

    2.) Bioware treating some customers better then others-


    a.) EU more Important the US?-Why are European shards the first to have filled up and the first to be stabilized? Did anyone else notice this or is it just my imagination? I know it is not because I alt tab out and watch server status and monitor it even when I am not in-game.

    b.) Physical Orders-They aloud retailers to send out the CE editions via postal service earlier to EU expecting a later Launch date then the US customers?...again really? I do not want to see"they restricted no one...that is such BS


    So with that I am through with the Criticism that I have thus far.


    I would suggest that Bioware and SWTOR Team Get their communication skills together and plan better for maintenance and planning because this plan now and announce then fill in the details at the last minute or change them on us is not going go over well......I do not want anyone to think I am being melodramatic and if you do then please post that. I am trying to be real about a game I love and want to prevent take a fast track to somewhere I do not wish for it to be.

    May The Force Be With You!!!!


    You expect people to read this mess?

  5. Bioware, I love SW:TOR but I cannot believe this is what we have for an Auction House!!! You cannot even do a simple keyword search in it!!


    Tonight I had some Shadowsilk I wanted to put up in the GTN but when I looked under “Underworld Trading” there was nothing there.


    So I posed 1 pc of Shaowsilk and it would still find nothing under underworld trading!

    I tried many other categories and NOTHING.


    I then read this post….



    And learned that you had to search under diplomacy to find shadowsilk!!!


    GTN needs to be fixed/scrapped/re-worked ASAP!





    Dude, take a Valium... go smoke something... the AH is there, it's basic, and useable....give the devs time to make it pretty, and add stuff..... as a WoW vet, I can tell you, their AH was mess also......

  6. This isn't one of those idiot replies......bear with me ...






    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better

    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better

    Operating System:

    Windows XP or later




    Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM

    Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM


    Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM.


    Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better. Examples include:


    ATI X1800 or better

    nVidia 7800 or better

    Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better


    DVD-ROM drive – 8x speed or better (required for installation from physical editions only) Internet connection required to play.



    Remember, XP was sold needing 256mb of RAM, which most people found to be false when it was released. Essentially, XP with the service packs, needs a gig of RAM by itself to operate. A 2 gig system will run ToR, but not very well. With ToR's requirements, and XP needing a gig to work well, that leaves half of a gig of RAM for the game.... not enough.


    A pentium 4 is simply not going to cut it. Hyperthreading is not multiple cores, it is a prototype of multiple cores.


    Lastly, remember, video drivers tailored towards games are usually released after the game is launched.. I'd look for new nVidia and ATI drivers in a week or two after launch...

  7. Bioware should get talking to AMD and Nvidia actually they should have done this ages ago, no excuses.


    Umm, you just showed your total lack of experience in anything besides your ability to copy/pasta........


    nVidia, and ATI don't issue new game based drivers until the game is launched OFFICIALLY.



    Please don't feed the trolls.

  8. Compare to WoW? How old is it? How many other MMO's since then?




    Basically goes like this:


    A: Blah blah blah

    You: 3 decisions

    A: reaction to decision

    A: Back to railroaded dialogue

    A: blah blah

    You: 3 decisions

    A: reacation




    finally A: blah blah

    You: Dark/light?

    A: dies/thanks


    Been seen in:

    Dragon Age/KOTOR/Mass Effect/Rift/Aion(to a lesser degree)


    Space Combat:


    Been seen in:

    Tie Fighter, Cyberia etc.


    Impactful Decisions


    No decision is EVER impactful in a MMO, EVER (although GW2 promises just that)


    Starring: The quest where you "help" the padawan lift a rock that is a test from his superior.

    Result: You help, he gets demoted to desk jockey, and stay standing there waiting for the next person to help him, forever.


    Impactful decision that was!


    Been seen in: every. single. MMO. ever.


    Proper Meaningful Storyline


    Well this requires a definition of meaningful, however nothing in an MMO can ever be meaningful and change anything, since the other 9850934820539 Jedis want a shot too.


    Been seen in: every single MMO ever.


    Missed one:




    Not exactly new, even WoW had them.


    You are failing miserably at participating in this thread without bashing.....you've already given your opinion, then felt compelled to expound on your opinion, and are now getting close to nasty about it......and becoming argumentative...


    I suggest you go hug your children, and perhaps less caffeine....

  9. Run the installer to place the install where you want.....it will set up your firewall ports, registry stuff.... Don't launch, don't set up account, Finish. Then overwrite the dir with your full folder from source....


    To test, run Repair...


    If you don't run the installer, some items wont be set up, like the firewall ports, etc....

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