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Posts posted by Rasticles

  1. This is pretty much it in a nutshell and what you 2nd gens dont get.


    You honestly said you took your time and 6 weeks youre 50 and you honestly dont see the issue?


    6 weeks to get to max level is a joke 3 months-6 months would be pretty good to me


    You get with these games today fast levelling and no end game for 2 reasons


    1) the 2nd gen people aka wowbabies want to level in 2 weeks or less

    2) investors force companies to release games therefore games get released incomplete no or very little end game raiding etc


    And so you are saying in your whole 2 days of being 50 you can say with absolute certainty your length of time you wait for pvp and anything else. And youre playing 24 hours a day I guess as well. So you know in your whole 48 hours of being 50 that you hav nothing to do and nothing can be accomplished




    Says the non-level 50.....and I'm not 2nd gen....and I so want to use bannable language here....I'm probably older than you....


    I play 2 hours evenings, a few hours a day on weekends....so, you have really said NOTHING.....


    I WISH I could get into PVP WZ's.....the Ilum stuff I wait for my GF for in the evenings......I was in a queue today for over 2 hours.....had to log ...


    Enjoy your pre-50 PVP......

  2. I have an active WoW sub....though I am totally burned out on it.... it pains me to help my guild raid...


    But I really don't care for your tone.... not everyone is a 'Locust' as you seem to want to put it....


    I think I hit my spacebar only on repeated FP's, took my time....., helped guildies, did Space missions.... like the 'article' says, leveling is simply too fast... not my fault though.


    Now, I sit with smelly finger, on the Republic Fleet, looking at the population go between 22 and 32 people, an hour ++ into a queue for one WZ... so maybe I can complete my Weekly quest sometime this week......


    OP, YOU can go back to WoW.... I love this game up TO 49... so far, at 50, I'm not too happy.......no Kung Fu Panda's for me.....

  3. ... just before a jarring impact and full stop.


    Level 50. I took my time, as I hit 50 just two days ago. And now I'm so ticked off about hitting 50 I just about can't stand it.


    On my server, getting a WEEKLY PVP quest done is about impossible. Unless I'm willing to be at my computer 8 hours a day, I can't get into more than 1 or 2 WZ's a day, and you gotta win 9.......


    I love this game, and I hate being wrong, but it seems I may have been....the dwindling population on my server is alarming, thus leaving less lvl 50's to queue up for WZ's....


    The standing-in-AoE-farming-on-Ilum doesn't appeal to me. I can and do still do my PVE content, but during the day the guild roster is a bit thin......


    All of the past/present issues I can work with or around, but having nothing to do, I can't fly with.....


    2 days of this, and it's already getting old for me......

  4. I had begun posting on TorHead, screenshots and comments.....then a Screenshot contest was begun, and suddenly, all of my screenies were deleted.... and all met the criteria they post.....so ToRHead can go pound sand......


    Tor-loot.com has some promise for what is farmed where gear wise.......no, no relationship to the site.....

  5. Look, here's the bottom line: if a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, I'm going to roll Need on it.


    Hell, I'll even roll Need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like I do, so their output is acceptable while I'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a Flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


    Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll Need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless I'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, Jaesa (light armor with Endurance and Willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, I'm going to roll Need on it.


    I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


    Well, you'd get the boot right away if you did this in any of my groups, as if there are 4 REAL players in the group, THEY come before digital players: PERIOD. That companion isn't even summoned in a full group, so what right has he to any drops?


    Yeah, roll Need, and win a Light Armor piece that one of the REAL players could have used? I smell toolery afoot with this attitude....


    Luckily, I don't have this issue, as I run a small, solid Guild, with the same mindset on gear. Companions come last, they are geared up on OUR time, not the groups. As we all know what gear we each need want through discussion, getting drops FOR companions is never a problem, we speak up in Vent, and if none of the group minds, THEN, and only THEN, is an item rolled for Need.....


    If one of my Guildies does PUG on rare occasion, loot rules are discussed up front, which you can agree or disagree with.


    Best advice to OP? Get into a good, solid guild.

  6. I like to see all my fellow developers post in this thread.... /wave .... /sarcasm


    What alot of you people fail to realize, was that alot, if not MOST of these core basic issues were reported in CLOSED BETA ....


    This was before Weekend Beta ...


    True, the game has been released 15 days ago. But the Beta's went WAY back people.


    For the uninitiated and unwashed, I:


    Love the game...

    Am playing the game, quite a bit in fact...

    Am allowed to express frustration at some lackluster Dev performance ....

    Am glad a cover bug, and crash bug were fixed....

    Have a clue about programming

    Have a clue about mapping

    Realize the LONG Beta process this game went through with these main issues still here.

    Am not ignorant by no means...

    Am fully aware they are working on these issues/bugs

    Comprehend the department/sub team scheme


    I also realize, where many of you in this thread do NOT, is that the users we do NOT ever hear from on these forums IS the majority, Not one person, group, association, conglomeration, is a larger body than the users who do NOT post on the forums.

    Remember that.


    If these basic, core issues are annoying many of us ON the forums, you can bet solidly on the fact that it IS annoying a large portion of the majority, who, again, do NOT post on these forums.


    They just simply go away.....quietly, un sub, cya.......

  7. Some of the things you are 'patching' are ok, fine and dandy, but first I will say, I'd have NOT publicized the Baby Names added last patch... who cares on the paying, player side? It was in poor taste, should have been done quietly, and those who were upset over getting missed originally should have been emailed.


    Overall, your patches are 100% UNDERwhelming. It's as if this game will take 6 mos to just get stable/fixed/situated.


    You guys should be focusing on SOLELY what affects players experience. PERIOD! Not baby names.


    Guild tab functionality: can't invite to group from it.... REALLY?


    Any and all companion bugs: FIX THESE NEXT PATCH. Delay the patch, but seriously....


    Maps: some real sloppy map jobs. Whatever issues, like the laser light show, ENOUGH, fix your maps as people are complaining about.


    UI: ok, don't add anything, but STABILIZE the one you have. One example, is if you don't have 95% near perfect aim when dragging an icon to a bar, if you 'miss', you get prompted if you want to destroy the item, like relics, or the ability just disappears......Guild panel still doesn't sort when you sort by say rank.....


    Loot issues in raids? REALLY? (I'm not raiding yet, but COME ON, seriously?)


    Peoples MODS disappearing?


    Can't link a dropped weapon to my Guild mates? WHAT?


    I mean, COME ON. FIX what you have now, worry about other stuff once you stabilize the game.


    For what it's worth, I'm personally only having the UI and Guild panel + invite issue. But, I'm not going to be very happy IF and WHEN I get bit by the Kira bug...and I get occasional laser light shows.


    I'm very happy with the game itself, but the container needs to be sealed up, so to speak, and these inky-binky patches need to stop, the Devs need to get the essential things FIXED, once and for all, instead of putting out an FPS fix that fixes nothing.


    Real Dev's put out REAL , FUNCTIONAL patches.

  8. Well, many of you are missing one thing: Developer Intent


    I am quite sure the dev's never meant to have a level 14 player fully maxxed on his Crew Skills.. after all, what does a lvl 14 need with Rakata stims? Surely the lvl 50's in the video need and can/should be able to make them .....


    Should sub-40's or whatever level be blocked? Yes.


    Blizzard has done this also, where guilds were raiding, a new 'spiffy' mechanic was discovered, like kiting the boss out of the room or the like, and said guilds got a 3 day vacation. Though no physical barriers existed to prevent this 'spiffy' mechanic, it went against the Developer Intent, some peeps were all butt hurt, but, it happens.


    This guy being level 14 gets no sympathy from me. Go level your toon instead.....

  9. They are indeed blocked, and I'm glad they did....I'd hate to see a little lvl 6 running around named Luke Skywalker.....the namesake was beyond powerful in the force, not toting a practice sword that makes noise.....or scavenging for Desh in some heap ...
  10. So honestly, I really do want to like this game. And I do think it has some positive features, including Star Wars; I've always like the Star Wars movies. Unfortunately, TOR just feels really old. Even compared to World of Warcraft, which actually is very old (over 7 years now), this feels elderly.


    The following are some things that make TOR feel old:


    - No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


    - Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful


    - Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011


    - 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


    - No Day/Night Cylce


    - No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches


    - Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


    - Lackluster Character Creation


    - Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again


    - Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


    - No Macros


    - No mouseover casting


    - No addon support


    - No Dual Spec


    - Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


    - Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


    - Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game


    - Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)


    - "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


    - No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


    - Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs


    - A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title


    - No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


    - No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)


    - More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process


    Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


    TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?


    ^ Sketchy was here too !!!

  11. Yep


    This is a game breaking issue


    Unfortunately, we'll probably have to wait until 1.1 to see it fixed (not sure it will matter by then, the game might already be in the bargain bin and free to play)


    Don't be discouraged by the KOTOR/Star Wars tryhards, who tell you "IT JUST CAME LOL OUT ON A DAY AGO STOP RUSH"; any competitive player recognizes the issue you've brought up as a serious concern


    Sketchy was here ....^

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