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Posts posted by Rasticles


    There are several hacks out there.... Speed, Damage.....many more..


    I, and my entire guild have filled out so many tickets, had so many live chat agents in game, and still it's an ever increasing problem, with no evident results. I hope they get this issue resolved in 1.2

  1. OMG these are hideous.......Can we get a 'Hide All Gear' check box in our Preferences?


    WHY does BW think Jedi's wear that hideous bee keeper helm.... .I mean, where are they getting their inspiration from? I'd fathom a few guesses, but I finally got all my infractions expired......


    Bioware: Those new models are horrible.

  2. Funny, you can easily spot the loner, wanna be by myself types ....


    I am on a Standard Server, The Constant. We do plenty of Flashpoints, group PVP, and about to start 8 man raids and Hard Modes this week......



    But... wait... what is my secret? Oh... I joined a good guild. Last night we had 2 Flashpoints going, plus a group PVP thing going.....Ventrilo was a blast last night ....


    ANY time you see peeps complaining about LFG, cant find a group, I'm 50 and alone, etc, this is a person who wants what they want, NOW, and crap to everyone else. They choose to NOT be in a guild, for whatever reason, though I find mostly, it's being self centered.


    How can I possibly say that? I've personally talked to at least 100+ people since pre-launch when they are LFG, or LFM... after 20 mins of doing same, I whisper them where their guildies are........


    'Oh, I'm not in a guild......'

    'Wanna be in a good active guild?'


    Then I get Ninja-vited to a group which I immediately quit....


    No sympathy. If you're too good to give SOME time to fellow guildies, and reap the benefits of being in a good solid guild, then I'm sorry, unsub ASAP, but don't whine here.


    Excuses like I can't find a guild, there are no guilds that play when I do, same thing: Waaa somewhere else. It is not that hard, it just takes a bit of effort, and a wee bit of time sacrifice.


    This is an MMO, not a single player game. Only SOME aspects are single-player.

  3. Doing ANYTHING today in an online game group without Vent or TS is just being ignorant.


    If people are munching chips in your ear, or blasting the raid with Madonna, someone hasn't been terse enough with the members doing this. My guild simply doesn't have people who do this, dunno bout you....guess some of you do...


    But I'll not type out a long set of directions for an encounter when it is MUCH easier to relay the same in Vent, quicker, where I can hear an 'I got it' back from the player.


    Also, assuming new people in the raid, even after you have laid out the encounter, someone ALWAYS stands in fire. Do you stop DPS to type out 'Hey, Ramalamasobad, get out of the fire please' or just push a button and say it? Call me provincial here, but, seems a pretty basic decision....


    Lastly, convenience. Many of our guild are new players, who of course have a ton of questions. I'd much rather hit a button to answer them when I'm tanking a Heroic 4 than temporarily ignore them in chat, or stopping my rotation to type out 'Have a good evening'.


    If you feel your peen is bigger because you don't / can't / won't use it, great for you. I will say one of our new members was being real hard headed about getting Vent, similar arguments as here... FINALLY, she got it.... now, you can't get her to NOT be in Vent.....


    I mean, really? Like why aren't some of you still using rotary phones or 8-track tapes still?

  4. The guy who said they were variables were correct..... anyone who has even worked on mySQL/PHP programming knows this....this is mid-ranged to high level web programming....and granted not everyone knows this, but today us web programmers are a dime a dozen....


    Have a look: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/try.php


    It's a link to a demo DB interface, with nice neat pictures. This game is 100% DB driven, and you can bet their DB has an interface VERY similar to this......point, click, submit. Changed. Next. The Hero engine toolkit also has a graphical interface....



    But I agree, not a big priority.....

  5. dude, people are saying they get nauseous and migraines. i showed a friend today the game and played for an hour, he watched and didn't understand at all what could cause that.


    there is only a brief white color on the skills when the GCD ends. it doesn't flash the entire screen, and is barely noticeable.


    my friend as well as I cannot fathom how any one could get remotely sick from that.


    i think it is all major exaggeration by people stirring things up who hate the GCD for "other" reasons.


    no jokes, i cannot fathom how this could make anyone ill


    10 minutes using Google....??? Yeah, several thousand of us got together to form this coalition.....

  6. Can't stand what they have done to Ilum, and this GCD fiasco....


    So, I'm logging for the night, where I'd normally be playing for another 2+ hours... I simply cannot stand the pounding headache I got from this......


    My re-sub is due on the 20th.....if things aren't further along by then, I will speak with my wallet, as Customer Service is too keen on giving out useless Droid responses, and forum infractions.

  7. Can't tell if posts are serious...or trolling. I like the change but I can understand if some people could be bothered to some extent but c'mon...calling for a rollback? There is no way the people in this thread are serious. If you quit a game over something like this...wow.



    There can be serious medical issues involved here....some speculate there already have been.....epilepsy, Photo Sensitivity, Diabetes-related eye issues, tons more.....


    This craptastic GCD thing needs to be changed asap....

  8. Guys, we're obviously new to PVP, perhaps MMO's.....


    She sounds like a new player, one who hasn't gotten used to the game yet, where once she gets into a busy PVP match, we're overwhelmed....


    This is not a reason for ridicule....it's part of life.....live it or die.


    To the OP: be at maximum distance, not in the thick of things...some say in the middle of things, but I like the range from the friendly side myself ... heal what you can, when you can, bubble, and run away when things get too close.......stay moving when possible..... over time, you'll find yourself running away less, able to avoid those nasty stuns/interrupts more, have better gear..... etc..


    That's the best I can tell ya, and what I did when I was first learning FPS games in '94 ....though we didn't have the bubble.....


    It takes alot to get used to all thats going on in a PVP match......it's a busy place, but interrupts are definitely not going away, they are part of what we do in Flashpoints and Raids as well....when Thermocles the World Ender casts Everyone's Gonna Die, a simple kick to the chin, and no cast......same with your heals... in PVP, healers are target one, they are squishier, unless well geared and well played, and they heal....not desirable in a PVP match......

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