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Everything posted by BluePlatypus

  1. Me: "hey my television arrived, and it's broken" Best Buy: "oh, sorry about that." Me: "thanks! I feel much better now!" <hangup> I rather them be completely silent and let their actions (patches, fixes) do the talking.
  2. Feature requests are equally as important as bug fixes. Sorry man, just because there will be less people around posting about how crappy TOR is, wont make it any less crappy.
  3. Well they both use ridiculously crappy game engines, so I guess that's one similarity. WAR was actually better than SWTOR when it launched imo.
  4. I think the fact that it is broken is why people are playing it, in this instance. Nice job commenting on something you know nothing about though, you've mastered the internet.
  5. Rift has much better graphics, but they are sadly not star warsy enough.
  6. Did someone's cat get on the keyboard?
  7. It's data gathering, I dont think he wants to date you.
  8. I'll play: Age: 32 Gender: Male Location: US Faction: Empire Occupation: Systems Engineer Rate: 4/10
  9. I would love to know how any game would take action against software that interacts with a computers peripheral. heh. Anyway, people who cant afford a gaming mouse/keyboard/nostromo can download AutoHotkey. There are enough sample scripts on the internet and these forums to get you started.
  10. What are you, level 10? I had more abilities in SWTOR at level 30 than I do on any of my toons in Rift. Trying to stretch your hand to hit alt+= while strafing isn't skill, pal. It's retarded. How are those mouse-clicking skills coming?
  11. I hear all the new companions are going to be lesbians!
  12. I believe social gear is meant to be worn socially. Not when you are tanking mobs. Not really sure though.
  13. Did they reset SWTOR's rating to 0 once the game came out or just average it into its "hype rating"? I dont see any information about how the figures are gathered.
  14. Not sure if you have played recently, but warfronts are bracketed by prestige rank now, which helps with the gear inflation problem. (unless you go up against a p1 with HK gear i guess)
  15. So was SWTOR. I bet they didn't reset the votes once the game was released.
  16. Hang on until I find some review aggregator that proves you wrong.
  17. It did nothing to any loot tables. BioWare felt it was too hard to design pieces of armor that were differentiated from each other by design rather than color. So they "fixed" it so we couldn't change the color of gear.
  18. Why? You're literally the only person I've seen besides BioWare employees that doesnt want the OPTION to unify color to chest. So, why?
  19. There's a fine line between hyperbole and trolling
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