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Everything posted by Lunablade

  1. I recently got for my bh mandalorian tracker set and it looks pretty great, I like shining green armor with a combination of the black, and there aren't many people on the fleet in those colors. Mandalore preserver set is good to in my POV and not to expensive. I plan to get in the future for my character Shae Vizla armor which is the best looking one for the bh in my opinion. Anyway check this video out about the evolution of mandalorian armor :
  2. I hope how we will get in the future more Lana content since she is my favorite sith now in which we will see further development of her character , and one more chance to get a LI lock for her for the people like me which screwed their romance in KOTFE chapter 9 because of the confusion with that cantina scene which never indicated to us how if we don't pick there non flirt option would lose the romance. My sorceress likes her more than her original companions, Andronikos was just a generic pirate for her and Talos not really her type while Ashara was to childish for her taste, and she finally found her soulmate in another reasonable pragmatic sith.
  3. You get Bowdaar as companion. Smuggler and imp agent are the mirror classes, and their gunslinger/sniper advanced class trees are the ranged ones ( tho they are much harder to master than sorc/sage and commando/ merc and they have cover mechanic on which you need to get used to ). Smuggler story is ok especially if you want to see how the things look like on the rep side and if you want that H.S. experience, but from those classes I would personally pick agent since I think how the story is more interesting one and the empire side is just in my POV cooler
  4. Where to start with this : First, yes SWTOR in my POV is different than other MMOS since I dont know really many which were advertised as a story driven games, and which have unique class based stories for all the classes in the length and with the variety of choices this game does, and with so many cinematics and voice overs like this game. Also its obvious to the many which played this game from the vanilla how most of the development time went into actually storytelling content than into an ordinary MMO activities - operations, flashpoints, warzones. And especially this could be said for the latest expansions KOTFE/ KOTET which had more solo centric content than anything else. But to get back to the topic - You cant know what it is unreasonable and neither can you how hard would be to implement something to the game if you are not in the position of the dev in this game. I do understand that it would be better perhaps if the option for replaying the content was firstly made for the original content and than the later expansions but it wasn't and I'm looking here what could be done with the things which are already implemented into the game and from that aspect what would be easier to implement when it comes to options of doing something like this. Also I'm not asking here for several different world states of the game for a single character but just one which is not unreasonable at all , so everyone would need to decide how they want to have their perfect world state to look like on their character and based on that make the final playthrough in the chapters in which the story flags could be resettable.
  5. I haven't played it yet personally but I did hear from the many how the imperial agent storyline is one of best in this game if not the best with many twist and turns and different ways to play that character. What others have said already I think how its true, that SW and JK stories can connect better to the new expansions. I played the trooper and it was my first class in this game but the storyline felt bit generic to me, I felt more like playing some soldier game than SW. Smuggler storyline is basically the Han Solo experience in this game.
  6. Well the guys with an intention to get everyone to buy the things on the CM obviously since most of the things on it are far better done than anything earnable in the game.
  7. I agree with most of what you posted about her ( she is one of the characters which annoy me the most in the game ), just instead of the Revan which got ressed many times already I would prefer to see Darth Malgus return.
  8. When I mentioned starting from the scratch here since its an MMO I did mean on the option to replay the chapters of KOTFE and KOTET with their original world states in which we would be able to make the new decisions again which would stick with us like we are playing them for the first time, without trashing our own characters which are geared up and which we care about for. If I just wanted to create a new character I wouldn't at all post here how I support the idea for a story flags reset. Also when we talk about SWTOR we are talking about the game which is fundamentally different from most other MMOS, since the main aspect of this game was always story and everything else for it is just an addition to it. And since we already have in the game the replay function for KOTFE and KOTET entire storylines it shouldn't be that hard to implement on top of that the option for the story flags reset to.
  9. Actually I think how replaying the chapters in this game should be like replaying most other RPG-s which also have a lot of choices and consequences ( like Dragon age , Witcher and Mass Effect series ) so that when we start with it we can start from the scratch if we want to ( that should be optional ) and from the original clean world state and not from the world state we made in our last playthrough. Of course to change the things in the story we would need to start replaying the game from the point in which the decisions which bother us were made ( everything else what we did before that would remain the same ) and than after we would make the new ones if we would want for them to have the impact on the later chapters we would need to replay those to.
  10. I don't know why is so hard for the devs to implement into KOTFE and KOTET the option to reset the story flags by replaying the chapters. I just replayed KOTFE on the veteran mode in the hope that I could reset the flag since I messed the romance with Lana on my main character unintentionally in chapter 9 of the KOTFE because that entire scene in the cantina was so confusing for me like it was for many others to , and nothing was indicating there how picking on it the non flirt option will end the romance for my character with her and I romanced her since SOR and through most of KOTFE before. I only managed by doing that to get the flag while I was in the chapter but once it ended it was lost
  11. From the classes I played : Bounty hunter : this class has really fleshed out companions, for me is hard to decide between cutie Mako and the guy with a lot of spirit and good sense of humor Gault since I like them equally. Sith inquisitor : Khem Val , what would an inquisitor be without his loyal dashade.... Trooper : Aric Jorgan, he resembles all what havoc squad is about : bravery, determination, and the people which are willing to go as far as to risk their own lives to save the day for civilians and the republic. Jedi consular : Qyzen, honorable and loyal trandoshan with a lot of the life experience which fits good into the consular story and from which the player can learn a lot about the trandoshan culture, next is Nadia which is a noble padawan with a strong will to learn everything about the galaxy and the jedi order to be able to become one day a great jedi herself.
  12. I don't care about other companions but I would really like if BW would give us a way to get the Shae Vizla companion, it doesn't matter to me how - on the cartel market or as a sub reward for a prolonged subscription.
  13. She will be only fun if we will eventually be able to turn her completely to the dark side, something like which we have seen with the transformation of Anakin to Vader.
  14. The mount we got today is probably one of the coolest ones I've ever seen in the game and in MMOS in general
  15. Actually examples of the Darth Marr, Lana Beniko , Darth Decimus and some of the other great sith lords of the past are proving otherwise. My sorceress is well aware of all the corruption which comes from the internal fighting within the empire for the positions and more power but she thinks how that only weakens the empire from within, she doesn't tolerates disloyalty and treason, she always had a goal to become one of the top members of the empire society and one of the most powerful sith in the history but on other hand as a former member of the dark council and someone who had one of the leading positions within the society she wants to leave the great legacy behind her and to be remembered as one of the great sith lords of the past like Tulak Hord which did lead the empire to the rise again and to its glory days and she thinks how that can only be achieved with a pragmatic leadership which cares about the best interests of the empire to strengthen it in the new era and not only her own. My guess is that there will be an option to hold that position still and to be taken as an equal to the Acina for the people which will want to get into a empire society again and maybe even eventually to become the only ruler of the both empires without the act of aggression against their homeland worlds and faction.
  16. This are some good news for me, I'm happy that the devs finally acknowledged the needs of MMO PvE players and that we might expect again in the future to get full raids released on some decent schedule. Also in my POV is a + that the game is going back to the empire vs rep because to be honest the entire alliance thing from the start didn't felt natural to me because I cant just picture my sith sorceress which cares about the best interests of the empire after all the history with the pubs to ally with the people like Jorgan and with the republic which she wants to conquer.
  17. Meanwhile somewhere at Blizzard HQ : Boss at Blizzard HQ : " We want for you to know where you just got working , you should know how we care here about our reputation and want to be known as a company which not only makes great games but also offers to them good quality support once they are released unlike that EA which nickels and dimes its customers with the least amount of content it can put in its games. " New employee at Blizzard HQ : " But how you do that boss ? " Boss at Blizzard HQ : " We communicate a lot with our players and based on their feedback we implement the things in our games for which we think how they will improve them and make the majority of them happy , we make sure that everything is polished and tested before we release it, we know that we need to invest in our games to be able to get that money back and more out of them in return , we have here the long roadmaps for our games and we are clear about that which makes our customers excited for the things we will get out for them in the future , we know that MMOS are different beasts from the single player games and that for them to remain popular they need continuous content support, we follow our competitors and are taking ideas from their games and later implementing the things which are popular in them to our own games with our own touch to them, we always look for the ways to challenge ourselves and do better than the last time when it comes to the quality of the content getting released. " New employee at Blizzard HQ : " Can you give me a one good example of a solid and successful content released ? " Boss at Blizzard HQ : " Sure, just look what we got all out for WoW last expansion Legion which has a content for every type of the player, in an year and 7 months we released : a new class demon hunter with its own storyline, many unique class halls with their own quests and storylines , 6 different zones with dailies and 9 different reputations, 13 new dungeons for which we implemented in their mythic mode the ability to scale in the difficulty all the way to +20 and 5 new fully fleshed raids with 40 bosses in various difficulties. "
  18. I don't mind CM but would appreciate if on it would be more items on the constant direct sale and much less RNG. Tho I find it ironic that armors like Tulak Hord one and Revan reborn aren't earnable in the game by doing the hardest achievements but instead purchasable on the CM.
  19. The purpose of the survey wouldn't be to prevent the trolling on the forum, that will always be happening no matter what and it is and not just on this forum ( its actually something which is usual especially on the forums for MMOS ). But it would be for one a sign that BW & EA are still caring about the game and their customers and how they wish to improve it based on their inputs, especially if majority of the players would see some positive changes with the game after it would be done, and for the other it would offer to the devs valuable input on what content they should focus on and in what direction they should turn the game in the future which would make the majority of the players happy with it.
  20. I agree on that with you, and feel like BW should just make a survey of the current and former subscribers in which should be the questions about : what they think that atm is lacking in the game regarding the content, what type of the content should be more developed and would they prefer for the game to get the bigger expansions with the decent updates of the content over the content getting released like it is currently. For the former subscribers should also be there a questions about what made them stopped subbing and what would the game need to get for them to return. Based on that the devs would get a much clearer picture of what majority of the customers think and what they would need to do regarding the content.
  21. With the Mako my BH has that Leon the professional feeling ( with the only difference that she is much older than Mathilda in the movie ). My char loves her, she is : smart, sweet and hot.
  22. I think how this game can get a turnaround , become more popular and how EA could be earning a lot more money from it than it is now. I can see that by just looking what this game has and is offering currently to the market. Its by far the most immersive and in my opinion the best SW game around, Battlefront 2 cant even come near the level of the quality SWTOR has on that part. Than we have here a really good base game in which development was invested apparently around 200 million of dollars https://mmos.com/editorials/most-expensive-mmorpgs-ever-developed and I think that someone would need to be really asinine to throw all that into the trash can. We have the classes which are more interesting and fun than generic ones from most other fantasy MMOS. We have a game with a solid graphics still and with the engine which is hard to work on I believe but if Blizzard managed to tweak the WoW engine several times already and that game is much older than this one to make it working with the latest versions of DirectX and to get graphical improvements for that game I don't see why BW wouldn't be able to do that here. We have an IP which is again getting all the spotlights and more popularity with the new Disney movies getting released yearly, so anyone with a good sense for marketing would figure out how the game should start riding on that wave to make a good promotion. The only thing which is missing now for a turnaround is the better treatment, to accomplish that it would need continuous support on the content development part which most others successful MMOS do have. As I said already in other threads of this subject - if the game would start getting fully fleshed expansions with like : 2-3 new ops, several flashpoints, 1 or 2 new warzones and expanded story during the leveling process that would make a lot of the people again excited for it. Also to keep the players happy and subbing for the longer periods it would need to get good content updates from time to time. I know that many would be happy here if BW would start releasing full ops again every few months and add occasionally : some new warzones, more planets with the new daily areas and some bits of the story ( heck if BW would make an survey of the playerbase I think how the results would prolly show what I'm saying ) .
  23. Yes I do. The key thing in MMOS is that devs shouldn't just cater to one type of the players with the type of the content getting released. Also its always better for them when they focus on the type of the content which gives more replayability to the majority of the players, because that kind of content should always have an priority over anything else since it will hook the players longer to the game and on it its never a waste to spend the resources on.
  24. Actually MMO players would play it regularly if endgame content would have in it continuous support. If Bioware would start releasing again full raids every few months and new wz occasionally that would be enough. And you are right about the people getting bored with this game, because for vets in this game the rescaled content is not a new content - they did it so many times already that they cant see any challenge in it anymore. So imho instead of rescaling the raids for the new expansions BW should focus more on releasing the new ones. Dungeons in this game are fun still and there are plenty of them overall, tho it would be a good idea to add for the master mode the option to scale in difficulty, that would increase their replayability and it would be a good form of content for the people which like to do challenging content in the small groups ( BW should just look what Blizzard did with the mythic dungeons in the WoW which are very popular in that game ). Also if the game would start getting full fleshed expansions with : 2-3 new full raids, several new flashpoints, 1 or 2 new warzones and expanded story during the leveling process that would get a lot of people excited for the game again, but for all that the game needs better funding which needs to be greenlighted by EA.
  25. In WoW you can play for free only till level 20. In those levels you cant even experience half of the content that game has. As a free player there you have a very restricted chat option. Without subscription you cant raid there. And if you want to experience the latest content there besides subbing you need to buy the actual expansion, because without it you will not be able to experience : current raids and dungeons in the game, its story and get to the max level with your character at which most players in that game do PvP. Atm in SWTOR you can get the best part of the game totally for free without paying a dime and those are all those class storylines. You can do as many flashpoints as you wish without an subscription. You can bypass the limit for warzones if you sign for them with a group. And you can get the latest expansion story arc unlocked permanently for a just one month of subbing. So compared to Blizzard I think how BW is to generous towards the free players.
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