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Posts posted by Darth_Eclipses

  1. It's voidstar...Not huttball.


    As to the topic they likely planted the bomb more often than you did.


    This doesn't explain it though: We had FAR more objective points than they did! Almost double!


    You did not have the better healers -- you had a healer who did well, but they had 4 healers who did well.


    Presumably neither side was able to get through a door, in which case I believe the team that starts on Defense is always the winner (apparently BioWare doesn't know how to code draws).


    They had *more* healers, they were *not* the better healers.


    With only 2 healers we had LESS deaths than they did - while they had double the healers and probably triple our heals.


    We were the better team hands down and yet still we lost.

  2. maybe try going for the ball instead of irrelevant duels on the sides stat padding


    You're a simpleton! Post disregarded!


    So you have better stats in an "objective" based PvP match.


    News flash, numbers dont matter if you don't plant the bomb faster then the other team!


    This is how it is in EVERY objective based game.


    Take Halo capture the flag for instance. You can out slay a team 2 / 1, but if you dont capture the flag and they do, you lose!


    If this were a K/D game it would be diffrent. Wait for more BG's


    I know all the big numbers are hard to understand - but maybe you should try looking at the top and seeing that NEITHER of us got past the first door!


    In a match like VS, there must be a clear discernible tie breaker if no teams make it past the first door. There is not clear, discernible difference: we had the better stats across the board and yet we lost.



    if nobody gets through the first door it goes to the attacking team.


    stupid, but what do u expect from the ex WAR pvp team.


    Sad thing is, we WERE the attackers, they were the defenders (1st time around).


    This PvP is utterly unacceptable and it's the reason I cannot wait for GW2.

  3. I *do* believe this is an unintended mechanic. If I know they have a chance of getting the ball close to our goal, I go kill myself in fire pits and hope I can get out of our spawn area in time.)


    You think pulling players up past the goal line and killing them in a mechanic that is meant to stop spawn griefing and NOT having that carrier score is an intended mechanic?


    No, it's not - and stop trying to kid yourself it is.


    It's not fair play. If it's going to kill the carrier, it needs to give them the score as well as they are crossing the goal line. I bet once they change it to where it does give the carrier the score - your cheating *** won't be doing it anymore.


    End of discussion.

  4. *snip*


    Keep at it.


    Marauders honestly are one of the more scariest PvP classes in the game right now. Not only do you have amazing dmg capabilties, but your utility (dmg reduction, stealth, heal debuff, aoe party speed buff, etc) are some of the best in the game.


    Look on the dev tracker: there are changes coming in the next patch concerning how pvp gear is earned.


    I am NOT one to praise BW on their ****** pvp - but honestly now they are moving in the right direction, at least concerning pvp gear.

  5. Entirely defeated. You sound angry about something.


    I don't sound angry about anything, you on the other hand, sound entirely too defensive of a game that's only one month old.


    6months when that number is still relatively high - then you can something. A year plus? Maybe then you can say they've been entirely defeated.


    A month after launch when people are probably just subbing to run through another class story or two?



  6. They can't design a game based around your jealousy.


    The new changes are fine. If you don't like games that change, mmogs are not for you.


    The swtor team has done more in the first five weeks of launch than any mmog developer ever. I have been through almost all of them and the kind of attention they are delivering so soon after launch is unprecedented.


    Who cares how long it took others to get bm gear? Again if that bothers you, mmogs are not for you.


    There were two major complaints, randomness of bags and fresh 50s having no gear. I did not have a problem with either issue but a lot of people did.


    These changes address those community concerns in spades. Kudos to the dev team for a job well done.




    RIFT did far more in far less time than TOR.


    With that said, I approve of these changes.

  7. It's got to be a total cap considering the numbers imbalance. Another fail implementation.


    From my experience this is true.


    There is a very active republic prescence on my server and I've come to notice that while we have the greater numbers overall, often times we can't get backup because our numbers are stuck on Ilum 2 - while the vast majority of their's is on Ilum 1.


    This is also true for us at times as well.


    Why did they choose to faction lock the planets??? I don't understand.

  8. Just wondering.


    From my experience it seems to be Total Cap, as in if one factions gets a preemptive number advantage, it will be impossible for the other faction to get enough numbers to combat them.


    If it is Total Cap, why wasn't the idea brought up to faction cap the planets, so there would be a more even spread?

  9. and no one has given it any much thought that they might want to actually meet some of their player base. All I hear is whining. What other company does that for it's players? Do I hear any? Nope. Ok then. Good lord. What is wrong with meeting some people, having a good time doing it all the while, chatting about the game? They will and have been listening to the forums. How about something different? Why do you have to criticize every move a company does? Is this what is wrong with the world now? They have to scrutinze a move by a good company, just cause you can? That's what I thought.


    Uhh...ever hear of a game called EVE Online run by a company named CCP?


    In EVE there is a democratically elected council of gamers that look out for the membership's interests. Furthermore, CCP flies all of those members out (whereever they are GLOBALLY) to have meetings - even emergency ones - with them regarding game issues.


    This ain't something new.

  10. Stop the hating, if you weren't invited I'm sorry...if you were... take lots of photos for the rest of us :D


    I don't mind them inviting certain guilds. Absolutely not.


    I do however mind the fact that the trip is all expenses paid for the invited guilds and for all the others it's on their own dime. Uhh, so when the invited guilds go to eat lunch with the BW developers where are the other guild leaders going to go? The Subway down the street? :confused:


    Uggh. If they are going to be reviewing guild applications and choosing a pool from there - their expenses should also be taken care of.


    It's simply just tacky otherwise.


    Other than that: I do think BW does need to listen to guilds and get their respective focus on the game and its future. TBH GOOD guild leaders listen every night about the game's failings in vent/teamspeak/mumble and have a unique POV to offer BW on how to retain subscribers.


    I just don't think they should be paying hundreds of dollars in addition to a subscription to present that POV to BW. Asking your subscriber base to do that a month from launch is...uggh. Tacky.

  11. Well as I said, I'm interested in attending this event; I am a guild leader. But I'm also a college student.


    I'm not going to pay for airfare, food and lodging just to sit in meetings all day and help improve a service I'm already paying for. No thanks.


    I suspect the vast majority of guilds will be from the local area due to the money issue alone.

  12. Melee gets in range


    a) force run away


    b) instant 8 second cc


    c) knockback + root


    d) shield and heal away till support arrives or either of the before options is available


    e) just melt him


    wow, so squishy


    You're a vanguard, *** are you doing in melee range?


    You don't have a clue *** you're talking about.

  13. So 90% of the games have 5+ Sorcs in them, when are you going to nerf the **** out of this class already?


    Will you shut up?


    Sorcs are almost the exact same as Sages...where are the Sage OP threads?


    If you're being killed by a SUSTAINED DPS class that is critting for maaaaaybe 3k on abilities - you need to get better.


    If you're being killed by a SUSTAINED DPS class that requires easily LOS'able cast time abilities to get anything done - you need to get better.


    If you're being killed by a SUSTAINED DPS class that requires easily interruptable cast time abilities to get anything done - you need to get better.

  14. So does anyone with any technical experience have any idea why GW2 runs so much cleaner than TOR?


    Well I did some datamining the other day.


    Apparently the I/O processes affect the input/output extrapolation of the server clusters, essentially causing the single threaded -


    Aww hell who am I kidding: SWTOR'S ENGINE IS ****!

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