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Everything posted by RpTheHotrod

  1. So I figured I'd give this a go just for kicks in a few PVP. I actually had some people completely stop fighting and stand...very confused. I've also had some people go for me as an "easy target" only to get blasted in the face with heatseeking missiles as they try and hightail it out of there. It would be more useful as Powertech tanking spec, however, as many people target you hoping for an easy and quick kill. I found a heavy armor orange item that has the look of a robed figure with a hooded head. I stripped out the mods and replaced it with reflex modifications and armoring. It totally messes with people's heads, ESPECIALLY when they only see you from behind. I give you, the "Sith" disguised Bounty Hunter. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/269/surprisee.png/
  2. I'll do it soon. I'm 50 now, have done all the space missions, have the highest non-craftable space gear already (not sure why you'd bother to buy even higher...you're fine as it is with vendor sold stuff), and literally nothing else to spend the space commendations on. I see no reason to continue space missions as I already have a bazillion dailys to worry about on the ground, anyway. Man do I despise daily missions. You "have" to do these annoying chores just to be able to compete instead of being able to enjoy the game.
  3. People found a way to generate about a million credits every 30 seconds.
  4. You don't get objective points for capturing the ball. I have captured 3 times in a match and had 0 objective points.
  5. Just a suggestion: When I'm going up against a stealther, I hit my DoTs on them, and the moment they battle stealth, I hit an AoE in their general vicinity. If the AoE misses, the DoT pops them right back out.
  6. I'd love it but I don't see it happening any time soon. There's a reason those games are stand alone. However, what is plausible is a change in the current system. Add in multiple "routes" in the current rail system so you're not going the same way every single time. Have certain routes be more uncommon than others. Also on the more rare routes, add more bonus objectives only found along that route. On top of that, add rare random encounters such as an enemy faction's tradeship, a bounty hunter sent after you, or hidden cargo containers. Taking out the random encounters adds ship upgrade loot (rare), space commendations (uncommon), or credits (common). There's no reason not to expand on the current system. Adding multiple routes would also help prevent auto-scripters exploiters that currently exist as right now every route is the same every time with no differences. Record a successfull mission via mouse/keyboard macros, re-take mission in the macro, repeat. Go to work and auto level for hours on end. I'm surprised Bio allows that but with the current system it just promotes it. Scary.
  7. Commendations and valor are based off of your medals earned.
  8. Powered shot is a DPS loss. Although the DPS is technically higher, in reality the heat to damage ratio is far too high (unless this was changed since last time I checked heat costs). You're better of using tracer, in that case. Tracer doesn't need a nerf. The other abilities just need to be buffed to be worth using. Many BH remove many skills of their hotkey bar (ie flamethrower).
  9. I have a hard time believing he's saying its not overpowered but that it is effective to spam it. The reason I doubt his sincerity is because spamming just tracer missile isn't effective at all. You're losing out on dps bonuses doing that, you're a sitting target, and you can be completely shut down by interrupts. Not even remotely effective.
  10. Might be bugged then. I'm seeing people hightail the ball out of there super fast. Maybe they are exploiting?
  11. Speed is just part of the game, but I do think a movement penalty should apply to everyone. Force speed could still be faster, but not full speed faster. I think it's silly that certain classes are immune to the "balance mechanic" of having the huttball. At least have them affected a bit.
  12. They are designed to spam it to create a stacking bonus for railshot and heat seeker missile. Believe me, I'd rather utilize more skills but in order to achieve good dps we have to spam it 5 times so we can utilized a powered up railshot and seeker missles. The rest of the bh abilities are way too low damage to use it or way too much heat cost. Bh spam tracer because it's all they have in the dps department. Tracer does good damage and lines up buffs for 2 other attacks that use cool down. Highest dps is death from above (long cool down) 3 tracer missiles, heat seeking missles, 2 tracers, railshot, unload, then tracer until it "unlocks" unload cool down or until the other cooldowns are ready.
  13. I know you can make orange weapons once you hit 400 armstech. It's probably the same for armortech. Granted, the orange weapons that are able to be made have horrible stats, but still...it's there.
  14. Making weapons/armor is worthless anyway with the amount of goodies you get out of moddable gear with mods. They need to allow mods to crit (unless they do, in which being maxed out in armstech, investigation, and scavenging not once have I ever done a crit on a mod).
  15. I know that Krayt Dragon has been getting trolled by a premade. They've been capping the ball within 10 seconds over and over. The fastest I saw them cap was 5 seconds. The Huttball grabber pops his immunity buff (-90% damage reduction) so he just soaks up the damage while stunned. Once he's immune to CC, he just tosses the ball to a stealther on a ledge and he passes to another. That uses force speed to cap. If there's trouble they also have force pull for their buddy.
  16. DAoC was the best MMO PVP I ever did. World War II Online would be my second favorite. Warhammer Online would be my third favorite.
  17. It's not our fault that Bioware decided to force us to have to shoot tracer 5 times to stack a damage buff for railshot. If we don't hit you 5 times in a row stacking it before railshot, then we're not doing effective DPS. Yeah, that's right. We spam it because we are designed to have to spam it in order to achieve stacking debuffs. They even have a skillpoint option to reduce part of the stacking down to 3 hits required...but the railshot ability is unaffected by it so it still requires 5.
  18. I have noticed that there is a 1 second delay after your casting bar fully fills. Like if you call your vehicle out, if you move the moment it completes and starts shining, it immediately kicks you off your vehicle due to being "interrupted".
  19. Agreed. I cannot believe how horrible the PVP gear looks. What were the artists thinking? BH look like they have a giant headcrab on their face.
  20. If PVP needs a reward system, then have it apply expertise to your character, not gear. It has no use outside of PVP, but while in PVP it "activates". The higher the valor you have, the more "expertise" your character earns. I hate a system where you have to "swap gear" constantly. EverQuest 2 had a style where every ability you had did something different depending on if you were PVPing or PVEing. If you hit a mob with a super hit, you did 15,000 damage. If you used the same ability on a player, it did 3,000 damage. No gear changes needed. It auto applied to skills....not gear.
  21. My question still remains. If I remove the mods, does it still retain it's stats minus the ones from the mods I removed?
  22. I noticed that hardmode gear has 2 slots and no armoring slot. Does the armor/damage it do maintain itself, and removing the mods out of them still cause it to still maintain it's armor/damage rating? The reason I'm asking is because I got some purple gear, but I'd like to replace one of the mods with something more useful. However, the only one I have available is a lower level mod and I don't want the armor rating and whatnot to be affected by putting in lower level mods.
  23. I noticed that hardmode gear has 2 slots and no armoring slot. Does the armor/damage it do maintain itself, and removing the mods out of them still cause it to still maintain it's armor/damage rating? The reason I'm asking is because I got some purple gear, but I'd like to replace one of the mods with something more useful. However, the only one I have available is a lower level mod and I don't want the armor rating and whatnot to be affected by putting in lower level mods.
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