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Everything posted by CheesecakeCzar

  1. Did you seriously play WoW? NPCs were rare that weren't quest npcs or vendors. TOR, however, has npcs scattered all about that give an area population. Towns actually feel like towns, for the most part.
  2. The people who missed the very obvious sarcasm are amusing.
  3. Yeah, that was pretty bad. I didn't even bother.
  4. Oh, thought you mean literally by your title, which would be pretty funny. "This is Watcher Two!" *Huuurgh* *die*
  5. I disagree. I find it cool being in space instead of sitting in a crummy hangar.
  6. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Somehow I can't shoot you point blank with my blaster?
  7. If RP is nerdy so is every actor and writer who every existed.
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