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Everything posted by DesparadoIV

  1. It has recently come to my attention that raging burst/focused burst is bugged. It has a chance to pull your target towards you. This doesn't full resolve and it works through hydraulic overrides. Proof: http://www.twitch.tv/jaqnsw/v/33067197
  2. Not going to comment on the other stuff. But on the part of me switching back to operative from sorc: I used to main sorc healer. Enjoyed it a lot but switched to operative just before arenas were launched. I wanted to try and play my sorc again for old times sake this patch and because I liked the utilities. I wasnt really getting the hps I wanted though and the utilities were a bit too situational to make up for it. So I switched back. Saying that was copying you is a bit of a stretch since pretty much everyone was using operative heal with exception of Mannovai.
  3. With 3.0 being released and quite a few people pvping at 60 I was wondering when team ranked would start popping. Head and Shoulders are going to queue tonight to see how the class changes affect team ranked and to get some ranked comms. Anyone else planning on queueing tonight?
  4. In 4v4 arenas cleansing the tank after he gets mezzed is an essential mechanic in surviving long enough to secure the win. The cleansing window for this is often very short as the healer gets hardstunned. It is quite frustrating when you are facing a powertech tank that when your tank gets mezzed and gets the dot from the ion cell cilinder at the same time (which does not break cc) you cleanse the dot and some other random effect on your tank instead of the mezz. This can make the difference between winning and losing a round. So what I would like to recommend is an inherent higher priority for cleansing incapacitating effects. OT. I would also like to see the creeping terror bug fixed.
  5. Dude. No. If you want the expansion to make more people raid you cant just hand out rewards like that. 1 drop per kill for the older bosses and a small chance (10-25%?) for something cool to drop on the harder bosses. That's how you keep people playing. Even if the content is not exactly new. That's how they did it before and it is how they should do it again. If you don't want to grind don't play an MMO. Or just don't expect the cool stuff you get from grinding. This everybody is a winner attitude is extremely annoying. Same should go for pvp. You unlock housing items at certain valour and ranked rating levels. Some items are generally available but just cost a lot of wz comms. That 's how you keep people interested in the pvp.
  6. Just because its people from the same guild playing each other doesnt mean they are wintrading... On my server I gathered most of the people interested in ranked in one guild and we had evenings where our guild was able to field 3 teams while everybody else refused to queue. So we ended playing each other and having close matches that were fun to play. If you think they are wintrading just make a team and queue up. If you get beaten by them or get good matches they are not wintrading but just playing ranked. The ranked scene is so sad at the moment that I would be happy to see 2 teams from the same guild queueing. I would get my friends together and we would play against them instead of QQ on the forums. I am also pretty sure it isnt allowed to accuse people of wintrading on the forums if you have no proof other than a couple of screenshots of them in the same arena....
  7. My entire guild is based on 8v8 ranked wz's . We transferred to Tomb of Freedon Nadd with a lot of other guilds so queueing for ranked would be viable again. And now you screw us over by removing the one thing I still enjoy doing from the game? That's just perfect.
  8. If you actually read their post explaining this, they say there will be only one representative for marauder/sentinel. So the plan of getting 2 representatives, 1 for pve and 1 for pvp is just not viable.
  9. Both myself (annihilation marauder) and 2 juggernaughts (1 immortal, 1 vengeance specced) experienced this issue repeatedly while trying to kill trasher in S&V HM 8m. We tried to leap to the demolitionist or the snipers, While this has always been a pain because of line of sight issues last night when we did manage to charge we always fell 3-5 m short of our target. This effectively dropped us back down the wall. If this happened more than once for all of us the snipers/demolitionist ended up enraging and we wiped. Let's just say that we were stuck for over an hour on a boss that we 1-shot on a weekly basis...
  10. I agree the resolve bar should not disappear as quickly as it does. The sheer amount of rage and whining about the number of stuns in this thread is completely unjustified though. Your team has just as many stuns and roots as the other team. I have a lot of fun in PVP in this game and getting chainstunned only happens when you try to solo attack a turret or if you get singled out by the opposing team. While they are killing you your team mates aren't getting killed and can do some damage or try and get them off you. Just try to play tactically. Oh and glad bubble stun got fixed thanks for that. Please don't ruin civil war though =P
  11. Hey, My guild recently started a ranked team and we noticed we needed to work on our strategies in the voidstar. Thanks a bunch for making this guide, it's mandatory reading for all members for our team now Hope you find time to add some more info to it soon
  12. I am very sorry but I have to say you are wrong. Optimized War hero pvp gear IS better than the tionese pve crap for pve. You DON'T need columi for HM flashpoints and I think it's incredibly low to call someone a liar over a fact you just don't agree with. I would like to apologise in Kalfear's place. Sorry that people like him ruin your ingame experience.
  13. I have never liked the F2P option and will continue to pretend it doesn't exist. Still giving the F2P more and more priveliges is ridiculous. You are playing a game others pay 15 bucks a month for for free. Why the hell would you cry about the restrictions? If you open chat to F2P players the fleet will be flooded with spam bots in a matter of days. Even with these restrictions I see people beg for credits on the fleet. What the hell happened to my favourite game...
  14. In Beta I did open my commando's AC bag but then proceeded to sell everything inside. only got an assault cannon after coruscant....
  15. Yeah, this about covers how I feel.... Been there since the start but i am afraid I am giving up now...
  16. God I hope this doesn't ruin the community......
  17. I preordered as soon as you could preorder and used my code right away still no invite for me. I understand a lot of people preordered at the first possible moment but I just can't wait!
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