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Posts posted by Thylbanus

  1. Does anyone have videos to share? I would like to watch.


    You can see a good vid here by Scott Manley,

    . He's a Brit who is probably THE biggest cheerleader for EVE, but also honest about what you will get into when you get there. It is quite dated, but the principles remain (except PLEX is running @ 620 million isk). All he says was true then and now.



    aka "Titanomachy" was the fight most recently spoke of. The vid is from a participant or possibly group of them as it is edited and sped up since the battle took 21 hrs. The game is all about what YOU want to do. There are NPCs that offer missions to undertake, but they are all just meant to keep the wheels of the game moving. The REAL game begins when you join a corporation. Some will grow, some will stagnate, and some will implode with small but spectacular battles. You may want to start your own corporation, you may want to go pirate and join a gang, you may just want to be an industrialist (you gotta REALLY love number crunching for that), you probably will go through all and never really decide (kind of like life).


    But then there are the days you just happen to be at the right place at the right time and you get to see mayhem on an epic level. The one thing that got me over the hump of dying: I remembered I'm immortal. Well not me, but my character. Losing a clone is no more disruptive than losing a ship. Sure it's a bit of a drag, but then again, when was the last time you felt your blood pulse in your temples and your heart feel like it will jump out of your chest? Rollercoasters are the first thing I always think of. This is a rollercoaster that you make.


    Click on my link and send me a pm to my account here with your email address (the one that you will be using for the game) and I'll send you a 21 day trial, rather than doing the 14 they offer. One more week to decide if you REALLY like it, or like some, just not your cup of tea.

  2. There is a danger that trying to fit everything in for a 'Day One' release increases the chance of pushback. The more complex and diverse set of systems you try to integrate the more chance there is of finding such bugs.


    I really hope both games enjoy every success, it has been a long, long time since there has been any decent space-sim for exploration, trading and combat (In fact I think the last one I spent any serious time on was Freelancer, the X games just did nothing for me and apparently X Rebirth is a poor addition).


    Now, I don't really understand this need for planetary landings and being able to walk around. I play these games to fly around in a vessel not plod around on my own feet. I'd rather have development pushed into more ships, more customisation, more weapon systems, etc... rather than being able to take a walk. If I wanted a First Person Shooter I'd go play Call of Duty or Battlefield 4 or Crysis and such.


    I'm worried that the constructed planets will offer too limited a scope for interaction and the procedurally generated content will feel too generic.

    But more than that I'm looking forward to getting into a proper space-sim again.


    That's why a Chris Roberts game might not be for you. I DO want to run around and have blaster fights in bars and clandestine meetings to smuggle contraband (Like a Smuggler SHOULD). I was excited for the Smuggler class here, I thought MAYBE it would be better than SWG did. Alas, I'm no more a Smuggler here than SWG. Instead, I'm Indiana Jones. Not that Indy isn't the man, but I wanted Harry's OTHER incarnation as the swaggering gunslinger and smuggler.

  3. Meh, they put "Remember Fray" on Ilum, but it was game wide and didn't really make sense for my server since we had a decent Pub-Imp balance.


    Regarding this recent EvE thing, it looks like the total damages are actually $400,000 not $330,000 thousand. So that's one AMAZING battle.


    And the monument reminds me of Asheron's Call "Harry."


    Oh, God. I wish I had been there for that.

    It was quite the mash up. Wish you could have been there, too. As for the totals, I'm going with what the Devs posted of $300,000 to $330,000, as they have a better idea what PLEX was going for. My estimate was @ $350,000 to $400,000 just from watching what was going on. In any event, it was truly EPIC.

  4. The kickstarter was not the sole source of development revenue.

    Cannot leave your ship at game launch, but will be provided in expansion.

    Cannot land on a planet but will be provided in expansion.

    Mod support considered and likely but a lot further down the line.

    There are plenty of expansions planned (the first two to include planetary landings and player walk about)


    Not sure where you got your facts from but I'd go past the main site ( http://elite.frontier.co.uk/ ) and forums ( http://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=29 ) or even their You Tube channel ( http://www.youtube.com/user/FrontierDevelopments )


    For Elite: Dangerous all I hear is, "Later, later, later."

    All I SEE from Star Citizen is, "Now, now, now"


    The 100 systems that Star Citizen launches with are set, the rest of the universe will also be procedurally generated. You find it, you get to name it (they have to approve it, though. They don't want anything offensive). Elite just talks about what will happen. All I'm going on was what I could find in a quick search. So I got their expansion plans wrong, it still pales in comparison. Everything that they PLAN on doing sometime later, is going to happen day one in Star Citizen.


    Cannot leave you're ship on launch, but it will be provided in an expansion - Elite

    Can leave your ship, interact with other players and NPCs, will have functional cities with banks, nightclubs, starship dealers, weapon dealers, spacer info centers, etc. DAY ONE - Star Citizen

    Cannot land on a planet, but will be provided in an expansion - Elite

    Can land on planets, space stations, and carriers. All of which can be owned by players (or parts there of). - Star Citizen


    The "plenty of expansions" will be needed just to catch up to Star Citizen's launch. Hell, Chris Roberts is so cool he actually contributed to Elite's Kickstarter! I'm looking back at some of my posts and I can see I've been defensive about Star Citizen, but all anyone needed to say is, "Hey! Yea, Star Citizen is cool. Check out Elite: Dangerous, if you like Star Citizen, you might enjoy this, too." Elite is a peer of SC, but it is by no means a competitor.


    PS. You might have noticed that the total that Elite has on their website, has the total so far, is exactly what I posted previously of £2.3 million. Total. From their site and Kickstarter. I noticed that they're ahead of SC and have their PvP alpha out. Kudos to them! Looking pretty sweet. I can only walk around my ship and kick the tires and fiddle with gadgets. They pushed the PvP alpha back for SC. Glad I'm a fan of the "It'll come out when it's ready!" attitude. (Thanks

  5. The reason why SWTOR is losing subs despite GSF is that Bioware is releasing too little content too late, SWTOR is really falling behind due to lack of updates and content.


    That might fly, except WoW is even SLOWER on those things and is back on the rise. A game that is 9 years old with dated graphics (yes, even with the graphic upgrade)

  6. Hmmm, well ELITE: Dangerous is in it's 2nd Alpha and according to Frontier's site closed Beta will be underway by March.


    So when it goes live... not sure. How long does it take for a game to go from closed Beta to live usually?


    Less than a year.

  7. Apparently the 1st or 2nd expansion will include planetary landings. Of course, how long will it take to get to a 2nd expansion?


    I understand that many deficiencies will be remedied post launch. My point is that for all the hate Star Citizen is getting, it' s largely unfounded. Especially by those who hold up Elite: Dangerous as a viable competitor.

  8. Another correction: those starships are not exclusive. You'll be able to get them in-game by playing.

    Actually I just saw a video roundup with Chris Roberts who answered some questions from the community and he stated that market gear is exclusive, much like our own is. The only way to get them is to buy them from the store or from someone else who is selling theirs in the game. You will not be able to conventionally earn them (i.e. not mission rewards or loot drops), just like most of the Cartel Market gear.

  9. I tried again to play tonight, with less than stellaer results....(long queue for a pathetic group)


    And today, Blizzard announced that WOW have gained subs during the last quarter. 200 000 subs. Sure you can rightly say ''meh, those are chinese subs that does not count'....


    But the thing is, WOW have gained 200 000 subs without content since september while we are probably around 250 k subs total with new content....


    Let's scream ''go back to the Pandas'' to your heart content. Once again, my point is that Blizzard is obviously doing something ''right'' at one point...

    It's not what they are doing right, it's what they did right so many years ago - A robust guild system.

    The hostile and caustic treatment of anyone who says that they enjoy WoW is enough to drive them back home. Most of you will say good riddance and will complain in the same breath that the queues are taking too long or that some planet is underpopulated for them to complete Heroics. Then tell the Devs that they don't know how to run a company or that they just suck in general because the populations are dropping. Taking no responsibility what-so-ever for the negative and caustic behavior. One thing I've learned is that whoever shouts loudest is usually wrong.

  10. Can't say I look forward to it being that I don't know who that person is or care about them.:rolleyes:

    The current Galactic Starfighter is the evolution of Chris Roberts' games. It's the reason so many other people hated the "on the rails" space combat.


    As for the rest, if it weren't Chris, I would probably be in the same boat as the rest of the doubters.


    Maybe I was a bit harsh with the word 'gouge', at the end of the day a microtransaction is there to allow those with money but limited gameplay time to access the content in a more favourable way. And I know I didn't call it 'pay to win ;)


    I was looking forward to 'Star Citizen' until I found out about 'Elite: Dangerous', there will be those players that enjoy both and those that sit very definitely in one camp over the other.

    Let's look at comparative histories of each game:


    Star Citizen: entered production in 2011 with the CryEngine 3 (of Crysis fame) Met it's kickstarter goal in 10 days. Has raised $39 million ( £23.4 million GBP) as of today. You can leave your ship and interact with others in space stations or planet side. Full landing capabilities on planets and planet side FPS combat and vehicles. 63 ship designs from interceptors to bulk freighters. The ability to board and capture opponents ships with melee combat, heavy weapons, zero gravity simulation, suit HUD options and EVA combat. Professional mod tools will be provided to all players. Extended hardcore flight sim controller support: Flight Chairs, multiple monitors, Track-IR, MFD (Multi Function Displays) and more on launch. In-game training sim. Player managed space stations. Localized into English, French, German and Spanish with plans to handle other languages afterwards.


    Elite: Dangerous: entered production in 1998 as a single player game, converted to an MMO in early 2000 then BACK to a single player game the same year, then BACK to an MMO again in 2012 with the in-house designed Cobra engine. Met's it's kickstarter goal in 13 months. Has raised £2.3 million (which is $3.8 million USD). Cannot leave your ship. Cannot land on a planet. 25 ships from previous Elite games also ranging from interceptors to bulk freighters. English only for launch with other languages localized afterwards. No mod support. No expansions planned.


    Elite: Dangerous is the natural choice

  11. You should be crying that you WEREN'T there! It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. 21 hours of a dust-up because someone forgot to pay their sovereignty bill (or didn't have enough money in their auto-pay guild account).

    Like you and Callaron, I don't think this is the game for me either. I don't mind investing some money in a game I enjoy, but not to the tune of thousands upon thousands, and especially like you say, to lose it in a matter of seconds.


    The heartbreak would be enough to make me stop. It would be too painful. I get attached to my little avatars and belongings and losing them in a snap of the fingers...holds no appeal for me.

    I think they didn't report how much people can make because it's not really related. Anyway, my point was that I'm not into losing $5000 in one battle :p

    Almost none of those people lost any REAL-WORLD money. Someone may have short cut something here or there and bought PLEX and sold it in-game for quick isk, but 99.99% didn't lose anything more than a few hours of their life in a fight that they will remember for the rest of it. PvP at it's best.


    Remember when everyone started crying about the cost of repairing gear? It's the same thing here, except you replace as well as repair. You can't die in the game. You just lose things. It's just sometimes the thing you lose is your body. Worry not, you've got at least one other in a cryo-tube somewhere ready to wake when the current one gets lost.


    HERE is the info on the whole thing right from CCP.


    I'll take out the best parts

    7,548 total combatants from both coalitions.

    Counting all combatants in the main dust up, plus the support skirmishes and gate camps to ambush reinforcements. 2000+ players in a single battle makes 24 man Ops look like child's play.

    This wasn’t the largest single battle in terms of numbers of participants in system at once. That record still belongs to the battle for 6VDT-H, which reached 4,070 pilots in system.

    Totals destroyed:


    • Titans – 75 (74 in system, one on its way to the fight) N3/PL lost 59 titans and CFC/DTF lost 16 titans

    • Titan losses by type: Gallente Erebus – 37, Amarr Avatar – 25, Minmatar Ragnarok – 13, Caldari Leviathan - 0

    • Supercarriers – 13 (12 in system, one as it tried to escape the system)

    • Dreadnaughts – 370 (356 in system, 14 in connected skirmishes as both sides attempted to stop the other from bringing reinforcements)

    • Carriers – 123 (109 in system, 14 in connected skirmishes as both sides attempted to stop the other from bringing reinforcements)

    • And lots more smaller ships and probably a bajilion drones and fighters

    Google some vids on this. Watching is a struggle as it is slowed due to an enforced lag to basically prevent server lag. This way everyone experiences the same time dilation and the fight remains fair. Look at it as EVE bullet time. Think of how much you can do when the time dilation is 10:1 (every ten minutes of real-time is 1 minute of game-time). I'm surprised that I could not find a converted vid showing the fight in what would be real-time. Someone did one, but got the time conversion incorrect. They went to 100:1 rather than the 10:1 ratio.


    Frame of reference for the uninitiated.

    In comparison, the previous record for largest single battle Titan losses was a tie between battles in “O2O” and “Uemon”, with 12 total Titans destroyed in each.


    Approximately 775 doomsdays were fired, which is about 24% of all the doomsdays fired in the last two years inclusive. The Battle for HED-GP, which preceded this one in the Halloween War, had about 200 doomsdays.


    The Economic Impact


    According to some PLEX conversions that could equate to approximately $300,000-$330,000 USD.

    In the end, CCP is putting a permanent in-game monument to the battle at that site called "Titanomachy". Anyone know if EA put any in-game monuments to any one action or event held by players? Hell, my character, along with @ a half-million others will be permanently etched into stone in a real world monument in Reykjavik, Iceland.


    So do you still wish you weren't playing EVE online?

    If anyone wants to get a 21 day pass to EVE, send me an email.


    Fly safe! o7

  12. Sorry man, but that's how it was when I saw it. It was a skeleton in some dungeon.


    Additionally, there are tons of previews coming out saying the same things. The game sucks.


    Edit: Something else that was annoying was that there were NO bow skills. Everything was melee for the 'close range' classes. Where are my rogue bow bonuses :(

    You can flip that now. It's almost OPed. As of the last iteration, I was getting almost constant one shot kills with my bow until level 11.

    At least you don't start THIS one in jail lol

    Actually..... you do. You are dead AND in jail, to top it all off.

    ESO game engine blows this one completely away.

    Funny you say that. It's the same Engine. HeroEngine!

    So there is few things that i like in ESO.


    1. Freedom. You can wear any armor you want, you can explore anywhere you want, you can evolve any weapons skill you want. To me that's realistic. Because in real world is also about freedom of choice and decision's.

    Somewhat. Just like in the other games, the bonuses granted are for each type (light, medium, heavy - corresponding to cloth-light-heavy in the other games) are geared to specific classes. You woun't find heavy armor with bonuses to magic abilities, but you will find it for weapon abilities and vice versa.


    2. Good old single player combat style. Anyone who has play Doom, thief, mass effect, assassins creed, and many other's wont be disappointed, because ESO brings W, A, S, D + mouse buttons combat system to online.

    You can do that in SWTOR, too. Most people don't. It's not needed. There are not a lot of small interactables. Something that from Morrowind on, is in abundance. Since there are no small interactables in ESO, I felt no need to stay zoomed in.


    3. No cool Down's on powers, if you have stamina the you can use it. If you are out of stamina drink and drink some stamina medicine.

    No cooldowns, but like SWG, you have stamina and magicka that limit how many times you can spam it in a row.


    4. Full voice over like SWTOR. World without voice is just boring. :rak_03:


    5. I'm Hoping that ESO bring back the old school gaming. In doom it was about player, guns and enemy. In original WOW it was about exploring and questing. (Now WOW is about whoever is the best player in game. I don't like it.).

    So i hope that in ESO it's once again about player, enemy's, exploring and questing.

    If you are right, why did they make it an MMO? They could have easily made ES VI.


    6. Freedom to choose between 1 person view and 3 person view. If SWTOR would have this opinion... man...

    You see i love my gunslinger, but without the 1 person view gunslinger lack of his full potential.

    In ESO this is fixed. You use bow, well go to the 1 person view. Switch to the two handed sword and into the 3 person view. Just like in the skyrim. ^^


    If ESO fulfill these 6 ideas then...

    For all those who are hammering number 6. I don't believe phrased the statement properly. I believe he intended to say that the first person is really like the first person of games like the Elder Scrolls and Doom series. In SWTOR, you can't zoom in and just start swinging and shooting your weapons. I mean sure you can zoom in, but there is not target reticule that determines hits. You just lock on to your target and spam away at your abilities. You can't zoom in to first person to start pulling off head shots (something that disappointed me with my Sniper).

  13. Interesting idea, though it would be cool if there was only a single grade metal and compound, like just Desh and silica and not including Aluminium and Laminoid.


    Its quite annoying when i need a stack of x material and never freaking find it ever. lol

    I'd rather have the colors represent the level of the node, so that I can easily go for the good stuff that's going to skill me up, and completely ignore the trash that's too cheap to even sell.


    I would, however, like the ability to select which nodes are displayed, so that I can show only Archaeology or only Slicing or whatever.


    Or, perhaps, have different icons for Archaeology nodes vs. Slicing vs. Biochem. Maybe the current flower for Biochem, some sort of crystal for Archaeology, some sort of droid icon for Scavenging, computer screen for Slicing. But not color based, as I'd like the color to represent the level of the node.

    Sorry guys, but that's the gamble of the node. I couldn't support THAT level of detail. Just the ability to differentiate between types.


    The ability to turn on and off said skill node detection, as in LotRO, l can get behind.

  14. I have a theory about gamers and the possible future onset of Alzheimer's disease. Having two aunts, who have been diagnosed, piqued my interest (and no uncertain amount of personal concern) in this disease. This is purely personal and not scientific, even though some aspects may seems so. College habits die hard.


    Theory: The gamer community will have reduced incident of Alzheimer's disease than those outside the community. While the gamer population ages, I have noticed that we don't stop playing (another theory that has, for me, been proven correct. Videogames are Interactive Entertainment.). This aspect, especially MMOs, fulfill two aspects of a brain healthy lifestyle: social interaction and mental stimulation. Even a stand alone RPG can fulfill, minimally, some social interaction. How many times has anyone laughed, cried, became angry (not at game function, but a plot device), sad, happy, or whatever due to the story in a game? If Mordin's final act in Mass Effect 3 didn't move you, go see a shrink.


    Anyway, on to my questions:

    (Feel free to answer any or all questions. Highly personal questions are at the bottom. Feel free not to answer those)

    (1-5) is the standard scale 1 = never or minimally 5 = always or excessively



    • Are you or anyone you know over 50 years of age who play videogames?
    • Is there a history of Alzheimer's within this person's family?
    • Is there a history of other mental illnesses in the family?
    • Has this person been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease?
    • If so, what stage? How quickly has each stage onset?
    • How many hours, approximately, are played in stand alone games?
    • How many hours, apporximately, are played in MMOs?



    • Rate this person's work/stress level: (1-5)
    • Rate this person's physical activity: (1-5)
    • Rate this person's diet: (1-5)
    • Rate this person's social activity: (1-5)
    • Rate this person's television viewing: (1-5)
    • Does this person take dietary supplements?
    • This person drinks caffeine or energy boosting drinks (1-5)?
    • What are the average amount of hours of sleep a night?
    • Has this person ever had a head injury (1-5)?
    • Does this person have a television or computer in their bedroom?



    • This person smokes cigarettes: (1-5)?
    • This person drinks alcohol: (1-5)?
    • Is this person prescribed any psychotropics (i.e. valium, xanax, or any -azepam suffix drugs)?
    • Has this person used illegal drugs (including prescription drugs not prescribed to them)?
    • If so, did they include psychotropics (i.e. MDMA, cocaine, amphetamines, opoids [opiates], LSD, salvia, nitrous oxide)?


    Again this is totally personal and non-scientific collection of data.

    Thanks for any and all your help and input.

  15. So you have been successful. You created a game within the game. A fun one at that. Funny how I pretty much dislike the PvP here, but when you put me in a flight-sim type, I love it. The feel is a bit stiff, but workable. At times it seems that the mouse isn't reacting fast enough. When I'm turning, I'm taking 6 seconds to do a 180 and then, all of a sudden, I'm doing 360s in 2 sec. I'm a bit perplexed by that as it doesn't have rhyme or reason. I'll be in the middle of a dogfight and zipping around. Then I'm pulling an end run trying to slip past a defender to attack from the flanks and I can't circumnavigate an asteroid because I can't turn fast enough to avoid a very minor outcrop.


    The numbers are a bit perplexing as well. I had a match where I had 1 kill, 6 assists, 0 deaths, 12,000 damage, 36 objective points, and 7 medals and I was in 3rd place. 1st place had 2 kills, 3 assists, 3 deaths, 31,000 damage, 0 objective points, and 1 medal. I'm trying to wrap my brain around that. I want to know how I was accountable for 7 kills, no deaths, and the most amount of objective points and medals, but took 3rd. Somehow, 1st had 5 kills, the highest amount of deaths, almost 3 times my damage, and didn't contribute to taking any objectives nor awarded anywhere near my amount of medals. We lost the match. Death needs to count against a player more, I think.


    Also, it seems that my ignore list doesn't function properly, as I was put in a team with someone I cannot stand. My ignore list is very short and only people who are really annoying or problematic are put on it. Thankfully, he was quiet... mostly. It makes me wonder if there will be an in-game support for VOI. This aspect of the game necessitates voice communication. Then again, fix the ignore thing first, THEN work on VOI. A HUD for teammates would be nice, since there could be a mute button put on it.


    Just in case.

  16. If I recall, it is a reward of one of either your storyline quests, planet quests, or flashpoints. TORhead has it listed under the Black Talon rewards. It must be a drop for BT, but it doesn't make sense since it is a level 20 item. More likely, if it is a drop, it would be Hammer Station or Mandalorian Raiders.
  17. I would love to see a group of 16+ players raid a quest hub.


    You could, but you would not be able to engage the quest givers. I'm a climber and I ended up over a pub base with quest givers, all the guards and turrets were red, but the quest givers and vendors were green.

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