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Posts posted by Thylbanus

  1. And if you think this game is the deciding factor in EA stock price, you know nothing of business.


    I was going to leave this alone, but you are only correct in a very overly simplistic way. HERE is a picture of the stock post release if SWTOR. Notice the trend. Yes, there were some mistakes noted in their quarterly reports, but one aspect was the over attention by media on SWTOR as the flagship of EA (even when we know it wasn't with ME, DA, the ENTIRE EA sports catalogue, etc. had some impact here as well).


    There is one sure thing you can count on in the stock market: Panicky internet day traders. People who spend too much time second guessing themselves and too little making a sound investment strategy. The quarterly subscription drop was a cause of things like TORtanic. Complete over-reaction, but not completely off target. A little moderation is always good. No point rehashing the past we all know it, but suffice it to say, look what happened to the stock when quarterly numbers disappeared - HERE. Over 3 months it stabilized and started to take an uptick with Makeb and other EA announcements.


    The big point was no one was talking about SWTOR subscription numbers. More people started banging back on Mass Effect III than SWTOR. So the spotlight is off and it's for the best. So to a point yes, stock prices are not an indicator of how a specific game is doing, but a specific game can affect stock prices. There are many variables that play into sock and since quarterly reports are only... quarterly, it leaves room for speculation. As I have spoken on other points before, in this instant gratification society, when we don't get what we want, we act like petulant children and throw our tantrums that erupt like TORtanic or even

    . Usually we settle for speculation and our wild imaginations are so much more entertaining than reality. Thanks to Facebook, Tweets, Reddits, IM, texting, etc. the grapevine can become a jungle in a matter of seconds. First thing I'm calling off school and the next


    And that happens on our stock market thanks to places like E*Trade.

  2. Eric, if you don't want there to be tin-foil hattery on these forums then you and your team need to be more forth coming about issues and situations.


    I know you're trying but sometimes, no matter how much you're giving, sometimes you have to give more.

    He has a point here. I chimed in just to show off how big my tinfoil hat is and be funny about it, but there needs to be a better balance of information to reduce the misinformation. It's simple human nature to fill in the blanks with flights of fancy. Look at how much of our history has been romanticized and found false at a later date. We love personal drama, political intrigue, and overcoming hardship. We all now know that the movie "Amadeus" is apocryphal, but what a story! Salieri and Mozart's love/hate relationship was nothing but fantasy, but made for great viewing.

  3. Am I just getting old, or with each update do you tweak the graphics a bit? I've noticed some obvious ones, but I think I've noticed some less obvious. It seems that some of the shiny armor items and materials are just a bit more life-like as well as some stone and metal elements. Colors seem to be sharper. I have noticed that the bloom as gone a bit overboard, the albedo around many planets is a bit overplayed.


    Well anywho, if this is the case, I have to say: Well done art/graphics department! Your work has not gone unnoticed. Can we get some names or do I have to look in the credits?

  4. I'm glad someone finally asked these questions.


    Hopefully they can be answered so that other people can use the Search functionality to find them in the future.


    FINALLY?! They have been asking this since the SSSP was announced.

  5. So ascribing attractiveness to cartoon characters on TV is unhealthy? lol. 90% of people I know IRL have done this.

    Sounds like group therapy time.

    Yeah, nice try.


    I'm going to guess that you have never met those women in real life...so the only times you have ever seen them...would be when they are a collection of pixels.


    Whether it's pictures on the internet or on tv...their faces are a collection of pixels.


    You probably should have went the real people/fictional characters route...it would have been a much better argument.

    No, I have not met them. I've seen interviews with many, some in television and movies, and while you can say some have faces made for radio, some are actually quite attractive, Xanthe Elbrick and Tasia Valenza off the top of my head. It's funny how defensive you became, spouting off things that have nothing to do with the discussion, more than an attack on me personally.


    While I can see in one sense you perceive that calling this unhealthy was a personal attack, look on it more as a discussion as to why not. Not if I met them in real life. You haven't met any of the CG or cartoon characters in real life either, so that makes no sense in this.


    As for real people/fictional characters, I did. You should go back and read it:

    I can see someone saying that Carrie Fisher was hot as Leia, or that Natalie Portman was hot as Padme.

    So in that vein, what constitutes "hot"? Is it purely physical attractiveness? Power? Personality? Probably a combination of such. For me, Lucy Lawless as Xena was about the hottest thing of the last decade, but that's not Star Wars. Only Carrie Fisher could even come close as Leia. I would want to say Natalie Portman, but she just didn't have the same on screen presence that Carrie had. She also didn't kick butt as much. Not to say that she did nothing, but what she did was quite underwhelming (if that is a word).


    Other than that, on screen portrayals of women have been fleeting. You can say all you want about books, comics, and video games, but ultimately it fails in that you can make the character whatever you want with the stroke of a pen. The strength of the voice acting is all that can really be judged. From there how can you fairly compare to a flesh and blood person. Yes, voice acting is more complicated because you have to use your voice to convey meaning, but in a way, the CG or cartoon does that. A good artist can make subtle and nuanced movements that convey emotion, just as a good actor. At that point, we are comparing the work of two against one. Not exactly fair for anyone. A great voice actor may be compromised by a poor artist, or vice versa. Then you have the team up aspect against the on screen actress. It's all quite unbalanced and really in the end, yes... unhealthy.

  6. Although I appreciate the "tinfoil hattery", the answer is not quite as conspiracy worthy. Rob, the host of the MMORPG stream's child became ill right before the stream was about to start. Due to that he had to take care of his daughter and so we couldn't do the stream.


    We are looking at rescheduling as soon as we can but I am still unsure when that will be. Aligning multiple schedules can be tricky sometimes. I will let you know once we have a date locked down!




    See! This confirms it! They want you to BELIEVE it is something simple, but we all KNOW that the Relic bug was caused in line 1313 of the code. Because 1313 was going to be the launched with Boba Fett as the Bounty Hunter, Fett being the German word for fat (or as a colloquialism meaning AWESOME) like the music video "Fat" which was Weird Al Yankovic's homage to Michael Jackson's "Bad." Seeing that "Breaking Bad" is ending, the titular character of Bryan Cranston reads "

    " implying the connection to ancient Egypt. As we all know ancient Egypt was synonymous with the Pyramids who we all know was built by ALIENS. So you see that it is aliens who do not wish us to explore any more of the relics.


  7. Assumptions:

    This is perhaps why they give regularly give a blue saber to the more combat orientated knight

    and a green one to the force orientated counsular.

    Or why Mace Windu, one of the greatest jedi swordsmen of his time, wore a purple one.

    Why the Sith would use a red one, is probably because the dark side clouded there judgement.


    Blue and red were to be the original colors. Green came about because they found that a blue saber set against a blue sky didn't show up well. This is why Luke's second saber was green, since it's first appearance was before blue sky on Tatooine.

    Mace got a purple blade because Sam Jackson's favorite color is purple and it was written into his contract that his saber was to be purple.

    Sith use of red crystals was a retcon. Red was just a bad guy color. To rationalize why, they came up with the idea that the lack of natural crystals forced Sith to construct them using artificial means. This process only produced red crystals.

  8. This is just not healthy. I can see someone saying that Carrie Fisher was hot as Leia, or that Natalie Portman was hot as Padme. To ascribe "hot" to CG images is just unhealthy. You can say that the VO actors have sexy voices, some of my favorite are Grey DeLisle, Kari Wahlgren, Xanthe Elbrick, Natasha Little, Stacy Haiduk, Tasia Valenza, Tara Strong, Courtenay Taylor, Deborah Kara Unger, and most especially Nika Futterman and Jennifer Hale, but a collection of pixels is just a bit much.
  9. Is this a joke? They contribute nothing to the game, they get to play the game completely free, and on top of that, they're being rewarded with the same two awesome looking armor sets that everyone else pays for the game is awarded?

    Honestly, I thought it would've been enough of a reward to actually be able to play the game, and to benefit from the content that they didn't at all pay for. But adding insult to injury, they're making the same armor sets that are available for the people that pay for the people that play for free as well.

    I love Elitosauruses. They contribute plenty. Without them, we would not have many of the subs we have now. Without them we would not populate PvP, WZ, Ops, and FP. Without them we would be some lonely people without others to play with. Without them, well this game may not even be here.


    Stop your irrational hate an enjoy the fact that these people are the reason you even have a game to play.

  10. Hello! My holidays just started and I figured was time to try something new. I'm veteran to MMOs and always looking to try every one I can, this time is SWTOR. Read some negative reviews...wasn't sure if was worth but Star Wars is Star Wars and Bioware is Bioware. That said I want to humbly ask some advice from the veteran players:


    1) The FTP restrictions were really turning off so I decided to sub for a month. Apart that is there any expansions/content you have to buy to unlock the full game, such as LOTRO? Or is all sort of included in the sub like WOW? This information wasn't clear in the site and I spent quite some hours browsing it whole whilst the huge download was going on.

    As a subscriber you get all expansion packs for free (currently. It may be subject to change with further expansions)


    2) The servers I saw, was wondering which one (East Coast) is the best for lively group content and have a busy market to trade, any help there would be fundamental, thank you.

    I'm assuming that since there are two PvE servers on the East Cost you must be speaking of that. I would say Jedi Covenant, as I am also an EVE player and it seems the most dynamic of the markets.


    3) From what I read I am definately trying either a Sith Warrior or an Imperial Agent, which one is best for a starter? Best as, easy to solo, level, make money, well easiest. Well not knowing your gaming style, I can only guess. Each class isn't any more difficult to start out, solo, level, or make money. It's mostly about your preference, skill, and what storyline you find most intriguing. I find the Imperial Agent most intriguing, but it really doesn't take off until Chapter 2.

    4) The crafting skills that produces gear really attracted me but I saw in many MMOs that the best gear is not the one crafted but the one bought/earned, how is crafting in this aspect here? Well a couple have been nerfed with the addition of the Cartel Market. Some have been helped. Synthweaving, Armormech, and to some extent Armstech are in low demand as much of the items can be purchased from the Cartel Market. Armstech has a bonus that it also crafts the barrels for modular weapons, so that sort of balances out that. Biochem, Artifice, and Cybertech have had a boost as much of the Cartel Market items are moddable. Is worth to make your own equips for end game? Not really, the best items are earned through running Ops and using the rewards to purchase gear that has mods in it. You can pull them (for a hefty credit fee) and slot them in your favorite gear. If not which would be more suitable for a DPS/Utility class? Avoid DPS if you can. There is such a glut of DPS, getting the group finder to populate takes hours. Healers are the second most common, with tanks the rarest. I almost always get a group populated as a tank as soon as I confirm. Healing with Imperial Agent interested me too.


    5) Is the game fair or pay to win? No, there is no pay to win, although many will argue, it is perception based and has no fact. Is true is basically a KOTOR 3? (Will I manage to fill in the sequel feeling KOTOR 2 left?) Yes and no. This is 300 years after the events in KOTOR 2, but is the only follow up that KOTOR will get (no matter what fan posts insist).


    Thanks for any inputs, this game seems really good despite the bad things I read and I'm willing to try it but as any game I always scout the terrain first.


    SWTOR is a FAR better game than when it was initially released. Does it have room to improve? Definitely. EVERY game has room for improvement. This game is very solid, but it pays to remember that this is a theme park game. It follows a certain story arc and there are no sandbox aspects, nor will there ever be.


    Much of the hate has derived from the Star Wars Galaxies players who expected this to be SWG II. The rest stemmed from the VERY tight lipped EA policies. Because EA wouldn't let BioWare make any sort of announcements for fear of sounding like a commitment, they basically shut down all communication unless it already happened. In the current instant gratification atmosphere, when information wasn't forthcoming, speculation became fact for many. Such speculation inevitably was always far beyond reality and led to disappointment which lead to dissatisfaction. With the very recent reversal of such a policy by EA, BioWare has released very careful information, but still not on the level with demand.


    The best advice I can give is get in there and just have fun. Don't let others sway you. Make up your own mind about it.

  11. I get the feeling that some things are either a lot more common in those packs and not really desired (like the practice jerseys), so they become as valuable as individual sheets of toilet paper OR they're so niche, only a small number of people actually want them. I too just bought the Atton Rand set for less than 100k (Concealed jumpsuit outfit for Risha for less than 20k, Matriarchal set for Kira for less than 25k, Dynamic Sleuth for less than 50k, etc) and noticed that a lot of sets are either plentiful or the same people are relisting the same items (often at prices that decline every 2 days) due to low/no demand. This is on Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands but I've seen a similar phenomenon on Ebon Hawk as well. I think you can get the Cassus Fett set on all three of those servers for under 250k if you're patient, as an example.


    For the OP, as said, most of the things you see in the CM, you will also find on the GTN. I'd suggest you check before shelling out for a lockbox....errr, gambling set. Odds of you getting that item you want are really slim though.

    Yea, GTN is pretty much supply and demand. There are plenty of common items that will go for hundreds of thousands of credits and rare items that will go for thousands or tens of thousands of credits. It all depends on what is demanded and not. I'm all for getting one crate of gambling backs then fill in spots that I want off the GTN.

  12. ...But bugs that can prervent a player from advancing his class, because the CLASS missions have MAJOR bugs.
    I have done every class twice (once per advanced class) and I have not encountered what you say. I have not had any problems from the time beta ended until today with completing each Class Story, TWICE.

    That's one of the thing that really get me angry at MMO in general. But here in SWTOR, what I see, is the huge amount of problem that we have with their services, with the Communication with players, and all the rest.
    Being new to an MMO does that, but trust me after 15 yrs, it happens in ALL MMOs.

    And sorry, hard to relax when you had to get over 60 hours of phone calling with their Service to correct a problem that THEY provoked, preventing people from playing on their PAID account. (Happened to me). Without any reimbursement from their part. So yes, I am pretty critical when it come to the "quality" of the things they get out. I guess I'm at least entitled to THAT much, having being one of those paying customer who gave them time, and trying to 'let pass' the early bugs, only to see our bug report being ignored, the Rules of Conduct never enforced, and all.

    Sorry that happened, but it's not everyone. You've had some bad times, I see that, but to paint with such broad strokes is really not constructive. You deal in too many absolutes and not enough evidence other than "It' happened to me!" Well all that you say hasn't happened to me. I have, first hand, seen Rules of Conduct enforced. So to counter you, "I've seen it. It happened to me."

    Sorry if I'm not excited by something they should have done before releasing the game, and before destroying it with their F2P conversion.

    Ahh... the truth comes out. You are a F2P hatter. Well, ESO is coming soon. And having played the beta, I can tell you get in while the getting is good. It WILL go F2P after a time, just as WoW is next year.

  13. How is telling someone they did not do their research constructive or helpful when at the same time you skew facts to try and make that person out to be ignorant ? As the post before me stated, EA is a big company and stocks in EA are not dictated by SWTOR. My final sentence was in an attempt to offer an olive branch in hopes we can get past this tripe. But it appears you would rather continue the argument for the sake of arguing.


    I will grant you this you are not as direct as me. But your passive aggression is not lost on me either. You politely tell someone they are incompetent and act surprised when they react aggressively.


    I am going to discontinue my subscription to this post because I couldn't be bothered reading your nonsense any more. perhaps If BW ever does cross server WZs we can settle our differences in a more productive way that actually contributes to the community. Until then I will pacify myself imagining it is your character I am blasting into dust when I meet an enemy in my server's WZ.



    Well for one you have to understand the ebb and flow of the stock market. Yes EA has many, many titles and projects that affect their stock. As each item expands and contracts it affects daily trends. There are long term investors and short term investors and it's the short term ones that cause all the extremes in fluctuation that you see. So a single day jump or drop is usually directly attributable to whatever news was released that day, sometimes even by the hour. So if you do a simple Google search or check the WSJ you will see what is announced each day. If there is nothing else to correspond to the spike, it likely the news of the day. So in each set, there were no other announcements other than the happenings that I cited.


    It's amazing how much our stock market fluctuates off of a simple bit of news. Sometimes investors THINK that it MAY affect their stock, they will dump or buy as they perceive the news. It can be completely inaccurate either through interpretation or an error in news delivery that can send the stock market rocketing or plummeting. It will usually right itself once the information is corrected, but it can make for some scary moments.

  14. The fact is that SWTOR is in trouble. We can all agree on that. Now how are we going to save it?

    Again, you didn't do your research. SWTOR is doing better than it has been since a months after launch.

    Check out EA Stock.


    Notice how when SWTOR launched stock jumped form19.85 to 21.30, then began the long slog to the bottom as subscriptions fled like rats on a sinking ship to bottom out at 10.95 in late July of 2012. Step, stutter, falter, with SWTOR and other EA titles, but things start to head up. They announce SWTOR will go F2P, drop to 11.91. F2P launches at 13.05 and by the end of the month it hits 14.81. RotHC opens to 17.45. The Cartel Market starts showing real profit for the company and a few other things go well for them with their other franchises and jumps up 10 points to 27.78 at the end of August. At the close of business today you had 25.55. So not too shabby. They are up over 5 full points from launch, can't even cross your eyes to say that things are bad. (Makes me wish I had invested when it bottomed out :mad:)

    Are you drunk? First of all your criticisms make no sense. Second, all you ever do is criticize. And third, before you go trying to insinuate bad things were removed check the dates of my edits. They are all before any responses.This leads me to believe you are just in this forum to troll. So (insert expicitative here) off!

    Can you ever just reply without calling people names or be derisive? You are responding to my post showing your lack of respect (while demanding it), by being even MORE rude! Well I've tried to reason, tried to use logic, but it's just not working. Alex has even commented on it, and he and I are almost ALWAYS at odds. It takes a lot to align two polar opposites, and you did it. So I guess... Well done!


    BTW Alex. Thank you. We may not always be on the same side, but at least we are respectful of each other.


  15. Yeah, I just came back ofter over a year of inactivity (mostly due to my launcher being broken, and no one could get it working) and subscribed right away for all th eperks. I was very surprised to see I would be able to play the new DLC in December instead of January, and that it is completely free to play. Free DLC is always a perk.


    Welcome back to you as well! :rak_03:

  16. Empire Strikes Back. The whole tension, the reveals, the excitement, it was by far the best of the series and has one major factor behind it. George Lucas didn't direct it, that was Irvin Kershner, and Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan did the screenplay. Again, without George. It's amazing how good a movie can be when he isn't in control. It's what gives me high hopes about the next trilogy.
  17. Nice, once again not listening to players. Like they did since the Beta.



    Players asked them to have something that was a bit like the space part in Starwars Galaxy, with PVE area where you can fly with friends, bash PVE spaceship with friends, fly in the same ship as FRIENDS (manning their turrets), and have some fun "asteroid mining or others MULTIPLAYERs actions".


    And there again they disregard their player base, and pick the same awful looking 'on the rail tube shooter' out of the rail, and put it in a 12vs12 pvp area.


    Nice Bioware and Electronics Arts, keep the bad work, keep NOT listening to your community, that is getting smaller and smaller. And perhaps you will finally have to learn from your mistakes.


    As the SWTOR adventure has been a long, continuing, series of mistakes. Lots of communications errors, lots of disregard for the community. The same is true about the supposed Free to Play option, as it is among the worst transition to a F2P model I have even seen since over 10+ years playing MMO. And now even the space fight is following the same "we do what we want, even if the community don't want it" kind of developpement.


    From over 300 servers at the start, the game is down to some ridiculous numbers, that even keep emptying.

    Thanks again EA to have ruined another of the licence I was enjoying. No more money from my pocket.


    WOW Debbie Downer! Why does everyone need to have a complete, fleshed out, final product? Can't you see that for once they did it RIGHT. You are so caught up in your own anger you can't even see the possibilities. This is being delivered exactly as it should: a wire frame.


    Why is that the way it should be? Imagine they delivered a complete fleshed out space shooter that had everything it ever was going to be. Guess what? They did that! It's our current on-the-rails space shooter. It is so bad that BioWare pretty much has to bribe people to play it. So you want that to happen AGAIN?!


    Relax, sit back, and enjoy the possibilities. All that you said CAN HAPPEN! It's just the basics right now. Just a start. I used this example before, think of "Galactic Starfighter" as a car frame. Simple, solid, well built car frame. Right now you are raging because it doesn't have an engine, wheels, seats, etc. Well guess what? We can add that! We, as a community, can offer ideas and contribute to flesh out this beginning. It will happen. In no time we will be driving around in the car WE build together.


    Relax, have a cold one, and start coming up with ideas and post them in the suggestions.

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