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Posts posted by Thylbanus

  1. R2D2 - All round awesomeness. :)

    Round. Nice pun.

    Anywho, I'm weird in that I liked the rank and file of the Galactic Empire:


    Coruscant Guard

    Storm Commando

    Roan Fel's Empire:

    Imperial Knights


    Or the Galactic Alliance:

    Venom Assault Trooper


    I would like Grand Admiral Thrawn, except, like Clyde Shelton in "Law Abiding Citizen", it was a pretty weak way he was killed. I mean such a genius for some reason didn't see or conceive of betrayal from within? Overconfidence is the fall of many great men, but I never got the impression that he was overconfident. It didn't sit well with me and to me was probably the lowest point of a great book series.

  2. I recently received an email saying I was selected to be involved in upcoming beta testing program. There is a link provided that directs you to a site that is frightenly similar to this one. It requires you to input your login information to accept the Non Disclosure Agreement.


    I called SWTOR to verify the invite and was stated "there is no beta testing currently in the works". If you receive this email (even though it is from @bioware.com) it is a hoax and was instructed not to accept. Hopefully this information gets out so there aren't those who fall for this.


    I forwarded the email to support@swtor.com for them to look into the situation.


    Thanks for the warning! BioWare, you want to Sticky this.

    Thanks for the warning, I received this email today. Thought it seemed a bit phishy.

    I see what you did there...

  3. Here is me and Pierce ready for action:




    I hope your character isn't named anything related to Hulk, Robert Bruce Banner, or any permutation. Marvel is quite... litigious.


    HULK SMASH!!! (with 10 tons of lawyers)

  4. You know what, I'm happy with it. Why? It's basic, uncomplicated, and open for expansion. Imagine if you will that "Galactic Starfighter" is just a car frame. Nice, well built frame, but without an engine, tires, drive train, etc. Now WE get to chime in on what we want to add. Do we want a Hemi, hybrid, or electric engine? Do we want leather seats, power windows, tinted glass, etc.? WE get to pick it! WE can direct where it will go. So I'm all for it. I don't mind rough draft starts since it's the end result that WE ALL get to be apart of.


    I'm excited. :D

  5. As right now we are being forced to play arenas if we want to PvP. So are we going to forced to play Galactic Starfighter if we queue for PvP? I hate flight sims with a passion and would like to know if I should cancel my sub now if you are going to force me to play it.


    Yes I know I can drop out of arena; its waste of my time sitting through loading screens because I can op out of them.


    Yes. Cory Butler and Bruce Maclean will come to your house and Dirty Kick you until you submit and play.

  6. I have seen people hating on DLC before SWTOR came out and since plenty of other games have done horrible things with it, like first day DLC that feels like developers have just cut a part from the normal game to sell it extra without any need and such things.


    Well it's just a name game. Someone, somewhere messed up something and that negative connotation DLC became synonymous with greed. So playing the name game it became ExPac. Just like marketing uses scientific names to hide common items and proclaim how superior they are. "Buy Rick's Rocks! Pure Halite. Melts snow and ice faster than rock salt!" :rolleyes:

  7. Nothing SW is realistic space flight. It resembles atmospheric flight too much. Could you imagine a space game that involved vectoring thrust in 3 dimensions in order to intercept someone trying to do the same thing?


    And why the heck does it have to be complex or complicated? Can't we just enjoy the thrill of zipping through space and blowing the snot out of one another without adding overly-complex systems to the game? I'd much prefer space to be like fighting my character...only, you know, with much, much more movement.


    Complex does not equal fun. Normally, it's quite the opposite.

    Well said. If you want realistic space combat play "Independence War." If you are not pulling your hair out due to the complex vectoring it takes just to do the tutorial, you probably need to quit playing games and join the Air Force. We need some good pilots. I gave it the old college try and I was cursing and completely frustrated at how overly complex it was. I finally got the hang of it (since I refuse to quit. A bit stubborn in that way.) I played it. Beat it. Then celebrated by breaking the CD in half.


    I'm happy with the probable Scout ship: Lightly armed, great speed and great turn radius. The Superiority Fighter: Average all-around fighter. The Bomber/Gunship: Massive payload, well armored, and slow as a snail with a turn radius to match. Realism in space combat went out the window when they slapped "Star Wars" on the game. There is nothing realistic about the space combat in Star Wars. They even admit to basing it off of popular war aviation movies of the 50's and 60's like "The Dam Busters" and "633 Squadron."


    BTW, Andryah, I'm stealing this:

    I call it pre-emptive self-inflicted misery. :p
  8. That's right, you heard me. That random bounty hunter you saw in the trailers was just a placeholder for Boba Fett, who was going to be the primary protagonist for the entire game with a rags-to-riches style story.


    And he was going to have a companion, a droid companion. Remember

    guy? Yeah it was going to be him.


    This really did have the potential to be an absolutely fantastic game, so sad it never saw the light of day.


    You can read an article from IGN here. Warning: you will scream in frustration.

    There is one HUGE assumption that everyone is making: That it is a dead project. Did everyone forget they are actively seeking a partner to bring 1313 to fruition?

  9. 1)The fact that the core TOR game (IE, the MMO part) might suffer

    I've read your responses to this being questioned, but I STILL don't see how. Could you explain how, in depth without acronyms?

    2)While space combat excite me a lot, two things worry me in the trailer. First, the absence of cockpit viewpoint (which can be a design choice, but can also means that the game is not as intricate as TIE Fighter).
    That is a HUGE assumption on your part and is in no way fact.

    Second, the presence in the trailer of a scene that screams ''rails'', AKA the passage Inside a narrow hallway at around .42
    Wow! All the times it shows freedom of movement and the one time that it could be construed that MAYBE it might not be (even though they blatantly SAID that it was free-flight)?! You are over-reacting.

    Stuff like the game ''being PVP'' is not worrying me at all. PVE space combat can't really involve ''mobs'' with tons of HP or heavy damage, it need decent AI programming. The AI in TIE Fighter was dumb as rocks, altough noticavly better than droid starfighters from the PT....

    No, but you can have PvE Space Operations. 12 starfighters vs. a massive capital ship/space station.

  10. I've been checking the list of companions in order to check their traits and i noticed something very interesting.


    if you go on top of the companion you see if he is romanceable or not


    Apparently the vast majority of the characters that are romanceable are human or very human like just like how every playable race is just humans with different characteristics(human with small horns, human with tatoos, emo human etc)


    Most of the possible romanceable characters like the wookie or Qyzen-Fess(trandoshan) or other alien races that have a normal looking body(aka not 5 legs etc) have no option for romancing at all which means the devs didnt even THINK about it( like how talos has some gay romance looking dialogue options but apparently they removed the deeper gay dialogues to avoid bad publicity by close minded people)


    Honestly why i cant romance my cute lizard companion, many of the alien companions have great personalities and it is a shame to not allow such characters to be romanceable


    Seriously, is society that far behind that they are afraid of relationships between different intelligent races?!?!?

    Love has no gender or race!


    For one, let's start with a correction. It's species, not race.


    Second, they have posted many, many times about the choice. Yes. It was a specific choice NOT to do so. Humans and humanoids are relatable to the majority of players. Even if it is same sex, we can relate. For example, how do we KNOW Bowdarr is a male and Treek is a female? Only through personal identification do we discover this. It's not evident from a biological standpoint. Males and females of each species are indistinguishable by our eyes. It's the same reason those species will never be a player option.


    Lastly, Doctor Lokin, Talos Drellick and Tharan Cedrax are all human and are not able to be romanced. Zenith, Lord Scourge, and Sgt. Rusk are either player species already, or able to be romanced by another class.

  11. Hello there!


    I'm playing Imperial agent, and recently the dark side choices became..

    well , too dark for me..

    When I started playing I have decided to go fully dark, because it's good to have place

    to take out your "dark" energy during the day, because in real life I tend to be nice :)


    the dark side options became too much!

    for example in one of the flash-points, don't remember its name, it was for lvl ~30 I think,

    I had a choice to execute the team, so I have chosen that, because of the dark side points,

    and that was HORRIBLE! Imperial soldier lined the civilian team up and shot them one by

    one while they were holding hands!

    And to worsen the situation, my group members were shocked by my decision!


    So couple of question,


    1) If I choose light side choices sometimes, will it slow down the dark side progress?

    I mean that "dark side I II III..." thing

    2) does the dark side alignment actually impact the game experience in some way?

    beside the "rotten face" thing

    3) All the dark side players, how do you cope with this situations? when the game loses good taste?


    It would be nice if you share some other "too evil" choices, so i'll be prepared in the future :rolleyes:




    Rest assured you are just normal. There is nothing to say that if you are on the Republic side you MUST chose Lightside or because you are Imperial you MUST be Darkside. Sure there are situations that are complicated by one choice or another, but it in no way is a required method. Lundorff answered your 3 points, so I woun't go into that.


    Just remember, it's a game. It is entertainment. Some people like to explore what it is like to be the bad guy. Some people like to explore what being a good guy in an evil organization (or evil in a good org.). What are their motivations? How can you justify what you are doing? Can you even make moral decisions? It's all about exploring.


    For fun I made a Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior and turned off all indicators alignment gain/loss. Now I play how I would react if I were in those situations.


    TL:DR: Don't sweat it, have fun, chose what YOU want to.


    EDIT: This is a TOTALLY wrong way to think:

    If you smile when you hear the word genocide, if you cheer when someone say slavery, if you laugh when torture is mentioned, then you're ready to play the Empire.


    Otherwise, play the Republic.

    The choice is simple.

  12. Just curious about how BW categorizes these things because as you know 2.4 was a pretty huge patch about 3/4 of what RotHC was.


    So expansion always indicates to me an "add-on" to the game, which space pvp absolutely is. But if it is free and it is JUST SSSP then it makes me wonder why it's not a patch. Which then makes me think that what we are getting in December or January is a way advanced preview and this expansion is not releasing till around April as part of something much larger. Maybe not. But if not, then I don't get why they don't just call this a patch.


    Well a patch would be like the real world equivalent. Anything from a Band-Aid to a prosthetic. So basically it fixes or replaces something deficient. An expansion pack (ExPac) or some might call downloadable content (DLC) adds something to the game that did not exist or in extending something like storyline or leveling.


    Size matters not - :csw_yoda:

  13. I've posted it before, I'm all for Free-Flight PvE in the form of Space Operations. Multiple starfighters taking down large capital ships (a la X-Wing and TIE Fighter video games and the movies). Imagine something like doing the Deathstar run! The WHOLE thing, not just the trench run.


    With this though, we do need a team based voice chat. Humble request. :D

  14. But I didn't point you out did I? You did that all yourself. Why? Do you feel a need to be recognized? Is your idea of self importance so vital that you need to be right all the time? Do you need a hug?


    Listen sport, this is a valid thread. If it wasn't it would be deleted or moved and seeing you are not the site moderator then maybe for the sake of "maturity" you should show a little respect for the subject matter and post accordingly.


    To put it plainly, if you can't say something of value to others then keep it to yourself.


    Talk about the Pot and the Kettle. If you scan back through this post (and even the very same post, which I highlighted in white) and see the derision and spite (some of which seems to have been removed, but the quotes are still there)

    And I don't care to hear from people saying 'this isn't going to happen' If we all listened to the naysayers we's likely all still be living in Europe thinking the world was flat.


    Well I guess if I felt the need to be important I might point out and itemize your errors. But you know. I really don't care about being right or wrong. All I care about is seeing this game succeed and be more than just another online failure.

    And I'll tell you this.... I would rather see 300+ posts about it rather than 1 superfluous postulation from a windbag with an over inflated sense of self worth, But that is just me.

    Read through my post, and there are only three personal statements, one is already "I", turning "do we??" into "do me??" makes no sense, and the third is about wanting to customise our ships. Are you saying you don't want that option?


    Your whole post is written in first person yet you presume to speak for others. Sorry mate, you aint the queen.

    Hmmm... quite. Perhaps following your own advice BEFORE dolling it out is in order.

  15. LOL


    Yea, I was just poking fun. It is pretty hilarious. Some of the soundbites are really "blow milk through nose" worthy. This has to be one of my favorite bugs...I'm relieved to hear it was or is an actual bug and not a design decision.


    Now...if I can just get them to change back the animation/trigger change for PVP sake we might have high quality visual and audio combat again.


    Naturally I would expect it to remain as it is now for PVP...as it is obviously a good PVP change. Just bad for the rest of the game IMO.


    Heck, I'd love the ability to turn off companion comments, too. I'm going to put my fist through the screen the next time Gus makes a comment. I'd rather have C2-N2 follow me around. No wonder so many Smugglers run with Treek.


    EDIT: OH! Get rid of the giggle, too. As a healer, giggling EVERY time you heal makes me sound insane. " *giggle* Come here and let me shoot you with my Blasters of Love and Healing! *insane Joker cackle*"

  16. Obviously SWTOR is not going to become SWG. But why not incorporate more of the successful elements of SWG. And why not improve on these elements. Player cities are fine but have a reason to make them. One way of doing this is high end pvp and pve crafted gear that can only be produced via player cities. Another idea could be introducing more rvr whereby gtm tax prices are influenced by the areas of control each side owns. Reasons for space battles could be over player trade routes between planets. (this could also open up new objectives for the smuggler and bounty hunter classes) each planet could produce a special crafting material indigenous to that planet.


    I want to see swtor become a living breathing community that is more player driven. but not at the cost of the wonderful story lines.


    I am only throwing ideas out there. But 'someone' (not going to point fingers) here seems hell bent on stepping on peoples ideas without offering any alternatives. Its easy to criticize, lets not be so lazy and offer up more ideas. after all I am sure none of us want what ultimately happened to SWG to happen to SWTOR.


    It's ok to dream your dreams, but there comes a time to realize you have to wake at some point. The way this game was built precludes such dreams. As C2-N2 likes to point out, "You can't make a shimmersilk purse out of a bantha's ear."


    The alternatives are not out there for player housing as many point out, yet you want to push it. Why are you surprised when people push back? For goodness sake, it took almost a year to get the option to put a guild bank in your ship, imagine putting stuff ANYWHERE. At best in the next year or two, we may be able to hang trophies in predetermined hooks (a la, LotRO and STO). The whole push of the new expansion is to allow customization of the outside of your ship. At least that will be built that way.


    As for pointing fingers, a mature person wouldn't have even have pointed it out. Yet you did, but I'm OK with that. Since I put the offerings for my ideas where they belong. In the Suggestions forum, not Community.

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