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Everything posted by Evilsteps

  1. Only lowbies were abused in the making of this character....
  2. I enjoy the PvP in this game, but I never PvP'd much in other games because it did not really interest me too much. I think Lt. Commander was my highest rank in WoW, and I never played arenas, but I am having fun. Your comment still made me chuckle!
  3. Taris or equivalent. Fossilized tendrils....or kill the beasts and harvest them.
  4. Evilsteps


    Is a crystal ball included in the PvP reward bags now?
  5. Evilsteps


    I don't care if you are going to pay Bioware anymore or not. Just go away and stop looking for support from forum goers.
  6. Patch 1.1 is still in the testing servers. Also, what will people cry about when the 50's do get their own bracket and the geared 50's are still facerolling the newbies? Tiered 50's warzones based on what set of armor you have? People get upset from taking a few lumps in pvp as you level and are outraged at the idea? I don't get it I guess. I am level 41 on my main, by the way, and have no problem with the level 50 players. Having gear is not what makes them good at PvP and they will still roll those whining about it when they hit 50.
  7. I say we just give everyone whatever piece of gear they want every time they log in to the game with the correct account info.
  8. It is all fun and games till someone interrupts me. Then I have to switch to alternate means.
  9. I can say this is me also. I got told tonight to feel free to advance the ball as I was attempting to nuke down the enemies. I frantically looked for someone to pass it to, but all I had in my sights was red names....which is what I wanted prior to being passed the darn ball!!
  10. I stopped at getting one shot. I haven't been hit by a 7k crit yet.
  11. I am a Merc Arsenal spec BH so I can hold my own in the damage department. If I start getting laid in to by someone who has an obvious upper hand I just use my CC or knockback to leave them or hold out till help arrives. I enjoy trying to compete as the underdog though. I would get bored if nobody posed a challenge to my efforts.
  12. I don't agree with much of what you said. The brackets are coming, but my experience has been different than yours I guess. Sure the geared out 50's can faceroll me as I'm level 38, but the fresh 50's still die quickly. I still am useful as a damage supplement or CC till I get my expertise. It is not as doom and gloom as you make it.
  13. You don't need to be 400 at all to get them. Every green medpac/stim/implant/adrenal can be reverse engineered into a blue version. You then make enough of the blue version and reverse engineer it to get the reusable versions. The purple/reusable version has the same skill requirement as the green version.
  14. If they have nerfed the nodes then that is a bit much. I would say buff the nodes to quality levels and make a few more of them so slicers can get out there and make a living. However, you can't expect to make a living purely on sending companions on missions with any gathering crew skill.
  15. I am not trying to troll here honestly, but why do slicers feel the only way to perform their slicing is by sending companions on missions? I have slicing on my alt and find lockboxes all the time while I'm out questing. There is not cost involved in finding them, so it is pure profit. Why is that just bypassed by so many slicers, or why is nobody talking about having to do more of that? I have bioanalysis on my main and if I send companions on missions with that I lose money even if I get them sold on the GTN. However, I collect a crap load of bio mats while I'm out questing and have sold them for wonderful profit. Why is that not an ok thing for slicing? I know you can't craft anything with money, but you can buy mats with the money to craft things. So honestly what is the difference?
  16. Nice work. Share your secret? I think slicing is still fine and even picked it up on my alt just yesterday.
  17. The fact people aren't understanding that point is simply proving what the problem was. They wanted to be able to make a crap load of cash and still be able to not interrupt whatever they were working on at the time. With the other gathering skills you actually have to run out of your way or clear some trash mobs to gather the node. Sending your companions on missions for all other gathering skills loses money too. Not by a little, but by a lot. The slicers just don't want to have to actually go out and gather from the nodes.
  18. The lack of support over the 10 days the game has officially been released?!? Really? 10 days is long enough to judge game support? Unbelievable. Do you cuss the workers out at the drive up if they don't give you your food within 20 seconds too?
  19. Yes, you can reverse them to blue then to purple quality.
  20. I get what you are saying, and I think they need to up the amount of slicing nodes, but sending companions on slicing missions should not be the best way to make money from the skill. The best way to make money from a gathering skill should be to gather them out in the world. The missions should only be moderately profitable if at all. I have both slicing and bioanalysis and bio missions rarely give me enough product that I could sell them and make a profit., but I have many more gathering nodes than my slicing does. Bioware could fix the slicing nerf by simply adding more nodes to gather from. Then time spent gathering would determine your profit just like all the other gathering skills.
  21. As a biochemist you should be able to walk around with a stim active and have a reusable med-pack, and reusable adrenal to pop whenever you need. It is like having 3 trinkets that you carry in your bag.
  22. You get the reusable items from reverse engineering the green ones till you discover the blue schematic. You then make the blue quality items and reverse engineer them until you discover the purple one. You then make the purple ones for free trinkets that are reusable, but you can't really sell them because you have to have biochem at that level to use them.
  23. You are combining two professions in your example. With just a gathering skill like bioanalysis you cannot turn the green goo into anything. There is no building of red goo unless you are talking about a separate crating skill in which case that is two separate skills. The purple goo of doom would also involve a crafting skill which is again a separate skill from the gathering. How is that the same? As a gathering skill you should still have to gather it to make the most of the skill. Sending out on missions should not be the most profitable way to make money from it. Why is that a problem? All the other gathering skills are that way too.
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