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Everything posted by PlasticCupMan

  1. The agreement is strong with this one but really, fee? getting mine from a physical store and the pre-order price is deducted from the game at the till...
  2. geez talk about diluting the DDE, but I suppose they did it to stop people complaining about physical stores not having a DDE equivalent... but I thought that was what made the DDE exclusive in its own right
  3. as an add on to my previous post, People who buy the Authenticator get access to the Authenticator store DDE gets access to the VIP area and VIP vendors Standard gets access to the VIP area and VIP vendors aafter paying 1,000,000 credits CE gets access to all of the above AS well as access to the CE only store, which is in the VIP area hope this clears up some misconceptions
  4. You may be confusing the CE store with the VIP Vendors. The CE store is exclusive to those that have purchased the CE. It is however, located in a VIP area, this area contains a multitude of VIP vendors that sell cosmetic items etc, this was initially thought to be an area only accessible by CE buyers but it has been found this area will be available to everyone with the DDE, or those that pay 1,000,000c to enter
  5. I ordered for the crappy colour crystal and secure my copy of CE, early access was just a bonus. cancel all you want, I know I wont be
  6. tell your friends to switch or guess you should have pre-ordered sooner
  7. The first 30 days will be the most testing I'm sure, when, as you so rightly say, we will lose a large portion of players (I'm really banking on the above mentioned self entitled brats) I'm hoping the game will be better for it. This is the first MMO I've really gotten my head in to so I'm hoping it will be a good one, I'm sure it will stand a good test of time but the second I hear anyone start mentioning life-time subs or going free to play I'm jumping ship
  8. I never once deceived myself, I knew this was exactly what the forums were going to look like, and I think a lot of others did too. What you suggested would have been much nicer of course, but like you said, maybe one day... in a galaxy far far away
  9. This thread has been favourited, let us re start it in 6 months and see what everyone has to say!
  10. I can definitely understand your final point, I assume you feel this time could have been used as a final test before the 'street launch'? I guess BioWare feels confident about the integrity of their servers as I would assume they 'hope' to get everyone in by atleast the 19th, giving them enough data to see the performance of their login servers etc. I won't lie though, if the servers do go down on the 20th, I'll probably give a little grin and come back to these lovely forums for some more bedtime reading material!
  11. Yeah, it would be nice to have some sort of system to let us know, and like the poster above said, twitter will probably be everyones best bet. Me and my mates definitely intend to hit a low pop server, I'm not sure about everyone else but naming my character is quite important to me and the name campers seem to always ruin that. One can always be hopeful though, and as always, losing your preferable name isn't the end of the world, but it sure is a hindrance
  12. General Query here everyone, How do you think people would be reacting if they had simply let everyone in the second the servers went live? Lets assume the worst case scenarios, Huge queues, server crashes, heavily populated areas perhaps? I personally feel BioWare would have taken flak no matter how they handled this really, you can't please everyone all of the time. thoughts? and for the record I pre-orded CE sometime around late sept/ early october and don't even expect to get in by tomorrow really, which doesn't bother me at all, it is funny however to watch these forums and read all of these 'I'm cancelling my pre-order' threads, its keeping me going
  13. I doubt they will be flagged as such, the only obvious signs of it new being perhaps a lower population, The best I think you can hope for is to jot down all of the server names now and cross reference when you start the game.
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