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Everything posted by Ukita

  1. I don't think there are going to be Battlemaster bags. If I understand correctly, they're trying to get rid of the bag system altogether, which is a good step in the right direction.
  2. They honestly shouldn't have had so many servers. Not until they knew whether or not the game was going to be as popular as they had anticipated. I wouldn't mind cross server matches, however it would just be simpler if they combined lower pop servers with more highly populated servers.
  3. I wonder if ranked warzones are going to allow solo queuing with other players that are near or above your skill level, or if it's going to just be organized teams. I wouldn't mind if it were just organized teams, but if they do allow solo queuing I hope there would be a way to weed out the terribles. >_>
  4. Incendiary Grenade and XS Freighter Flyby also do loads more damage than a DoT. I don't see why they would need a reason to make it so an ability that takes 2.9s to cast, can be interrupted, and has a 45s cooldown, operate the same way as a DoT.
  5. Apparently. Means I no longer need to do Ilum! Yay!
  6. We just can't sit at a point and dot people up now. Not a big deal, since that shouldn't have been our main role to begin with. Now the tanks and heavy armor classes can appropriately sit and defend the points that, if attacked, could survive longer than 4 seconds under pressure, so we can go between the points and help whatever side actually needs it. I'm not going to say I didn't see this coming either. I told everyone I talked to, this is really the only nerf gunslinger is going to receive, it can only go uphill from here for us. Gonna have to start yelling at the tanks to babysit the point, it's not my job anymore!
  7. Because Gunslinger clearly plays the same as every other class in the game. We operate exactly the same as a Shadow, and a Guardian, and a Sentinel. How is this far more than a Shadow? If you're going to list our superior number of CC's, please, list them ALL. 5-target 8s disable, 60s cooldown 1-target 5s root, 15s cooldown 1-target 4s incapacitate, 45s cooldown The droid stun is pointless for PvP, which, I thought, was the main topic of discussion in this thread. It's actually not that great for raiding either, since all bosses and most trash now have boss immunity (hunter creeper droid and assault droid in KP, and the turrets at the beginning of EV). But your's can be cast at any point in time. We have to be in cover to use our knockback, with the only upside being we get people off our jockstrap so we can pewpew them appropriately. The talent you can spec in to that allows aimed shot to knockback also maxes out a resolve bar faster than any other single ability in the game. If I remember correctly, I can get a target from 0 resolve to 75% with that. Not really practical in a CC off. Except that Scrambling Field is on a 3 minute cooldown unless you spec into it. Then it's still 2 1/2 minutes. Our "AoE" damage, is XS Freighter Flyby, has a 1 minute cooldown, has a 3 second cast, and ticks once every 4 seconds (3 times, for a total of about 1800-2000 each time it hits), and Hunker Down requires us to be rooted to the spot, with the upside being that we can't be taunted, interrupted, stunned, CC'd, knocked back, or incapacitated. Doesn't mean I don't use them, just saying, you can't really compare any one of your abilities to any one of our abilities without understanding what it is they do. Except that once our core rotation is done (Sabo Charge -> Aimed Shot -> Trickshot -> Speed Shot -> Charged Burst is my usual rotation, and I throw shock charge/vital shots/flourish shot in when I find it appropriate, however it isn't really a part of my usual rotation), we start to stagger with our damage. And the slows mean jack **** against classes like Marauder and Juggernaught, who can simply charge at you if you try and make distance between you and them. Even kiting them isn't as effective because of that charge. Which is something people don't quite understand until they've used it. Constantly sitting around 30 energy when I'm pure DF, because of the energy cost of getting a standard rotation off. I've found myself lacking the energy to fire off wounding shots. 2, if you spec into it. But as explained, it takes time to set it up (1.5s for the global cooldown on cover to finish, and the activation of either pulse det., or the 2.9s cast time on aimed shot). The reason I personally use it is because of how long it lasts. The damage boost isn't that much, but it is a damage boost. It has very little burst... Even with contingency charges, it's got low burst. I personally go Sabotage for the defensive CD's. 30s off the CD of scrambling field and an additional 6% damage reduction is nice. Just, not always worth it for PvP. Because PvE is ezpz, you aren't getting LOS'd constantly, or disrupted when you're behind cover. You get to plant your happy *** on the ground and fire away. Doesn't mean a DPS guardian or a DPS commando knows jack **** about our class in PvE either. The argument here has always been in PvP. There are no problems with GS in operations because we ****in' sit still and fire off a rotation, do **** loads of damage, and win the day. In PvP, we end up getting kited and LOS'd so hard it requires us to play differently. We can't be those unstoppable turrets if people stand behind a wall. And any good GS knows that you don't go DF or Sab for PvE. It's just not practical. Actually can't not have it, now. It's become a very vital part of my 1v1 setup (including everything and the kitchen sink, because the kitchen sink knocks down the extra 250dmg I need to kill someone). Unless you play GS, you can't speculate, you can't "pretend" to understand how the class works, because it simply isn't that easy, even for the people who do play it.
  8. Gotta keep most of the hilarious bugs a secret so some buzzkill doesn't fix it internally.
  9. The only problem I have with doing this is I usually end up with no energy left, with vital shot costing 15 energy per use, and there being nothing in the DF tree that lowers the cost. There are options to increase the duration and the critical chance of all internal effects, but there isn't one that simply reduces the cost of it. With DF being the more mobile of the 3 trees, you'd think there would be something you could spec into that would increase energy regeneration while in cover (it's in Saboteur if I remember correctly, which is great if you want to use a hybrid spec, but isn't really practical otherwise). Total cost of using a DF rotation: 1. Vital shot (15 energy) 2. Shrap bomb (20 energy) 3. (Optional) Hemo Blast (15 energy) 4. Wounding Shots (30 energy) 5. Your sanity if they LOS wounding shots During that time you may have regenerated maybe 20 energy? Leaves you with 40, and most of your skills requiring 15/20 to cast.
  10. Why the hell can't our PVP gear look like this? Seriously, this is so much better than the dribble mexican bullfighter outfit they put in the game for us.
  11. I like mid/side better than side/side. I've taken on a wanderer role, since I can come in and instantly blow people away, and since defending on a gunslinger is pretty stupid, so it's easier to get from left to center, because I can just stand on the wall and overlook both points and see all incoming from either the landing point, or underneath from right. Left/right, I have to travel much farther to defend a point. It's a bit of a *****.
  12. So you stick around with a gunslinger. I constantly kick people out of stealth, because I have nothing better to use that AOE on.
  13. I got my hands on the bracers, same set as the belt. Been looking for the belt as well, so that I'm ready to go when March rolls around and gives us the option to not look like Mexican bullfighters.
  14. Hey, we get one of those. ... We just have to be sitting still, it lasts for 20 seconds flat, reduces all incoming damage by 20%, and has a 3 minute cooldown. Oh, I guess that's the same thing as useless, huh. Woops!
  15. I rolled a Vanguard and kept instinctively hitting my cover keys... To me, every other class now lacks depth without cover (as buggy and annoying as it is, I love it).
  16. Because those classes have medium armor. You have heavy armor. You can take a substantially harder beating and still live.
  17. The thing with our class is we don't have a fool proof escape mechanism. Sage: Bubble and speed. Shadow: Cloak of shadows and speed. Commando: One of the only other class that doesn't really have fool proof escape skills. However they also have heavy armor, heal, shield, and all of GS's damage without mobility restrictions. Vanguard: Charge, shield, and same benefits as commando, minus heal. Guardian: Guardian leap, leap, last stand. Sentinel: Guarded by the force, cloak, transcendence. Scoundrel: Heals, stealth. Gunslinger has a lot of CC's, but they have to be so wide spread, so as to not give people full resolve. And the aimed shot knockback you can spec into gives more resolve than any other CC/KD/Incapacitate in the game. All of our "invulnerabilities" either don't last long enough for us to actually get away without being slowed/cc'd/incap'd, and our skill that ignores all of those requires us to sit still and get beat on like a pinata. :/ Been wondering this for a while now actually: What is more worth it, a lower damage mainhand that has a 100% chance to hit with 100% accuracy and a stat stick offhand, or two weapons that, overall, do more damage, have slightly more stats, but provide other disadvantages, like the second weapon having a 1/3 chance to miss? I would rather have a 100% chance to hit everything, than have **** be complicated because my second blaster can miss. Personally.
  18. Clearly adding more to the overall light mooded tone of this thread.
  19. I use this as well, but I prefer to put the extra 2 points into shock charge slow, instead of 4% alacrity. I also don't get spacer or quick aim in favor of burst volley.
  20. Pretty sure they said they were going to release 1.2 sometime in March, so rated warzones are either going to be coming out the second week, or right after a lot of our subscriptions run out. If you've been a subscriber since the beginning, that is. I'm not sure they can really afford to gamble with releasing it after subscriptions are due for renewal.
  21. If you're reading that off Torhead, it isn't scaled up with level/gear. It's more like 2400(350/tick)+800 from Vital Shot alone. That also doesn't include procs, and my procs will usually tick for around 500. Tech critical chance with this spec is up to about 50%, with 70% surge. Sab/DF has a lot of sustained damage, so if you can keep yourself alive long enough you're going to do some serious damage. It's a terrible 1v1 spec, but it's great if you fight as part of a team, which is why I like DF in general.
  22. Even 1v1's aren't that difficult when you get out of the mentality I was in. I will literally pop everything, including hunker down and scrambling field at the beginning of fights to ensure a somewhat clean win against those classes that can 3-button mash and win. When I'm done with a large scale fight or a 1v1 everything is either on cooldown or off of cooldown from having been used at the beginning of that fight (dodge/defense screen).
  23. The only other ones you can find are at the Security Key Vendors, and they don't like all that fantastic. I preferred the default look over any of the available to purchase customizations.
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