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Everything posted by nskeen

  1. I'm not so sure. I played the SWTOR beta and was so enamored with the game. I've taken 3 characters to 50 and now that the rose colored glasses are off... there are key features and mechanics in this game that are just cumbersome and tedious. I think GW2 will be the oposite. A lot of people are playing the early levels and expecting AMAZING dynicamic content in an area that you will spend 1-2 hours on (at the most -- although you can revist and have the game scale you down). I think as people play GW2 more through the rest of the 80 levels of content they will start enjoying it more. It's really hard to judge a game with 80 character levels in just 3 days. What really draws me to GW2 is that every feature seems to have been designed for the players enjoyment. you can tell they sat around and thought of ways to make traditional MMO mechanics more enjoyable. When you don't have a 15 dollar/month reoccuring subsciption to worry about holding onto you can really take a lot of the tedious bull-crap out that no one seems to enjoy -- IE pvp gear grinds, endgame raiding/flashpoint grinds, systems that encourage alting (even if you don't like to have alts), slow/restrictive travel systems, etc The design philosophies seem very different. Frankly I've not seen a lot of information on what the SWTOR dev teams design philosophy is. Especially when it comes to PvP (something i focus on in this game). The changes they make, and lack of communication around them, has really hurt their reputation with me. I'm hopeful for GW2 because they talk a lot about what their intentions are and why they are doing it differently.
  2. Probably because there are a lot of people who are saying SWTOR is better. If the people in this thread only posted praises about the game it would have been deleted a long time ago.
  3. GW1 is really nothing like GW2. They are two very different games. For a 1 time 60 dollar fee this game gives you a lot to do. As long as you're not a 6 hour+/day player there is enough content in their initial release to last a VERY long time. Do you really think the content they've given us since December could EVER retail for 60 dollars in a store? In a free to play game like this you pay only when the developers deliver somehting worth paying for. My 15/month since Dec (another 60 dollars ontop of what I've paid for the game ) hasn't really given me anything to write home about. I haven't even experienced most of it as I'm more fond of PvP in SWTOR than it's PvE (buggy and overly simplistic/easy).
  4. Things I like about GW2 "Dynamic Quests" - while these may not be as "dynamic" at the early levels I really love the design over traditional questing. Showing up to an area and having 1-25 other people there sharing rewards is amazing. In other MMOs you feel frustrated when there are too many people in the same area. You're rewarded with EXP for rezzing other players so I saw a lot of people helping each other out. I'd really love to see how dynamic these quests are in later zones and when the population levels out and the events have a chance to "fail" and branch out in other directions. Graphics and art direction - Amazing. I love high fantasy and this game delivers. Worlds feel immense and alive. Gorgeous game and almost no lag or FPS drops with 30+ people doing the same dynamic quests. Day and night cycles are also great in this game. The capital citys are amazing. Travel - There are TONS of way points all over the map and you can click on any of them at anytime to travel for a very small fee. You get to where you want to be and straight into the action without lame flight path rides. Loading screens are also a lot less cumbersome than other games I've played. Exploring - There are skill points, dynamic quests, way points, etc that entice you towards areas on the map - besides this forced exploration I found myself swimming into hidden underwater caves and finding other remote locations not marked on the map. Lots of cool stuff. Auction/Market/GTN -- The best market i've seen in anygame at launch. It tracks the sale of everytime posted and gives you a breakdown how how much it has sold for. Extremely impressive you have to see it. It's really going to foster a strong player driven economy. PvP - pretty balanced. But of course it would be. Everyone scales to 80 and has a set of gear to start. There are no dedicated healers or tanks but every class does have support options that include healing/mitigation abilites. This game will be much much much easier to balance. It was challanging (especially for a level 1 suddenly unlocking all of the skills/traits/epics and not having a clue what they do or time practice using them).I'm looking forward to the 5v5 arenas and trying out the WvWvW pvp (the map looks huge and I like the idea of server-wide buffs for participating). Classes - Each class has TONS of options to customize their play style. they don't penalize you for wanting to try out new builds or ideas. I LOVE respeccing but in other games it can be very costly to switch from on role/spec to another. In GW2 you can change it up anytime without a cost. Challange - The game seems VERY challening. I've died more times in this game than most other MMOs. It's actually a good thing. The downed state is a cool mechanic... it feels good when you survive or a friendly player comes to your rescue. Environmental Weapons - Tons of stuff just laying around waiting for you to pick up. Each item will change your set of main abilites. It's a really cool system and I love the fact elementalists can summon powerful weapons for their team (reminds me of EQ mages but better). No Faction V Faction - this is worth mentioning. There is no reason to squabble back and forth about which faction/class combination is better or who the developers favor more. I think this has really hurt SWTOR
  5. I was a fan boy when this game first came out always defedning how amazing the voice acting and PvE the game had. Now that I've actuallyed played to 50 -- I can only say that the only redemingly quality this game had was it's pvp. I have fun but I feel like it's in DEPSITE of what the current "pvp development" team is doing. It really feels like a quality team balanced the pvp before the game launched (maybe a few tweaks needed) but the current team is just throwing darts at a board blindfolded with no clue as to what target they are trying to hit. I really don't want to be their guinea pig. I
  6. People keep arguing which class is better dps in pvp. I think the design is pretty straightforward... If a class has support -- the support role is more desired in groups/ranked pvp. Scoundrels/ops HEAL Shadow/Sins TANK Any solid DPS player will overcome the challanges of their class. Each spec has a strength and weakness. What sounds convincing on pen and papper doesn't always translate to what we experience. There are good Scoundrels/Ops and there are good Shadows/Sins - if one class suits your play style better and you find it easier -- then play that class. Each class has a different tool set. Each tool in your box comes at a different price. If you cannot see the value in what you're receiving in a class then re-roll.
  7. I preordered on 10-21. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting in until Friday at the current speed they are running this.
  8. Great information thanks I hope this becomes a living document here on the forums.
  9. I've seen scrapper videos around but I've not seen anyone using a dirty fighting build. Something like this: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/smuggler/scoundrel/#::f2ef2ef22ef10e6f2e10fe Would something like that work?
  10. Anyone have some good Scoundrel videos? I found a few good operative videos here and there but not nearly as many as you can find for the other classes. People thinking this class is going to be an underdog come launch? Or just more people want lightsabers? What are you thoughts?
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