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Everything posted by DarkenWulf

  1. In fairness the only reason I have 2VR8 is because the game simply will not allow me to flush the annoying posh voiced usless pile of drivel out of the airlock. I HATE THAT DROID
  2. Bookmarked. Cheers for this. Handy stuff as I'm levelling Anni
  3. Banthahumper I was really drunk at the time. Still makes me chuckle though, I should probably grow up someday
  4. Frankly I'm amazed you can see anything over that chip on your shoulder
  5. Gratz, you're an idiot. Fear the Tankasin.
  6. I'm full darkness spec, pvp is a blast, give me even a half competent healer and I can make myself a total pain to the opposition. Did alderaan at one point me and a powertech were taking up huge amounts of enemy time on a point
  7. For a reasonable answer to that question read the sig. Although I would caution that your petulant responses will only incur similar posts to mine. Try calming down a little it'll sweeten your disposition. As for the supreme set It would be interesting to know, I'm more inclined however to let someone else do the farming and pay the big bucks off the galactic exchange. Either way I'll have to do some digging see if I can locate them. Lightsabers make exceptional excavation tools I hear
  8. Ahh I knew I was going wrong somewhere
  9. It's best to stack defence till about 600 I believe. I'd reccomend checking the stickies and this thread:http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=78826
  10. Personally I find the freedom afforded by wearing a skirt to be incomparable, I'm thinking of taking it up in RL. All that extra space, saber swinging in the breeze.
  11. Nope, the robot sucks donkey balls. Talos is a million times better than him, I tried it. I'm also cybertech and crafted the robot a ton of good parts. He was beyond useless
  12. Hi, I'm a lvl 44 Darkness specced assassin and people take forever to kill me. What am I doing wrong?
  13. You guys should try being Darkness. Tank Spec + healer = godlike. Oh hai mr champion, nomnomnom
  14. Yeah it's amazing, he rocks can take on pretty much anything as darkness solo
  15. Good post will have to test it end game, personally I don't much value crushing darkness as an opener although I see the point. I just play with far too impatient peeps
  16. This Also I used Andro and I was Darkness specced. Popping channel the force also helped
  17. Yeah, With Andro backing me up I can cheerfully take on everything. did my 4th companion quest at 30, only thing that gave me any trouble was my act 1 finale quest and that was only because I had to take Khem.
  18. Indeed. PvP survivability should be a non issue in warzones if you're doing it right. Same with open world the whole point of Sin PvP is that you can choose your engagements
  19. I'd take a look at the sticky at the top Nandor, some great info there for all specs. I'm going the standard pve tank spec from the sticky and it's still good in pvp, just use andronikas and pulverise everything
  20. It's not broke don't fix. If I had more stuns as a tankasin I'd be even more godlike than I am already......
  21. I'm actually using the pvp darkness build from the sticky at the top. That stuffs my class bible as far as I'm concerned.
  22. Go underworld trading, spend many hours gifting her you ill gotten gains, ????, profit.
  23. Revel, he does way more damage, or at least he seems to, I do all the tanking and I seem to get through alot easier with Revel as opposed to her lightsideness
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