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Everything posted by Thuggy

  1. Dungeon finders are usually tiered by level. You usually can only queue for the "bonus" on level appropriate flashpoints. I don't know how Bioware's system will work, but this will be an obvious solution. Some games allow you to queue for specific lower level content, for the purposes of completing quests, or helping a friend, but it's rarely ever a problem.
  2. Legacy feature: Pazzak table on your ship....2,500,000 credits. Req. legacy level 25.
  3. Even after reading, I still doubt there's a company-wide definition of the terms, There certainly isn't one throughout the online community. I think of the labels similar to the political labels of "conservative/liberal" they have broad, but often nebulous meanings that constantly shift based on over generalizations, and personal bias. In the end it's a way to group and marginalize any set of people you may or may not agree with. "I'm a casual, those damn hardcores are making the game too much of a grind for me." ..... "I'm hardcore, those lazy casuals make this game too easy"
  4. the "Coming in 1.3" legacy tab shows they're working on a field respec option through legacy, however, I have not heard any new information on it, and it doesn't seem to be something they're really showcasing. I doubt it'll be as robust as a true dual-spec feature (i.e. easy swapping between saved talent loadouts and hotbar configurations), but hopefully it'll be a step in the right direction.
  5. Just tested, It does appear that all of the twi'lek tattoos and skin colors unlock. However the inquisitor specific slave brands (scar slider) are still class exclusive. As for humans, the class-specific tattoo options are not unlocked with legacy.
  6. There aren't any dummies to test healing to my knowledge, and certainly not one that a companion would heal. As with most healing, you're not going to get any "proof" through meters anyway, as healing is more about situational efficiency than raw output. I personally only turn off damaging abilities with a cast time, and their channeled stun. What happens is that companions generally unintelligently cycle through whatever is off cool-down, so sometimes you'll go extended periods of time. Nothing more frustrating being at low health and seeing your companion decide to cast Charged blast. Edit: Keep in mind, its generally very situational. Content where there's very low risk of dieing, I'll frequently not only turn on offensive abilities, but even swap them to their offensive stance to speed thing sup slightly. Just keep off the incapacitate That stun is freaking useless -_-
  7. I agree.Contrary to standard customer relations ideology, even if the answer is "no," feeling we have a direct line of communication, and some form of direct feedback and cross dialogue really helps a player to get a sense of ownership with a game, and relieves a great deal of angst. Speaking purely anecdotally, when Ghostcralwer started bantering with the community in a expansion beta from some other game that shall not be mentioned, I was ready to move on to greener pastures. His interactions with the community not only convinced me to invest in said expansion, but I continued playing for over a year. Edit: Part of the problem is that devs rarely interact directly with the community. Most of it comes through controlled interviews, or Q&A posts. It makes communication very stale and 1 sided, petrified by fear of upsetting the community (which is understandable,) they've created a detached and frustrated one.
  8. Thats what I've been trying to do. But when leveling the story content is 70-80% redundant. And I spend the majority of the time traveling and fighting of a ton of trash mobs. I'm bored
  9. Pretty much this. If you parse most of the complaints...They all revolve around the MMO elements of the game. NOT the game's primary selling point: Story.
  10. Grind =/= Content. You're also overlooking one of the big parts of Legacy is the birthright/inheritance gear. That part of it is, as currently implemented, an absolute failure. Overall, Legacy is unbalanced and massively overpriced.
  11. They still lose/gain affection when dismissed. You have to switch to another companion (or to your droid)
  12. Nope, I have some issues with it, that I've posted earlier in this thread. Summerizing my thoughts: I feel it's expense does not adequately reflect the marginal benefits.
  13. Can we keep the "SWToR is dieing" discussion out of this thread...While the OP made a ridiculously hyperbolic title, I enjoy reading people's opinion on the current implementation of Legacy, and hopes for improvements/changes as the system grows and would like to avoid it getting derailed w/ nonsense
  14. I agree, MTs require a very very delicate balance....especially on a game like SWTOR that's operating on a subscription model. I would definitely be suspicious if Legacy is leveraged to generate supplemental revenue, even for features that don't qualify as pay to win. My point was largely to highlight, that many of the perks from legacy...largely designed for the purposes of convenience to veteran / active players, are in actuality more inconvenient to access, than if you were to ignore them.
  15. That's somewhat self-fulfilling. Before legacy launched, my credit gain was considerably lower as I was not compelled to grind out dailies, now that I need considerably more money to get legacy perks, I'm actually doing more dailies and generating more credits. For me, Time is more valuable than money...I would personally much prefer dropping 5 bucks to unlock certain legacy perks than having to spend 2-3 hours/day for a week to earn enough in-game credits to accomplish the same thing. It's these types of systems that allow RMT to thrive.
  16. I believe the class restrictions are to prevent you from tossing the legacy items on your companions. Honestly I don't understand why it matters as it's not like there are alternative mod-able gear available for them, at much cheaper prices. Agreed
  17. While it's far too soon to call legacy a "failure" I do agree the grindy aspects have really soured me on the system. I've spent the last few weeks doing dailies I otherwise would not have done...in lieu of leveling the alts I had originally planed to in order to unlock various convince features of the system. I don't mind the existence of credit sinks...but having to generate credits in order to access the features I wanted, to experience timesink of choice (leveling alts) to it's fullest has ultimately sunk my desire to log-in and do any of it. The cost of unlocks, the cost of legacy equipment are so prohibitively expensive and short term...the features border on useless. 200+ daily coms for birthright kits that do not scale with level. 100k-300k credits for custom gear (without augment slots, or legacy specific perks)...who the hell priced this garbage?
  18. Holy Hyperbole Batman.... That business model only works on an extremely small demographic of gamers. If Bioware truly wants to break and retain 2million+ subscribers, they need to carefully balance the grind vs content. Time is a commodity, and most people will just unsubscribe, rather than grind up a second character with identical story content (At least in a game where the story is it's primary selling point.)
  19. Many things are in fact semantic arguments, largely because we as a species insist on placing barriers for no reason other than "It is what it is." Sometimes it makes sense to re-evaulate, and when there's no tangible downside. I believe the ability to swap AC is...in a game where you can change specs and roles within a given AC. Just to be clear, I do not think bioware HAS to change it, but I do feel it's a good idea. I agree with you 100%. SWTOR exists to make money...now the question becomes, what strategy is most profitable? A game where you extend the subscriptions of a few people, by making them play through the same leveling content a maximum of 8 times per faction. Or expanding your subscriber base by minimizing grind and allowing people with limited amounts of time as much access to your content as possible? I don't know the answer to this, I haven't run the numbers...and I'm going to assume neither have you. But given the trajectory of the MMO industry is aimed towards a free to play model, I'd say the latter is more likely.
  20. Your base class is defined by your story. Your advanced class is a branch of your base class. It's purely a semantic designation, though one that has very strong design ramifications.
  21. Just to play devil's advocate. I could make the argument that a concealment spec'd Operative plays NOTHING like a Medicine Operative, which in turn plays NOTHING like a Lethality Operative. The problem w/ the current advanced class system is that there's so much bleed over between both branches, that anything deeper than a superficial analysis can have you questioning exactly why the ACs are permanently defined. You can make a very strong case for switching, and a reasonable argument against it. I'm a person who likes options, so long as they do not cause imbalances...Which is why I would support AC switching. "Precedent" as a foundational argument holds no weight for me as it's a very regressive position that never allows for a genre to grow or adapt.
  22. (I'm assuming you're talking about a human sith) I just tested it, and no...having "Human" unlocked does not unlock all of the customization options like it does for Twi'lek or Cyborgs. Inquisitor's slider will be limited to slave brands and Warrior's slider is still Sith Warrior specific tattoo patterns (Doesn't even unlock other tattoo options like say....a Human Trooper) That said, 100 bonus presence is still pretty nice and helps ease leveling considerably.
  23. Both universe's tech and magic (force/biotics) are as advanced as the plot demands them to be.
  24. ah, thanks for clarifying Yeah i remember that campaign, it was defiantly designed to be provocative and bring eyeballs to the product, like any good ad campaign should do. But that doesn't reflect how it's actually expected to preform. For example, do you honestly expect to be mobbed by beautiful women when you put on an Axe branded product? =p
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