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Everything posted by Feraele

  1. ThIS....IS EARLY ...ACCESS, not the official launch. Say it with me...Early Access, Early Access. Why are people having such a time understanding this? Official SWTOR launch is December 20, 2011.
  2. I have been around the block a few times...MOST times it is, OR it's a name that would be easy enough to copy, like Dick or Jane or Smith or Jones. So again, be wise, invent a name and use that. I have oodles of names I have INVENTED. Current one I am using? I invented it..took parts of words put them together ..voila (and yes that is spelled voila, meaning there it is) I use my invented names across many games, but I have so many that people would have to know them beforehand to recognize that it's me
  3. That .."getting your name" thing kills me..I laugh my face off every time I see that. First off, when they say that ...it's a name they saw in a book, a movie, another game..etc. It is pretty much..NOT THEIR NAME..never ever belonged to them, it belongs to the author that created it. Suggestion: (I never have my names stolen in any game ever...I'll tell you my secret) There's this thing called imagination...and then there's this thing called a brain. The brain uses imagination..and dreams up all kinds of wonderful things..even...fantasy names for MMORPGS.. go figure. Ok I'll quit being a smart@ss now... Just want to say an imagination and a brain are terrible things to waste....
  4. Been at every single one of those launches, Vadarios...I hear you. So sad about Vanguard..loved that game. Just wasn't meant to be I guess.
  5. It would certainly shut a few folks up wouldn't it? Ohhhhhhh THAT'S why they are staggering entrance to the game. Doh. hehehehe
  6. Hmm and you know this how? Psychic powers? I doubt that will happen. If it does that means there were a hell of a lot more people than even Bioware knew about. lol
  7. Oh dear, you must be in utter pain every time you access a forum then? Sounds a bit masochistic to me. Please ..don't hurt yourself any more.
  8. If you are not planning on being there on the 20th...YES you will be missing the launch and therefore not part of it. I'm sorry you assumed you would be playing and took the time off work due to that assumption...that must suck. But again the 20th is the official launch day...what we have going here currently..is EARLY ACCESS. Hope you get in before your last day off.
  9. What I see here, is pretty much people who aren't used to such LARGE undertakings, don't know what EARLY ACCESS means, because they either have never participated before..or something. A lot of newbies I am thinking. I have been playing online games since 1995, I have seen all sorts of bad launches (Anarchy Online was a doozy) seen good, seen bad. Didn't deter me from playing the games I wanted to play. Everquest (phase 4 beta) release...very long queues, believe the servers went down at one point. In any case, did I stomp off and have a hissy fit? Nope..dang it I wanted to play...and play I did, eventually. It all comes down to ...do you want to play or don't you? People beeching about "customer service" here....first off, Bioware CARES that you have a good experience with their game. If they didn't care, then they would just let us all in at once...crash and burn the servers so bad they are down for a week, shrug their shoulders and say ...ooops. But instead, they are allowing us in a few hundred thousand at a time, that way we can spread out..and occupy the servers that aren't full up. Yes its taking more time, but in the long run, it will end up being a smoother ride..than some launches I have experienced over the years. I realize what I just took time to type out will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes, but I thought I would give it a try anyways.
  10. LOL I saw one of those..tried to kill it, the more I chased it..the further away it flew. Think they've patched that bug now, haven't seen but the one backward dragon.
  11. That must have been uncomfortable, did you happen to notice if he painted his toenails?
  12. That means they are so into the game..they don't have time to sit on the forums. As it should be.
  13. You go!! This is EARLY ACCESS ...conveniently shortened to EA ( no not Electronic Arts ) As the man says...official release is the 20th of December 2011..get that straight!
  14. Wow clone? Since when is Wow sci-fi? Since never. I don't see any wookiees walking around in that game..or Rift (alpha/beta tested that game) I don't see any night elves in SWTOR. Perhaps your glasses need a new prescription? I am over 200 hours into Skyrim..and still many quests and more stuff to do. Just to let you know it may take awhile.
  15. You know Turukano..you sound REALLY familiar. Ever play Dragon Age: Origins, ever frequent Bioware social forums? hehehe the self entitled stuff comes across loud and clear in both cases. Know what I wish? I wish Bioware made a special case, just for you ..and got you in the game today. Why? Because I'm a nice person. *smile*
  16. Is it a Rogers modem? Maybe they can replace it for you? I know Shaw replaced mine free of charge, when it was acting up.
  17. Hear Hear! But this too shall pass.
  18. Uh rational you say? According to whom? I don't see a lot of rationality in peoples' behaviour in this thread. What I do see, is conspiracy theorists, total misunderstanding of information given, and then those that either threaten to go back to Wow (rofl..) or some other silliness. Rational adult behaviour is not happening here...nope. I have not yet seen any communiques stating..we'll let you in tomorrow...maybe ..if you're good. Nope. Not true.
  19. yeah pretty much reserves a copy for you. Kind of like passing the waiter a couple bucks to get you a seat near the window.
  20. I've been here..blah blah *bleep* *bleep* *bleepity* *bleep* *bleep!* Orly? heh
  21. Yeah that seems to be the logical answer..
  22. First come first serve, but at the same time..there are MASSES of people wanting to play, so they need to stagger it. I'll be last I'm pretty sure..but I am not complaining about it. This is an exciting time, and I am bound I am going to enjoy every minute of it. Note the words..."up to" that does not guarantee exactly five days..but you will gain entry before the 20th for sure.
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