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Everything posted by Lhaim

  1. With everything maxed + AA @ 1920x1080 i drop sub 60 in warzones quite frequently with this rig: win7 64, i5 2500 @5Ghz, 16GB RAM, GTX570 x2 Sli 8 vs 8 warzones, there is no excuse game is running awfull atm...i like its look but taking into account the graphical fidelity of swtor it should run much better. Dont let me even get started on how interacting with the ui fux up the smoothness below f2p standards.
  2. If you equip a orange set with purple lvl49 armorings/mods/enhancements you end up with more hp than most people in random warzones. If you dont suck you will do better than most people in random warzones with that gear.
  3. Rated warzones will be dominated by heal/melee-zerg stacked teams. /thread
  4. Video with constant above 60 in warzones or constant above 40 in ilum with this rig or it didnt happen. Running i5 2500@5Ghz, gtx570 2x sli, 1920x1080 with everything max (or low doesnt matter in this game) i dip sub 10 in ilum and sub 60 in warzones quite often.
  5. This losers, read it. I queue rnd and "stomp" lame bm´s with my cent/champ geared sentinel twink allthetime.
  6. I play a vanguard 25/14/2 (combat tech set) and a sentinel 32/7/2. Both are really good at pvp and tons of fun. If you prefer utility/support over dps/frustration id go with powertech. Edit: If i que pugs without a healer i dont do much less dmg with my vanguard while adding ****loads of utility to our team.
  7. I support the op. While i dint notice this as much as a melee/ranged hybrid (vanguard shield/tactics) its blatantly obvious as a full melee class (focus sentinel). Good, hybrid specced, Sorcs and Sages have far to much cc and survival options for the dmg they can put out at range.
  8. Best ship ingame, defender is close 2nd because of stellar exterior looks.
  9. Why this still isnt in is beyond me. PLEASE BIOWARE, PLEASE ITS JUST A LITTLE OPTION I BEG YOU!
  10. Thats what you get for ************ about the queue times at release.
  11. And just when i thought "LOL U CANT B SRS!?!" they release this...
  12. Id rather have him on my team killing **** than some afk bot playing cobra commander in the ops chat.
  13. You can fit orange gear with purple armorings/mods/enhancements at lvl49. You will be more than fine in the 50 bracket than. The commendations coming from the bags at 5x the rate they did until today should net you 300+ exp in no time. The exp combined with the higher stats on the orange gear leaves a neglible disadvantage in group pvp.
  14. The friend i run warzones with sits at 300-600k every single match. Most of the time its ~450k, he plays a dps Sage. He averages on 100k + healing, most of it going onto me or other players. I sit at 150-300k every single match. Most of the time its ~230k, i play a tank Vanguard. I average on 75k absorb. Most of it through guard and taunt on focused friendlies. We play the objectives allthetime. While dmg/healing done is highly dependant on the match length, if you dont break 200k as a pure dps not guarding a node the whole match you are doing it wrong. I cannot comprehend why noone ever outdmgs my friend or why i end up 2nd in dmg and 1st in absorbs in 8/10 matches while playing the objective and doing single target dps. If you want to improve, visit your class forums and hotkey stuff.
  15. Guarding my friend, a Sage, in warzones: "Target is already guarded!"
  16. WHAT IS THE POINT of allowing crafted orange gear have augument slots? Everyone will end up looking the same again, i thought you wanted to emphasize on the diversity of available moddable armor. WTH?!
  17. Res: 1920x1080 Cpu: i5 2500 @ 5ghz Gpu: GTX570 x2 sli Ram: 8gb Sys: win7 64 Sytem and game installed on seperate crucial M4 ssds. Game runs like a piece of crap. Constant fps fluctuation and with everything high i dip below 50 in warzones when in the middle of the fray.
  18. http://i.imgur.com/Nc5xZ.jpg 20 republic players total on ilum, thats like totally massive and stuff no wonder the perfomrance is utter sh**.
  19. You like instanced pvp (warzones) and you like fluid gameplay. Whats easier? 1) resubbing swtor for a month and checking back if stuff has improved 2) doubleklicking the gw2 icon on your desktop
  20. Sorry but i dont believe it. Warzones: 70-100 fps all settings on HIGH including shadows If you can post a fraps with the settings + framecounter on while "playing" in a warzone and not dropping below 70 i buy it, but now? Nope...
  21. Everyday im tracerin! ...nice video though
  22. You will lvl up to enjoy the goodness that is the random-loot-bag system combined with the miracle you described hitting you again with battlemaster bags.
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