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Everything posted by Thundergulch

  1. Soooo you're upset that you don't have access to stuff like the Gree event? Yet you're level 31.............since launch. LEVEL 31! Well since you've been a subscriber since the game went live, I think they should just give you a 3 or 4 level 55 toons. And while they're at it, why don't they go ahead and give you max Gree rep too! And full Underworld Gear. And all crafting recipes. And anything else you want because you are special and doggone it you deserve it!
  2. This is how we do it also. For those putting dps in the center, they're just making it harder on themselves.
  3. someone give this person a big dose of common sense will ya?
  4. They are the Borg of companies. They buy and consume. And they also flat out lie to customers and release total crap just in time to meet quarterly fiscal numbers. Example: Sim City 2013 is a complete disaster of a game, and they ruined Maxis,just like they destroyed Bioware.
  5. Wow, you are one of the few that are getting a TON of Thermals lol. Most people aren't getting anywhere near that many.
  6. How many characters are you Slicing on? And is this a per/day number? For me the amount I was getting on my one toon that has Slicing was absolutely terrible,I'd be lucky to get 2 in 5 solid days of Slicing. Post 2.0, (again with 1 Slicing toon) I seem to be getting about 2-4 per day... sending them out 3-4 times a day. I'm ok with this number, at least I'm getting some now lol. BUT... Some people get a lot more than I do, some almost never get any. The "luck" seems to vary per person.
  7. Don't forget this gem of a thread (so far 11 pages long) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=642622
  8. Because the people that don't like getting attacked in the pvp area want a change for those 2 quests.... and they don't understand why it isn't changed... no matter how many hundreds of times people tell them that going in there is voluntary, and it even warns them IN BIG BOLD RED TEXT across the screen that they are about to be flagged. They ignore that warning, then come to the forums to complain about it. They are of the mentality that if they keep asking for something, no matter how many times they are told "no".. the devs will eventually give in to shut them up. And that is wrong. They just need to accept the consequences for their actions,and move on. Don't like getting attacked in the pvp area?? Don't.... go.....in....there!
  9. Doubtful, if this was the case, it would have been brought up long before now.
  10. You are obviously being carried through S&V and Toborro's Courtyard if you can't heal 3 pugs in a super easy, nerfed to nothing FP.
  11. Speeder parts are RARE. Meaning your chances of finding them are slim.
  12. Really? MILLIONS? Stop lying to try and prove a point. It makes you look like an idiot.
  13. This is how I do it also. My Xalek isn't very well geared, and sometimes he might die, but by that time the mobs are almost dead anyway so I take very minimal damage. Rez Xalek, hop on speeder, hop off, he's back at full health instantly. I do the same on my Marauder.. send in Jaesa, mobs flock to her, force leap+smash = dead mobs The only time you SHOULD need a healer companion is if A) you're not very well geared for the fights, or B) you're soloing a Heroic and you need the heals, or C) you just prefer to not heal up between fights. All 3 ways are fine, it's just a matter of personal preference.
  14. Your chances are the same as anyone else's of getting the recipe. Whether or not you want to take that chance is up to you.
  15. Looking on the trainer will answer your question.
  16. I'm not vendoring any rep tokens lol. Just in case that in the future there may be another level of rep. I can see it forums now... the people that sold their rep when they were maxxed out will be QQ'ing in mass quantity if another level is added. Oh well, early bird gets the worm.
  17. No! You are not forced to go in there. You CHOOSE to go in there. Period. And because you got killed.. .(again by chioce), you want this changed. I'm sorry, but life isn't all puppydogs and rainbows like your mommy made you think it was growing up. There are consequences, you made a choice, didn't like the consequences, and you want it changed? Don't go in there if you don't like the possible outcome.
  18. Ahh, well I've done those quests on a couple of different toons, and only once have I had an issue where someone decided to attack me in Outlaw's Den. Maybe I got lucky? Who knows. Still though, it's fairly easy to complete the quests even if you get attacked a couple of times. I doubt it's being camped 24/7.
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