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Posts posted by saltorio

  1. I've been Marksman since I when Sniper. Post 25, I found Kaliyo got ridiculously squishy. She'd die often, even on typical 2 standard + 1 strong packs. I did my best to gear her well for tanking, made sure she was in tanking gear, and still no luck. When I got Vector, I switched to him and found he survived far better than she did (though he had no holding power, but that was fine the majority of the time).


    When I got Scorpio I wasn't impressed at first. But once I got her some decent (though not amazing or particularly expensive gear) I became much happier. I now vary between Scorpio and Vector depending on the situation.


    By contrast, my friend swears by Kaliyo on his Engineering sniper. Even uses her now that he has Scorpio, switching between those two depending on the situation (which I find odd, as Kaliyo is a worse tank than Scorpio, and worse DPS than both Vector and Temple).

  2. I did find the ending a bit anti-climactic. The fights were far too easy, especially when compared to the end of Act 1 (at least that fight was a series of stages, which made it feel more epic than the single-stage fights at the very end).


    I don't know what the 5 ending are, but...



    I chose to kill Hunter rather than listen to his "I have one last thing to show you" - he pissed me off too much to give him a chance. With the Minister of Intelligence I decided to go ghost, erasing all reference to my own existence and work from the shadows for the empire.



    The decisions were cool, I think it was just the fights that left me wanting more.

  3. I agree that Orbital Stations are a useless additional step. If they want them for consistency as to why your ship doesn't land on some planets, make Orbital stations MUCH smaller, with no elevators. Just a small pentagon with the four class ships docked, and a shuttle platform.


    However, with that said: after running around the galaxy harvesting datacron last night, I didn't find travel overly tedious. Getting around in WoW was equally time consuming before portals were placed everywhere and people just bound to Stormwind/Ogrimmar.

  4. Yea, I also find that annoying... weapon scripts seem to bug out all the time, on me and my companions. Right now I have the problem that my companions run around with drawn weapons all the time, even when I un- and resummon them. Only a hand full of people seem to experience that bug, though. I think this has something to do with the strange hickups that I have when I open menus, unmount my ride and other such things...


    I hope they fix the scripts soon.


    Yeah, the companion thing is annoying. Ensign Temple on my Agent and Vette on my Sith Warrior have never holsered their weapons since I got them. Other companions sometimes bug this way but often follow my lead (if I holster, so do they).


    I really dislike the auto-holster-after-combat script, as there are many times where I'll go from battle to battle without stopping for a few fights.

  5. I still maintain that the biggest problem of the LS/DS system is that it is POINTLESS- it doesnt change anything (NOT ONE THING) about how the storyline ends up going.


    As far as sidequests go, I also love how, as long as the option doesn't have a LS/DS icon, you can SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT, you can treat the NPCS like ABSOLUTE DIRT, and they'll just shrug it off and still give you your quest/reward/etc.


    That's not 100% true. In the Agent storyline, if you treat one of the Sith lords like crap, she actually denies you your quest rewards. Both my friend and I discovered this and were both pissed off at her while at the same time liked the concept.


    This does seem to be the exception, rather than the rule, however.

  6. Does Bioware even know this is happening?


    They must since they made changes in one of the patches a few weeks back where the specifically mentioned they were dealing with this issue.


    I just hit Illum yesterday, and grabbed the same crate twice over the course of the evening, so it doesn't seem to be all that prevalent on my server at least. If you can see the farmer, report them.


    The fix here would be to make it so there's a level minimum to open the crates. Maybe on Illum somewhere around 40 would be more than sufficient.

  7. There is only one thing that makes me stay:


    "Am I having fun?"


    So far, the answer is yes.


    ^ THIS.


    It's a game. I play it because I enjoy it. So far - in 25+ years of playing games - I have never found "the perfect game". Every game has things that could be fixed/improved, even my all-time favourite games.


    I'm enjoying SWTOR quite a bit. Until such time as that changes, I'll continue to subscribe.


    Which specific set is this, and where from?


    I'm still trying to find a gear set I like to replace my Hammer Lookout's chest/legs, but so far little appeals to me (other than the white set shown at the end of the Agent progression video, which apparently isn't actually in-game).

  9. I didn't find the fight itself particularly hard, though it was definitely a good challenge (and fun). My issue with it was the targeting bug, in that you can't get LoS to Jadus at any point while he's on the upper platform. I died 8 times over the stages of the fight, because my companions (either Vector or Kaliyo) would eventually end up on that platform and Jadus would follow them there.



    I was actually surprised and somewhat disappointed at the final ending of the Agent class quest, as the fight involved (at least with my choices) were cakewalks compared to the fight with Jadus at the end of Act 1.


  10. Question

    How do you know when you're in a relationship with a companion?


    I ask because after having some positive conversations with Vector, I decided to give him a "Courting" gift, and I gained 0 rep with him from it. As such, I've been holding onto more courting gifts I've come across for some time, as I don't want to waste them.

  11. The Corellia commendation vendor carries both a healer and a DPS cunning-based Vibroknife. I believe the weapon vendor in the Corellia Spaceport also sells similar Vibroknives for around 40K each. They are blue, and somewhere around level 48.


    Unfortunately, there are no Cunning or Aim hilts, and thus there are no orange Vibroblades or Techstaves (the Techstaves are used by Scorpio). And Armstech is currently bugged so that RE'ing a Vibroknife will never produce an upgraded plan.


    So in these respects, Agents get the short end of the stick when compared to Smugglers who use a pair of pistols. Hopefully BioWare will rectify these issues soon. To puch them to do so, I recommend everyone post a ticket.

  12. I wasn't a big fan of her. Her anarchist attitude didn't jive with my "get down to business" agent very well, from a looks standpoint she didn't appeal to me (Watcher 2 on the other hand...), and by the time I was in my mid-twenties I wasn't liking her as a combat companion as she'd die far too easily (no matter how I geared her).


    I was very happy to finally get Vector, and from that point on I rarely ever pulled her out (mostly just for really tough boss fights where I needed a bit more defence than what Vector could handle). Now that I've got Scorpio, I don't ever see myself pulling Kaliyo out (whereas I can see reasons to have all of the other combat companions tag along with me).

  13. Simple reason to use Headshot over Eviscerate: Range


    Throw a Frag Grenade, then Headshot while the mob is on the ground. Drop an Orbital Strike, then Headshot while the mob is on the ground. Simply put, any sort of incapacitate (I believe Eng gets one or two more than Marksman does) + Headshot = WIN.


    As a sniper, I use Headshot every time the cooldown is up. If Orbital Strike is on CD (every second fight or so), I'll Frag Grenade + Headshot to take one standard enemy out of the fight quick. Ambush + Followthrough (Marksman), Snipe + Takedown, Frag Grenade + Headshot – there goes three standards, and now I just have to deal with the strong that my companion has been beating on.


    As it's near impossible to get a Vibroblade that's better than your Sniper Rifle (since there aren't any orange Vibroblades (no Cunning hilts) and Vibroblades can't be RE'd for upgraded armstech schematics (making purple vibroblades near non-existent), Headshot will do more damage most of the time, and do it at range.

  14. In the early days of WoW, I participated in a great number of spur-of-the-moment massive PvP battles between Southshore and Tarren Mill. During these battles there were regularly. My friends and I had alot of fun, but framerates would regularly drop down to slideshow speeds on our new gaming rigs, and the server would sometimes crash.


    WoW is also siginificantly lower polycount than SWTOR. Makes a huge difference.


    When I was playing EVE online 2 years ago, CCP started asking alliances to give them a heads up when major fleet battles would take place so they could re-allocate server resources so the servers would crash less. Even then, players would still have horrible lag during these fights due to the sheer rendering load.


    SWTOR isn't alone in these issues.

  15. Onyxia. now explain, how could you safely/smartly dps her without threat meter, while pulling respectable numbers (because yea, you could have autoattacked her only and never pulled aggro, but really...)


    Umm... tons of people did. Onyxia was one of the first raid bosses ever added to WoW.


    And if your talking about her now, your point is moot as she was designed with the fact that threat meters existed in-game, and Blizzard even included their own.

  16. Scenario 3


    Dps does rotation as normal, boss swings around and instant gibs the dps before their GCD is up


    Typical DPS pulling aggro, baddies will be bad.


    Just because bosses aren't instant gibbing people right now doesn't mean they won't in the future.


    And when they do, there may be a valid argument for there to be threat meters included in the game. But until that time, they're not required.

  17. With all due respect, Saltorio, I highly doubt you are a better player than I am. Longevity does not a hardcore raider make.


    You're quite right. Though I played WoW for the better part of 6 years, I would never categorize myself as a hardcore raider. But my guild did raid regularly, and we had pretty decent success.


    If you use common sense, pay attention to your own numbers, and use your threat dump regularly there's no need for a flashing warning to tell you that you're in dangerous territory.

  18. This is going to be short and sweet.


    Im playing with 30 - 42 ms ping.


    Every other game i have ever played online be it fps's, Rts's mmo's anything. I have never had lag this bad.


    When im outside of a warzone or in a flashpoint the connection is off.. but not to much. Im playing on an eu server thats set to my timezone. So im not playing on a us server from eu or anything like that.


    as soon as i enter a warzone aside from the fact that my pc (that runs every other game i have something silly like 50+ on steam other mmo's and crysis on near max) gets framerate issues with everything set to low and nothing running in the background.


    It's just not a released ready version of pvp. First they let people who rushed to 50 farm people who were leveling up, so the first 4 weeks were accepting defeat to premades. Then they removed it... Yay we only have the core problems now.


    30 ms ping doesn't relate to 3 seconds of lag. Hutball trying to push someone off a ledge and having them end up on the goal line isn't a working mechanic. You can't design a game around pushing people away from your goal line when the whole shoving thing doensn't work fluently. 'Hey here you go. You have to pass this ball to the other side to win.. but when you throw it there is a chance you can instantly lose' Pretty sure they would fix that.


    Spells that channel, half the time you cast them and they go off show the casting bar but do no damage, then half a second to a second later the CD finishes and you can use it. So it 'ghost' casts and you sit there for 3 seconds thinking oh is this lag or has it not cast?


    Faceroll classes. I played a juggernaut up to 28 doing mostly pvp and it was horrible. All 3 specs put out little damage. If i used all my cool downs interupted and used relics / pvp pot i could kill some one.. But in 18 levels i think i may have gotten about 30 medals at most? I rolled a sorcerer and i get like 7 medals a game from level 10.


    All in all the game isn't balanced. You tried with this i suppose but you can't release a late alpha / early beta to the public and expect them to pay for it and just deal with it.


    I know i wont get a refund for this obvious lead on of a finished game. But i can hope.


    To all the people posting 'cya you wont cancel' and all the rest. I don't care what you think.


    To all the people who try and defend it saying it's you .. you just can't play. Yes i can, keybinds interupting generally knowing how to play isn't hard and after playing other mmo's you get a general know how to play.


    I hope they fix this and you all get something decent to play. But for now i have canceled and good luck.


    That was neither short, nor sweet.

  19. Pretty much what the title says. It's really annoying to have a crew skill complete and decide to close out other things I'm looking at. Have it queue or something behind them. Very intrusive in it's current implementation.


    I'd simply like stackable and movable windows. On too many occasions I need to check something while at a vendor or the GTN, and I hit the key to open a window only to have the vendor/GTN window close because I already had 2 windows open.

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