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Posts posted by kuey

  1. You won't be able to keep more than 2000 WZ commendations at a time, so you might as well use them on the level 40 gear too.


    This. You can't purchase BM gear until you're 50 thanks to level restrictions, and you can build up 2k WZ comms fairly easily so there's no need to hold on to them unless you don't want to PvP anymore. Personally I found the lvl 40 PvP sets to be quite useful, most of my chars used them up to lvl 50.

  2. okay so powertech isnt ranged, gonna drop that class then...


    aight about sorc and sniper...


    from reading what you guys have told it seems sniper is the best choice when it comes to PvP...

    what about PvE? which one tops there on DPS and survivability?


    For PvP it depends on who you're fighting. If you're a lethality spec'd Sniper then you'll do fairly well all around, however since it seems you want burst I'd imagine you'd want to go down the marksman tree in which case you have severe limitations as your damage is vulnerable to armour, defence and shield mitigation. Sorcs on the other hand don't need to worry so much about defence and shield mitigation for their attacks. As such, as a Sniper you generally try not to tke on tanks and rather focus on those less mitigation. There's also the face that Sorcs have far superior utility in combat compared to Snipers. A marksman sniper is essentially a turret who sits there dishing out damage to those within his range whilst a Sorc is far more mobile.


    As for PvE, Sniper's probably have better survivability due to higher AC as well as better defensive skills. DPS wise they're both quite similar so in that regard I say pick whichever one you find more fun.

  3. From a PvP perspective, only healers, Sorcerors/Sages, and other Commandos/Mercs would really be effected by giving the Merc/Commando and interupt; Melee and Skirmishing classes have few if any skills to interupt, while Gunslingers/Snipers are (at least supposed to be) immune to interupts while in cover (which is pretty much 95% of the time).


    I don't see any real reason the Merc shouldn't have an interupt; I don't see how they have much more utility than any other class.


    So true, with a nice little talented 6 second lockout.

  4. Thanks for the responses. I'd like to go Vanguard, but how is it more of Melee? They use rifles, so I thought their abilities would be ranged. Shorter range blaster bolts, or too many smash attacks with the rifle?


    The most effective range for a Vanguard is within 10m. This is primarily due to the skills the get upon advancement which require the Vanguard to be within 10m of the target. Also, most of his synergies are tied in with these close range attacks, especially Ion Pulse (10m range skill you receive at lvl 10).

  5. I can't believe you guys are not trying out Assault Spec and drop Gunnery for PVP....

    I say I win 60% of my wz battle, mainly due to teamplay we win. Which I believe teamplay of winning a wz is 100% of the reason one wins, not because gunnery is mess up.


    Plus Gunnery was EAZY MODE in pre 1.2, maybe thats why you guys are QQing alot! IMO...


    lol you make it sounds like there was some grand change to Gunnery gameplay in 1.2. It's still a mind numbingly easy class, just nowhere near as effective, which is why people are ticked off.


    Re 1.2.1, I didn't really expect any commando/merc changes, it's been too near release of 1.2 for rebalances to come around. The changes to GS/Sniper are dating back to problems that existed well before 1.2.

  6. am i missing something? can operatives remove dots etc. every gcd? don't they have a 12s cd on it like the others?

    so don't tell me your burn effects etc. are worthless. one procs automatically if not every gcd depending on your skill. and one can directly be applied. so don't tell me operatives manage to clean them self of them all the time.

    if they try they would do zero damage as they spent all there gcd on it.


    though, i can't really say how well an assault does against an operative. but with my own if similar build it never happened that i lost in a fair situation.


    Actually Scoundrel/Op cleanse ability is on a 4.5 sec CD. So they can whip it out every 3 GCDs, if they're idiots anyway.

  7. First things first, you have 2 very different classes. Op = melee dps. Sorc = ranged dps. Op = mobile healer. Sorc = immobile healer (comparatively anyway). If you have no qualms about the different play style then I suppose you should look a little deeper.


    PvP wise, I'd say healing favours Ops. Their higher mobility makes increases their survivability by a considerable amount. Whilst Sorcs can heal, their inability to heal on the go makes them far easier targets, not to mention they have light armour too and are far more susceptible to interrupts. In short, Op healers tend to stay alive longer meaning they can dish out more heals. However that being said, if you have several healer, then it's far easier to keep a Sorc healer alive with cross healing and in which case their big healing can come into play.


    Damage wise, Op is all about burst (concealment spec) or DoTs (lethality). Concealment is the more favoured spec because it's harder to counter in PvP and far more forgiving energy wise, with roughly the same overall damage output and far higher burst.


    As per the damage nerf, there really wasn't a massive nerf per se, I didn't feel any drastic drop in my own damage output, however, with the increase in damage output in our rival melee dpsers, mara/sin in particular, many feel they have a significant advantage.


    I'll leave Sorc dpsing up to someone else, I only just started it so I'm not that experienced at it. As for Sorc healing, I feel it's far better in PvE, in which it as at the very least a match for Op healing, if not better. Shields can help lighten the load in terms of healing dpsers. Sorc AoE heals are significantly stronger with more targets, however it is fixed in positioning, which, depending on the situation, can be worked around in PvE. It's great, less because of the amount of targets, but the ability to somewhat manage who receives the heals. Op AoE healing has only 1 pre-determined target with the rest basically up to pot luck. On top of that you have a fair bit of utility in sprint, rescue and a ranged interrupt (can't count how many times I've had to pull some idiotic dpser out of a massive AoE cause he hadn't the brains to do so himself).


    That barely scratches the difference, but I'm lacking in time and I hate writing giant walls of text so I'll let someone else fill in the rest.

  8. That's EXACTLY what it's about. Class uniqueness is indeed a good thing, and an interrupt ability is not at all equivalent to your laughable example of jumping. Lacking an interrupt does not make the class "broken," anymore than Knights/Warriors lacking a stun (OR a CC!) or Scoundrels/Ops lacking a knockback "breaks" them.


    If anything the point here is how Sorcs/Sages have too much utility (heal, CC, stun, AoE knockback, interrupt), rather than Commandos/Mercs having too little.


    I don't often begrudge people their complaints, but seriously, this is QQing.


    You forgot Sprint and Rescue on Sages as well. Though they have negatives which may or may not excuse their utility depending on your bias. Also surprised you chose Sorcs/Sages as your example and not Tank Sins/Shadows lol.


    But back on topic, I can't really see how an interrupt would make Commandos/Mercs OP. Is there anyone out ther who's FOR the argument that incorporating an interrupt in Comms/Mercs would make them OP? If so it would be interesting to see your opinion. It's all well to scream "unique unique unique" but BW stated that they didn't incorporate one because it would make them OP (in different words ofc) in PvP. Just wondering what kind of angle they had on that.

  9. Since I don't have a high lvl VG I'll ask this, is your second stun a mezz? If it is then it's most likely being broken by your DoTs as an assault spec.


    As a Scoundrel I'll say this much, we only have 1 CC breaker.


    It seems the OP's problems are with full Concealment spec'd OPs (no hybrid can burst you down half hp, if you don't know why, you evidently know nothing about the class).


    The best way to counter OPs as an Assault is keeping up your DoTs on them. They can't keep themselves DoT free 100% of the time (if they are they're wasting over half their GCDs on removing your DoTs, and if you can't kill them when they're doing that you need some serious help). Save CC breaker for their kick. Throw up shield right after they open up on you, it'll most likely force them to kick stun you or re-stealth and run away (their defensive CDs are nothing compared to yours in terms of damage mitigated). Don't forget to pop your relics and adrenals (if he's downing you as fast as you said he was he did definitely popped his). Also, never use HiB when he has his defensive skill up that gives him 100% dodge.


    I'll try some PvP with a VG guildie and see if I can come up with some more solid stuff for ya.

  10. If you're looking from a pure 1v1 perspective, then I'd say it is very hard to counter a Tank Sin/Shadow if they get the drop on you, which they almost always will thanks to stealth. However this game isn't reliant on 1v1. In WZs the most important factor is that they're objective based, meaning that a tank sin/shadow may not necessarily be the best fit for the group.
  11. Gunslingers and sentinels and their counterparts are suppose to be dishing out the most damage hence the sole dps focus for both classes. It's not an op class because if someone really gets on you, you are quite squishy.


    *cough* According to BW all dps specs are meant to be within 5% of each other. So at most GS and Sents are meant to be 5% higher dps wise. I'm fairly sure we all know how accurate that assessment is...

  12. I have yet to play my Commando heals in 1.2 (re-rolling my 50 from pre 1.2, must be a masochist for re-rolling one in 1.2...) but what I previously found in WZs was that the green laser beam of death only really had a negative impact in PUG WZs. Against pre-mades in WZs, not only do people tend to recognise you by name, they notice your healing before you start throwing out HM. I usually build up my stacks before running in so I don't run in lasering someone for the whole world to see. My first heals once the WZs start are usually my mains, MP/AMP/KB. By that time, if the pre-made didn't know me before, they knew now and had marked me. Though in PUGs I generally don't have that problem since half the other team are tools who think I'm either dpsing or just cbf taking out a healer (yes I am talking about 50 PvP, it's sad how bad some people are). It's only really till my HM comes out that someone goes "oh, he's a healer?!" and the train starts rolling. If for nothing but that I'm on board for this one. Let baddies be baddies, I like ninja my healing.


    Though TBH, Sage and Scoundrel heals are pretty obvious too. I mean, if a Sage ain't throwing rocks, he's throwing heals. If a Scoundrel isn't shooting someone, he's healing. But then again, that's kinda similar for Commandos too, if they're clutching their heads, they're probably healing.

  13. The ranged Empire classes (valid ones anyway that won't be instant kicked from Ops and PvP pre-mades for being useless) are Mercs, Snipers and Sorcs.


    Between those 3, overall DPS wise they're quite similar. Burst damage wise, Snipers are more reliable (Mercs rely on a setup which is vulnerable to interrupts). The main drawback to Snipers is the reliance on the cover system. Personally I love it, but some people just can't get used to it so they dislike playing snipers. To that end I would recommend at least playing a Sniper up to around 15-20 just so you know how the cover mech works. If you instantly decide you hate it then I'd advise switching to Merc for burst damage. Pyro specs are OK but they don't have the potential burst of an Arsenal spec. Overall DPS wise they're quite similar, though Pyro's are a bit more heat starved. Arsenal mercs feel like a 1 trick pony with your reliance on Tracer Missile.


    As for Sorcs, Lightning isn't the most favourable PvP tree (I only really mention it because you said you want to PvP) as they rely a lot on cast time spells. Overall DPS wise I feel Madness tops Lightning. Personally I use a Hybrid Lightning/Madness spec of 23/18 and I find the DPS there is just as good as Snipers and Mercs.

  14. i have herd that there are now modifiable non weapon off hands but i cannot confirm that. the other balance for DW vs one handed is that DW classes are affected more by accuracy debuffs than one handed classes. i dont know the math behind how it works but i can confirm that when below 100% accuracy gunslingers will miss far more of there attcks than a sniper with equal accuracy will, however when above 100% gunslingers seam to put the armor penetration to better use then the snipers.


    Off hand weapon base accuracy is 66% I believe. Haven't played my GS in awhile so can't really remember.

  15. Depends on your playstyle. PT dps is mostly within the 10m range, whilst Mercs are mostly at 30m. In other words... PT is almost Melee, Merc is Ranged. PT is more mobile with more instant skills, whilst Merc is immobile in comparison with most of it's abilities requiring a cast time. I play heals on my Commando and Vanguard is a low level so I'll leave it up to someone else to elaborate.
  16. Sawbones is a great healing spec. Just prepare to get annihilated by any semi-organised opponenets in PvP once you hit 50. We're the most irritating healers due to mobility and CCs so we get marked quite quickly. Healer or not, you go down quick when jumped by several people (anyone goes down quick in that scenario). Prepare to rock up quite a few deaths if you roll healing spec. If you don't mind getting marked then Sawbones is a great spec. Healers are still great in group situations.
  17. As someone who has played both Commando dps and a Gunslinger I'll say this much. Even though a GS's attacks are ranged, they stilll output just as much, if not more, damage than Commandos. In PvP, there aren't really that many full tank spec'd players so you don't really suffer too much from the penalties. PvE wise, I find the GS's other skills more than compensate for the occasional lost dps due to dodge.
  18. It wouldn't be as big a problem if you didn't respawn in combat mode. Aside from that, Scrappers just weren't made for diving into the middle of groups to kill someone, skirting round the outside and picking off people who stray from the main group is where they shine.
  19. Hi all,


    I know everyone hates these questions but I am stumped. I want a melee dps class that I will mostly be solo pveing and pvping with and I can't decide between the two. I will most likely be focused on pvp at 50.


    Any thoughts on which is more fun at 50?




    If it's PvE dps you're after, then PT is the way to go. Rage Jugg's major dps rotation has too long a CD on it to be desirable in PvE. Vengeance Jugg's damage is more easily mitigated. PTs have much faster rotations with far less mitigated damage. PvP wise the same problems apply to Jugg dps, however, Rage Juggs tend to fair much better here due to their burst damage being able to kill people with low hp very easily.

  20. That's what the patch note seems to imply (or worse, 3 Commandos getting +75%, or 8 getting +200% on a Raid boss, etc.).


    The only other interpretation would be that BioWare has a problem with 2 Commandos maxing out the +25% in a single GCD (by both using Grav Round on the same target). I don't see why anybody would have a problem with that though. (It just sounds like a mechanic that would encourage good teamwork to me.)


    The former interpretation is backed up by the ridiculous numbers some people have reported for Demo Round and the fact that a player can definitely have 10 or more Gravity Vortex debuffs (in multiple stacks of 5 or less each).


    Hmm personally from the way BW reacted to it, it definitely feels like it's the former. As for the second case, I think it may just be because being able to drop a potential 20k+ dmg [4 x TM, 2 x HSM, 2 x RS] in 4 GCDs is a bit excessive.Though it's not like other classes can't do something similar, 2 Ops from stealth for example. Which makes me more inclined to believe it's the former.

  21. Out of curiosity, was DR/HSM's damage bonus being affected by multiple stacks? E.g. Did 10 stacks increase damage by 50% as opposed to 25%? I mean, we all know DR/HSM was hitting for some pretty impressive numbers, but was this only because of multiple damage bonuses stacking from the debuff?
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