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Posts posted by kuey

  1. PvP is quite enjoyable at level 50 (especially since there are many more players who know HOW to PvP and will play for the objectives). TBH it's much better now than it was before, that being said, you'll still get stomped by players in BM and WH. If you're a heavy PvPer that will only last for about a week or so (that's how long it will take you to get your full BM set) after which it's fairly competitive.
  2. Someone sent me a link, thank you, it appears that stun, slow do not increase your resolve.


    that sucks.


    Stuns will always increase your resolve. Snares and slows will not.


    Also if you want to run tests and post about it on the forums try dropping us some combat logs or a vid so we can actually believe you.

  3. For now, as a fellow Guardian, I would recommend going for a tank spec if you want to maximise your effectiveness in PvP. If your heart is set on dps then I would probably recommend going Focus spec for armour pen and attacks that bypass defence. Vigilance's dps is comparatively much weaker relying a good deal on white damage and with basically no armour pen, you're basically a weaker version of a Combat spec'd Sent. The only real area where Vig shines is in it's survivability (Focused Defence and Unremitting), however it's damage doesn't really make up for it's gain in survivability. You can do great in PUGs, but as for pre-mades, you're nowhere near as threatening as sents/shadows/scoundrels, esp with the current TTK.
  4. because I did not see the other ones.....


    Fixed that for ya. There's already many of them out there (hell there's another one on the very front page of the PvP section before you made this, the fact that you missed it just shows that you did 0 searching before posting).

  5. the guild voting problem is preventable :)


    15 of us leave the guild and vote now what? Or, just grabbing 14 other people on my faction who'd be happy to get rid of those really good players, now what?


    Video proof? SWTOR has quite a high system usage, running a video recording program would prob kill my poor lil computer. Majority of my mates have the same prob, does that mean we can't report people? I know me and the few dozen people I know don't represent much of the community, but I can't imagine we're the only ones in this situation. Your system just alienates us from being able to take a hand in the prevention of hacking.


    Caps are just so people see this....not cause I'm angry...:)


    ALSO THE VOTE COULD BE BACKED UP BY A VIDEO WHICH COULD BE SENT TO BIOWARE. They could finalized the vote. This would still make it much easier on them...making it easier to stop hacking...by creating this quicker solution of voting.


    Thanks for everyones help! And don't forget to thank Bioware! :D


    I respect the fact that you want to do something about hacking, but you haven't given a single viable option as to dealing with it that's better than the current system (sending a ticket and having BW investigate each person on a case by case basis, when they can be be bothered anyway).

  6. As a long time player of the priest archetype I would have to say I agree. I rather dislike the general move away from the buffer/healer to a pure healer. Makes me feel like a reusable medpac/potion which seems so cheap. However that's just my personal opinion. I'm sure many people are happy being medpacs, especially since it's a common trend that seems to be spreading throughout MMOs.
  7. From what I've noticed, my companions seem to do a lot more damage with the DoT stance. I"m not sure if it's a bug nor not, but I've seen my companions place multiple stacks of the DoT effect (normally I would of that it wasn't stackable). TBH though, the only way I'm keeping track of it is how often my companion pulls aggro off me, and that seems to occur more often in teh DoT stance rather than Armour Pen stance.
  8. @ OP. I totally understand where you're coming from. As someone who started PvP before we had the recruit gear I'll say this much, the beat down is nowhere near as bad now as it was before. Whilst they've headed in the right direction with recruit gear, the game is still leaning more towards "Character vs Character" rather than "Player vs Player." Whilst player skill is a factor, it's not something that cannot be overcome with your character. For a Recruit toon to beat a WH toon the skill level must be of a significant difference, not impossible, but almost.


    Also do yourself a favour and ignore the kids whining about how they got beaten so now you gotta get beaten. It's a similar concept to someone saying "I have the right to beat my child within an inch of his life because I had to endure it when I was one."


    Edit: Fixed a typo that made no sense whatsoever.

  9. Pretty much the same as i got from a VS last night. Spent 7:30 on defence and then 7:30 on attack, came out with a 2-2 win and 4 medals 2.5k heal, 75k healing, 10 kills, and a killing blow. Didn't get any def or att medals at all for 15 minutes of fighting. Not amazing on my part but my gear isn't great and was being focused for atleast 80% of the game.


    Yeah, sadly stopping people capping doesn't award you defensive points. Which is funny since that's far more defensive than engaging in a deathmatch inside the defensive zone whilst someone is capping.

  10. They didn't mention anything about healing, but as for dps wise, they said they were going to do something, just nothing specific. Personally I hope they add in some kind of interrupt immunity for gunnery and switch the CB synergies in assault with explosive round and reducing its cost to match CB.
  11. Voidstar

    Defence: Spawn. Stop 2-3 capping. Die. Rinse and repeat.

    Offence: Marked cause you know how to play. Die cause you know how to play.

    End result: Win with 2-3 medals and an almost equal amount of comms to the losing team.

    Feeling: Why did I just die over and over for so little gain...


    Edit: That's only really when pugging. When in pre-mades, life is soooo much better.

  12. Guess pre-made only queues would elimate the useless puggers (not that there aren't useless pre-mades too), Though queue times would only get longer for non-ranked and would probably be pretty long for ranked as well considering the present queue time issues (though guess that will depend on how the char server transfers pan out). Haven't seen anything definitive about pre-mades only though, maybe they'll keep the option to solo queue and add in a new option to queue with 8 (unless it was already like that)? Time will tell.
  13. I usually don't run DPS so I'll leave that to someone else. But as a scoundrel healer I only really ever top 500k if I don't die, that's including getting interrupted, stunned, etc. Taking that into account, I can see how some healers might pop high numbers (600k+) if they're allowed to just stand and spam, especially sages, if left unchecked they can do some serious healing.
  14. The point is that Mass CC should not last as long as single target CC.


    Mass should be more like an interrupt rather than an actual long CC. And warrior/knight can still do their Epeen mass dmg move even when the CC is 4 secs instead of 6 secs.


    I think the idea was that, regardless of length, 1 or 2 seconds into the mezz they're going to be broken out of it. There's also skills with delay casts (e.g. project, grav round, etc.) that will hit afterward the mezz even though it was cast before and break it.


    The only time you cop out the full mezz is against a team of 2 very well organized pre-mades or if 4 of you are trying to melee GB down someone solo and they rest it to bail out. If it's the pre-made causing you grief, if they're organized enough to a. use vent, b. prepare in advance with NO dots on anyone and c. prepare to stop attacking targets as soon as the CC is used, then you're probably gonna lose 9/10 anyway, meaning the outcome probably hasn't changed much anyway.


    Whilst I understand your annoyance at the length of the CC, it's very rare that the whole group will cop the full CC. As someone with both a Scoundrel and Guardian I can tell you that I've never kept all my targets CC'd unless they all jump me whilst I'm sitting around all on my own (which is only really ever when I'm heading to an objective, in which case the other team deserves to lose if they're wasting 4-5 people off chasing someone who is nowhere near the objective).

  15. Well its happened EU side, the servers that used to be FULL are now STANDARD which are like 2 or 3 and the rest are all LIGHT.


    Is it that hard to see that players did not like 1.2 for PvP?


    Whatever 1.2 changed did this BW.


    1.3 will it completely kill PvP?


    Are you sure that PvP is the cause of this? I may not be an EU player but I have unsubbed but not because of PvP.

  16. It breaks on combat, 90% of the time it is broken by some idiot using grenades or smash. It's fine btw.


    This. Multiple people 1 spot. The biggest epeen stroking moment for Rage/Focus specs, and one which 90% fall for.

  17. Nice hit. Against a WH geared player you're prob looking at a decrease of 20-25% damage down to around 7.5k. If the guy getting hit was naked then maybe another 20-25% decrease (I've yet to see anyone run around naked in WZs, but that doesn't mean that there aren't people who do). Though from what other player's are writing about it sounds like a potential bug, or so we can only hope.
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