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Posts posted by kuey

  1. Wrong. Tons of gamers play for competition. Just because you want to be casual doesnt mean we should have to lower our standards to fit your needs




    People play for competition because they find it fun. Stop taking things out of context. He was referring to the OPs need to roll fresh 50s with gear imbalance over skill. If you think that reflects competitive gameplay then you're evidently not one of those who enjoy competition.

  2. I don't see why he couldn't serious, it still takes 2-3 BM geared DPS to kill a BM+ geared Ops/Merc healer on my server at least. 2-3 Well geared healers will literally carry the team in 1.2.


    If you don't use a stun or interrupt, yeah, you're going to have difficulties killing a healer. I've held off 3-4 people on Alderaan cause not a single one used a stun or interrupt on me and I kept LoSing them (they also didn't think to use knockback to get me away from LoS). On the flipside, I've been facepalmed by PTs, Marauders and Mercs (when they charge me down by themselves) who use interrupt/stuns.

  3. I was thinking about Operative/Scoundrel, BH, Commando speces more, but if you have troubles with healing on your class try to change your rotation


    *cough* I apologize, I did not realize you were serious.

  4. So just to see if other people are getting this. I run a scoundrel heals. Pre 1.2.0c (post 1.2) I healed for about roughly 4k with UWM Crits. Now I'm dishing out 2.5k heal crits? Those are crits, outside of crits its mid 1k heals. There was only 1 -20% healing debuff applied to the person I was healing.


    Now my question is, was it just some kind of bug, or are other people experiencing this also?


    Edit: I only managed 1 PvP match before I had to log so I have the feeling that match was just bugged, but I just want to ask to make sure.

  5. ive been hearing that scrapper after 1.2 isnt all the good in damage though after 50. Is saboteur still less burst then them after 1.2?


    People like to exaggerate a bit. Our sustained dps doesn't feel as strong now (I say feel as since their was no parsing pre 1.2 we can't tell for certain), but our burst has actually been bumped up a bit thanks to backblast buffs.

  6. Ops/Scoundrels Concealment/Scrapper specs are just massively broken. They're a pure burst damage class, with very average sustainability which depends on luck. Ideally you'd lower the burst and increase the sustainability or increase its frequency. They also had the problems on stunlock, trading it for a gap closer would have easily solved the question. It just seems that BW want to keep it as a unique stealth reliant class, which unfortunately due to it's inability to transition to freely in combat (their restealth is a. on a long CD and b. predictable), means they need to compensate for their moderate sutainability with a big burst from stealth.
  7. 1v1 Burst? Depends on what you're fighting. Personally I'd say Sharpshooter Gunslinger is the highest burst for Smugglers currently. However their damage is heavily mitigated by armour/defence. If we were to take armour and defence into account then I'd say Scrapper Scoundrel. Saboteur has nice burst, but it's nowhere near the league of Sharpshooters and Scrappers. That being said, I found Saboteur far more fun to play than a Sharpshooter. Not very nice on energy management though, the the new Hot Pursuit might have changed that, I haven't tried it yet.
  8. Dying only once or twice per warzone indicates to me you are facing groups that have no clue what they are doing, especially post-1.2.


    This. If my pre-made runs up against PUGs I usually net 400k+ healing (unless we end it in a few minutes), but against organized pre-mades, I feel like the boss with 200k healing (as I usually net around 10 deaths).


    @ OP. No.1 mistake you made was picking a Sorc/Sage for PvP healing. I ran all 3 healers on the rep side in 1.15 with a Scoundrel as my main. In 1.2 I've sidelined my Sage as a PvP healer. Whilst all 3 can heal, if you're facing organised pre-mades, Scoundrel/Op and Commando/Merc healing is far more effective, thanks to mobility and survivability. Commando/Merc has great survivability, being insanely hard to kill with their shields active. Scoundrel/Op has great kiting abilities with the best mobility making them the best survivability wise, and hence the FoTM PvP healers. PvP healing is now, and has always been about, survivability. Pre 1.15 when you could directly out-heal most dps classes, Sages were great, esp with such a strong heal on 1.5sec cast. Now you can't out-heal damage, so you gotta keep em away long enough to heal. Sages/Sorcs unfortunately can't run and heal and hence just die. Knockback helps, but doesn't buy you anywhere near enough time to hit yourself with enough healing, and with light armour and no burst healing defensive skills, you're just fodder for dps.

  9. Firstly, I want to say thanks for the attempt to improve it. It's great to see you actually trying to do something.


    That being said I'm curious as why you made the change you did. I have yet to get 1 or 2 medals in a match, but I can't imagine that the rewards would be very satisfying. Winning nets you 80+ comms. Losing with anything below 4 or so medals would net you about 20-30 comms. I still don't see the incentive to continue a losing game when you could easily leave and re-queue well before your previous WZ had even gotten half way. Unless you're in a losing streak of 3+, the chances are you'd gain more comms jumping out of WZs and re-queuing.


    As someone who runs pre-mades (casually pre 1.2, now permanently in 1.2), all I can say is that PvP was far more competitive in 1.15 thanks to actually having people play against. These days if our pre-mades starts winning the opp just bails (I haven't seen any change of late so I can only presume the 1 medal change hasn't changed people's motivation). While it's still fun to win, it was more fun winning in 1.15.

  10. For those that didn't get the email, I too didn't get one either even though I satisfied all the requirements. I sent an email to CS asking about it and they sent one back saying I am eligible for the transfer. If you're worried about your eligibility then I suggest just asking them.


    They told me they had sent me the email, but seeing as I never got it, I'm assuming something went wrong somewhere. I presume it's the same for the rest of you, so I wouldn't fret too much. Though I still recommending emailing them.

  11. Firstly I would just say to play the class you LIKE. There's no character that cannot solo the PvE content with relative ease. Some might be more equipment reliant, but in the end they can all do it. That being said...


    Tank Sin/Shadow has both great survivability and damage. Stealth + stealth cc helps a hell of a lot. Emergency stealth will save you if you manage to land yourself in a bad spot. Pair up with your healing companion for bosses and dps companion for everything else. One of the few classes that can solo Heroic 4s (mainly due to stealth). I personally didn't play this, but my brother did and he found it way easier than any other char he played.


    From what I've played (I mostly stuck to Rep chars):


    Op/Scoundrel Heals is just downright easy. It's my main and I can honestly say the only time I ever felt "in trouble" was when soloing Heroic 4s. Just like Sins/Shadows you have stealth and stealth CC, the ability to stealth mid combat for a quick escape. You have a stun, mezz, snare and in-combat droid CC. You have the cover mechanism and low CD defensive skills. You have one of the game's best HoT skills (bested only by the Sage/Sorc 31 point skill) which has basically no downtime. This also means you have more time to dedicate to dpsing. You have a free spammable emergency heal at under 30% hp.


    My Sage heals was pretty damn easy too, but the lack of stealth makes a huge difference, no comparison between sage and scoundrel heals in terms of the relative ease of PvE. Soloing H2s was easy, H4s were much more difficult.


    Dps classes (Sent, GS, etc.) lacked survivability and heals. Great for waltzing through trash mobs, but much more gear reliant in order to grind through elite and higher mobs. You'll never solo a H4 of your same level with these guys and trying to solo H2s without your healing companion is suicide, and sometimes even with.


    In short the way I'd rank it:

    1. Scoundrel/OP heals

    2. Sin/Shadow tank

    3. Sage/sorc and Merc/Comm heals

    4. VG/BH tank

    5. Anyone else not specified

    6. Sent/Mara dps.


    But as I said before. They're all easy, esp if you keep up to date with gear, and throw decent equips on companions.

  12. What's your point? Of course you can't stand there and healtank, but I'm usually able to LoS long enough to get off a UWM, or pop my shield and start casting it. I'll get knocked back fairly often doing that, but that just gave me a headstart on kiting and I can begin the process of pulling off the objective if they keep chasing, or heal myself up if they don't chase.


    UWM is still more way more useful than Diag Scan =p


    My point was that DG scan is useless in PvP.

  13. How do you have lower damage with the expertise changes?


    The expertise has only really increased the damage of shootfirst and sabo charge. SP is down 10% with expertise only making giving you an approx 6% boost (diff between dmg and DR) and that's excluding pre 1.2 expertise. BB has bigger hits now but overall damage is down now due to less re-usability, which impacts more on a build focused around survivability than it does for the burst pure scrapper whose fights don't last long enough for the difference to be all that noticeable.

  14. /signed.


    Nice to see someone coherent and sensible take the reigns once in awhile. There's been so much forum bashing going on it's turned into an absolute farce of late.


    Edit: Though I do want to point out that the example you made of professional sportsmen is an odd comparison to make as we're not doing this for as a profession but rather for entertainment. But if anything that should only strengthen your position as since it's for entertainment purposes only killing the enjoyment factor for the losers starts making them question the reasons they're actually playing this game since it's no longer fulfilling it's originally intended purpose. Losing may not be as enjoyable as winning, but it should still be enjoyable.

  15. u want to have a full set of level 50 gear the day u hit 50 but dont want to pay for it check...


    the daily comm quests easily net u well over 100k credits a day 3 days to get a full set of lvl 50 gear


    now if u complain about having to PVE for PVP gear why wernt u pvping while u lvl and buying the BM gear?


    i capped my wz comms at 1k/1k by lvl 19 or so on my PT and from 20-50 i managed to outfit myself and a companion in mod able gear and stockpile 578 pvp adrenals for the 50 bracket with those comms i could have gotten close to all of the BM gear


    so its either buy BM gear as u lvl from pvp or actually do a few quests post 50 to get the credits to buy a set in 3 days


    yea way to much work


    **tor 1.3 hit 50 receive rakata set in the mail (legacy lvl 15 required)**


    rated gear is really the only argument u have there which is fair enough but it comes down to the whole Casual/Hardcore debate having hardcore people get there gear in the first 2 weeks leads to loss of subs everyone needs that carrot at the end of the stick


    other mmo's it took months for raids to be cleared the new Op was cleared on day 1 (after being seen on test) granted its harder than the other ops but still thats to soon....


    You can only purchase BM gear once you're level 50 in 1.2. At least that's what happened to me.

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