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Everything posted by MouseNoFour

  1. I will tell you what I like YOU to do - read what I actually wrote. I specifically stated bare minimum of one reply per day - 5 mins work per day. And not a generic "no new info" or "we are looking into it" or worse one of those maintenance reminders, server down notifications or only the controversial ones like the current SGR crap. Like the guy above me stated, take a page out of blizzard's book. There are heaps of threads that could do with info/insight/dev viewpoint.
  2. Pretty much that. They don't have a presence at all on the forums. The only threads they have replied to are for moderation, maintenance reminders and when servers are having problems. That and of course SGR which is of course blown way out of proportion. Now cut all those out and count how many replies to REALLY important topics. NO NOT MY THREADS TROLL. You will notice there is very little replies for WEEKS upon WEEKS.
  3. How about looking at the tracker yourself.
  4. I have been watching the dev tracker for weeks. It is in fact quite silent. Compared to what it has been in the past.
  5. I am aware of that. He was really great. Now we don't have anyone and the dev tracker is constantly silent.
  6. Seriously they need to hire someone - anyone - to just be the forum community representative. His/her sole job would be to represent the company on the forums. Have a look at the dev tracker. If they already hire a community rep for the forums then they just aren't doing their job. It is quite often days between dev responses. A reply to a SINGLE thread a day would be sufficient. I dont mean mine - just one thread that has importance to a number of people. At least to show that they have a presence here on their forums and to put forward the idea that they see our problems and concerns.
  7. I have a sith inquisitor play through as well. At most I will put a link to the playlist in my signature below. I will not do what this guy did and spam it everywhere. If people want to watch mine they will click on the link - not go to some thread spammed everywhere.
  8. http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20130115
  9. Sadly, there is little of interest for me in 1.7. 1.7 is the Illium revamp patch, with a bit of a rep grind included. Neither of these interest me in the least, so i will congratulate those who enjoy pvp and rep grinds and continue to hold out hope for 1.8 or RotHC expansion. Just putting my thoughts out there.
  10. I too do not like having to grind reps for gear either. And i am certainly not pleased with this introduction. I see nothing positive in 1.7. Nothing positive for me anyway.
  11. The title of the thread is ''Choosing a name''. The topic is what i posted in my message field. Please stay on topic and cease trying to provoke an argument. Thanks.
  12. Not the question i asked. Please stay on topic.
  13. What is the most time you have spent spamming the Random name button trying to find one that ISNT taken?
  14. Obviously it simply wasnt popular enough - hence the reason i have never heard of it myself - to maintain the facility for it.
  15. The focus on the vanilla game is on Malgus, not Setele.
  16. I am talking about SOLO CONTENT. Not flashpoints, and certainly not operations. Get it straight.
  17. Quite frankly, there is very little need for so much knock back. It serves literally no purpose aside from infuriating the melee players and melee companions. Sure, make the knock back serve a purpose - but limit it to limited numbers of enemies. Say, elites or bosses. What really makes it stupid, is when MELEE enemy uses it... then immediate has to run after me since i am no longer in its range.
  18. Why is there so much of them in this game? As a ranged player, you almost never notice it. But as a melee one, it is almost every second pve enemy that has a knock back. It isnt game changing or anything, let alone too powerful - but the fact that almost every enemy has it really makes dealing damage frustrating. Hit enemy, BANG! knock back, finish enemy off. Start on new enemy, BANG! knock back, finish that enemy off. So my question is why is it so common place? It doesnt really serve a purpose, being so commonplace. In fact the only thing the knock back does, is slow down the kill by a whole 2 seconds, whilst your ammo/force/energy replenishes even higher.
  19. Thanks. Now please work on server transfers so i can make use of those with already existing characters on ''overflow'' servers.
  20. Please provide a link to evidence to support this assumption.
  21. Many thanks for this feature. I hate being stuck on my original limit of 12 without any way to create more whilst having my Legacy in effect. Now i can create crap loads of characters. You guys just need to add in server transfer so i can bring my ''overflow'' alts from the alternate server over to my main server.
  22. I was being kind in my description of this person. That and the fact that i would be banned from these forums (OK well i wouldn't be banned - just receive yet another infraction) so i kind of improved this person's behavior for the sake of this thread.
  23. I believe i acted 100% fairly, but just out of curiosity i would like your opinion as well. I quite enjoy leveling up alts, when im not doing end game stuff, so i spend a lot of time on insignificant alts. All of them unguilded. Now, out of habit i dont really pay much attention to who i get in a random group finder flashpoint - more so ''what'' i get in terms of classes. I am not likely to need to know who i grouped with so i rarely pay attention to names. In this particular mid level flashpoint i was grouped with this certain player who - as a nicer way of putting it - was a complete bucket head (replace with less kinder word) to the group, myself included. This person kept on going on about how he knew the flashpoint better than anyone else, knew everyone's classes better than the players using them here, and how everyone present was full of ''fail''. We ended up removing him from the group and successfully completing it with a companion to help (we were near the end so it wasnt worth replacing the player with another). A couple days later, on my main i recognised that same player on my guild's roster (im not known for my memory when it comes to names). The only reason i remembered him, was because of the trouble he caused. I promptly removed him from the guild without a second thought. To this, he viciously objected. I prefer to keep my alts names secret so as to avoid abuse from players who happen to know my other alts - aka alt stalking. I told him, that he was kicked because of a report from ''someone'' about his behavior in a flashpoint a couple days prior. He said it was a lie and that someone just wanted to tarnish his good name. Now - SHOULD i have told him it was me who was this 'someone', or was my actions considered fair under the circumstances?
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