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Everything posted by MouseNoFour

  1. For me personally, it was during the recruitment mission for Ashara. I will let you ponder why that mission for a bit. This will give you the answer to why i chose this one. From the perspective of a LIGHT SIDE SITH. You are stopped and stifled and every turn. The Dark Side Sith hate you, the Empire fears you despite you being no threat to them, the Republic does not understand you, the Jedi dont believe you... You have NO friends. Nobody believes you. You risk death at every turn when you show mercy. You are all alone on your little ship, in an entire UNIVERSE trying their utmost to kill you! EVERYONE hates you for what you are. Yes, even real life players hate you because to them, you are a contradiction. You apparently cant be a Sith, cant be on the Empire faction and be Light Side. THIS is why it is sad for me - the saddest story in the game. My character wears pure white robes, Satele Shan's double bladed GREEN lightsaber and wears the Pure title.
  2. Reminds me of that Witcher Wild Hunt quest where you attempt to romance BOTH Yennefer and Triss. Long story short... you try to have both... and you end up with nothing. Tied to a bed, naked.
  3. I will recruit all the best women for my ship so it becomes an all women ship. Kira Carsen Nadia Grell Elara Dorne Risha Ce'na Jaesa Willsaam Ashara Zavros Mako (and the droids) Boot all the guys from my ship. Sorry Talos, Andronikos, Khem Val and Xalek! My female Inquisitor Assassin will paint her ship pink and be an all girl crew! Wonder if they will even get on with each other... I know Risha and Ce'na will get on like sisters, Nadia and Jaesa will probably be the same... but i certainly see Elara and Mako having problems... Elara and the Ce'na/Risha combo... that is a problem... i may have issues. (Yes i know this is highly unlikely but hey, i can dream cant i?)
  4. Not what was said. Read what you yourself quoted: As long as you are subbed when the expac or any future chapters are released you'll still retain access to them even after your sub ends. What he said was correct. The last chapter you had an active subscription when it was released, is the last one you will still have access to. If you let it lapse on the 28th, you will only have access to 9 chapters until you subscribe again. If you let it last one day after the 10th chapter is released, you will only have access to 10 chapters.
  5. This. Free to play - even PREFERRED status is an absolute joke. If you are going to play this game, do not - i repeat DO NOT go free to play. That is punishment on your every sense. Your entire game is gimped right up where the sun dont shine. Every single aspect of the entire game is effectively neutered. XP, rep, travel, gear, money, GTN, companions YOU NAME IT, they put an iron collar around it. Just dont do it. Do yourself a favour, either subscribe or just dont play it. Free to play is JUST.NOT.WORTH.IT. This is what i intend to do. I play Final Fantasy XIV as my other MMO. There is a plethora of content in that game that i will never truly finish. When the story content in SWTOR that comes up front dries up, i am gone. Then in 6 months to a year, i come back and pay another $20 (equals your $15) to get another big chunk. Then when that dries up again... rinse and repeat.
  6. Even if true, why would it matter? For one, its one hour per episode as stated by Bioware themselves. 9 hours of story in the first month. Only 9 hours. I am casual, but not THAT casual that i cant manage 9 hours a month. And second, if you are a heavy user and want to do those 9 hours on all 8 classes, that is still well within a single month. In the end, you would likely be done with the 9 hours by the time your month is up. I only plan on doing it once to experience the story - and since the difference between classes are very minor - also stated explicitly by Bioware themselves - with the story being the same with class flavour added in... there is no reason to do it multiple times to experience the story multiple times. 6 months later when more episodes are added, i will sub again to get another chunk of 9 episodes before ending my subscription again once i am done.
  7. Personally, i am going to just buy a single 60 day time card once a year or maybe 6 months. Why? So i can access a 'season' worth of story and immediately stop playing once i am done. Some of EA/Bioware's business practices dont inspire confidence or a desire to stay subscribed. The companion Nice Okarr (sp) is a perfect example of why i am not at all pleased with Bioware's marketing strategies. If they are fine with doing something as dirty and nasty as that to new players - i wont be recommending any of my friends play this game. (Also makes me real concerned with what else they are OK with, if cutting something like this off from new players starting play for this expansion)
  8. Just how much credits would you consider to be what a ''wealthy'' person would have in the Lore of Star Wars? Quite often, you get mail from NPC's who give you a donation or a pay off or even a bribe... yet it is always in the four digits. Is 1000-9000 considered a LOT of money in Star Wars? How would you work out what a lot of money really is and what would you consider to be the ''millionaire'' of the Star Wars lore? If you have 100,000 credits, is that a lot of money for a character to own? What about a million?
  9. Nope. Not a suggestion. I could care less if it was implemented or not. If the developers want a positive improvement to the people keeping this game afloat, they will want every incentive to keep players forking out. And we all know, they need every little bit to entice players to pay money.
  10. This is a simple piece of advice to the developers.
  11. This thread does not belong in the Suggestion Bin section of the forum. I rarely play MMO type games anymore. But every so often, due to my ongoing attachment to my characters, i quite often log in to my characters to muck around for a while. That being a few hours, a few days or even a couple weeks. After which i stop playing for various reasons, for days, weeks or months. The option to pay month to month, as a game Time Card would provide, as part of the options available to a prospecting subscriber would be a benefit to the future of the game. That being said, purchasing a monthly subscription and then immediately cancelling it, provides the exact same thing albeit with an additional step to cancel its recurring status. EDIT - Spelling.
  12. Does it bode well for this patch, when the major update has not been seen on the PTS? What do you think?
  13. Grey characters are currently not supported in game.
  14. No there is nothing for Light Side characters. Perhaps that is the point? The absence of anything is what makes a Light Side character.
  15. All my characters are side lined because of that. I dont want to have to wade through 2 tiers just to do ops in the gear i want. So i shall wait until level 55 before going back to ops.
  16. I agree with you. That sound is silly for the engine. But i can live with it, knowing i can just mute the game if i decide to.
  17. The noise it makes i can live with, just turn the sound off whenever i mount. But its a pod RACER. Why am i still going so slow! Seeing how fast the real pod racers go and seeing mine... its like im stuck in first gear.
  18. Is there anything i must do to push my monthly payment of coins through? Kinda already ''spent'' it on things i would like, but have yet to get my monthly 500 coins yet.
  19. All throughout the history of Star Wars, whenever someone encounters a Jedi or Sith, they always seem surprised with what they are able to do. Sith and Jedi have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. You would think the idea ''they can perform miracles'' would have come across by now.
  20. I agree. It does look pretty damned good. But the sound effects would drive me nuts after a long trek on Tatooine.
  21. You really don't learn let alone listen. Many many other companies can and have been doing this. Why doesn't this company follow THEIR example hmm?
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