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Posts posted by Malckiah

  1. When i look at the codex log I think it's pretty cool, but definitely lacking a very vital part.... The other half!!!! It shows me what I have seen and where I have been, then it tells me there are 14 other places I didnt see or 36 species I didnt log..... uh ok....this sucks.


    If they would show me specifically what those species are or where I haven't yet explored, then I would spend time making sure to do so....kinda like making sure to get all the achievements.

  2. The codex system is nice, but it is so boring and lackluster for me. Sure it shows how many I have and how many there are total. But the one fundamental problem is that it does not promote the search. I don't spend time searching for more because I have so many characters and to be honest I can't recall where I have been with one particular character and I am not going to look through my list of what codex's I have every time I see a creature or whatever.


    I suggest that they show what you need to get as well, but maybe just grey'd out or something. Seeing an actual list of what you still need creates the desire to hunt for them. A desire that does not exist right now.

  3. hahaha,



    Also you keep saying "look at all this awesome stuff coming....eventually, soon, one day, it will be awesome"... People are starting to get the Cry wolf feeling. Like "hey everyone we are coming out with something that turns water into wine & led into gold... coming soon!"


    Your loosing creditability.


    Wow! This is so very true. Sad but true. Look, I live in Austin...I love the game. I play the game. But I will admit I am getting soooo tired of the hopes never happening. They need to add more content more often ....NOW. And when I say more content......Sure more story and pvp and the like is great.....But what I am talking about is More character customization....Barber shops, tons more wearable gear, and millions of acheivements. When it gets to the end of the day I want my character to be unique and awesome.....period. Get this then move on from there.

  4. Maybe its just me....but i dont think server merge is really the answer to the problem....I would say that if they impliment cross server queing for pvp and ops, then no one would care. Cross server the GTM also....get it booming!. Then who would care?
  5. Bioware: I love ya....I love the game....but there are too many hackers. Real hackers. Like someone puting the bomb on the voidstar door in less than 2 seconds, like people going way faster than the consular fast speed for extended times......DO SOMETHING PLEASE!
  6. To be clear....I am excited about patch 1.2, but not in any hurry. It will come when it comes.


    However, Bioware needs to realize that unfortunatley a very loud portion of its playerbase is very immature. Bioware does consistantly continue to give times and dates and then is far too late in coming through with them. Honestly it is easy to talk about the babies that gripe and complain, but in all honesty Bioware is to blame.



    Note to Bioware: Either stop giving dates or give dates that are far later than expected. When you are at a restaurant and you expect your food in 15 minutes and it doesn't come out for an hour.....you tend to get a little upset. After all, you are a paying customer and there are other restaurants out there.

  7. Ok, so I remember seeing that in an upcoming patch they are going to make warzone kills count toward the Illum pvp daily kills thing. I personally like this idea and find it to be a great idea, but here are some thoughts:


    1. If this happens, warzones will be all about farming kills and very few people will care about the objective. This in my opinion could get really ugly. Perhaps if they impliment more reward for carrying out the objective somehow....medals for touchdowns in huttball, medals for getting doors in voidstar etc...?


    2. Illum?....why would anyone go there exept dailies?....Perhaps if they add a few more dailies that require you to go to the pvp side?


    3. On a good note... more people will que for warzones and that is always a good thing.


    What do you guys think?

  8. Bioware: In my opinion it would be a great idea if you did a mass survey where people who are interested and have a current subscription can participate in a huge survey to give feedback and to ensure that future content goes in the right direction for the playerbase.


    Thank you!

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