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Everything posted by Castiel

  1. According to George Lucas, that never happened. The films stopped at the emperor's death in the second death star, the end.
  2. Why The Lord of the Rings is better than Star Wars 1: Hobbits. 2: Swords & Bows > Lightsabers & Blasters 3: Aragorn is Gondor's King. Han Solo is not. 4: Arwen is hotter than Leia 5: No Jar Jar Binks 6: Gollum 7: Tolkien knew how to write well. GL does not. 8: Sauron 9: No Hayden Christensen 10: Every female in the works of Tolkien are better-looking than any female in SW. 11: Gimli, Son of Glõin > C3P0 & R2D2. 12: The Mines of Moria > Korriban. 13: Gimli's Beard
  3. He was still beaten by a student.. Seems like the entire Star Wars universe is riddled with pisspoor writing.
  4. Sidious' 30 years sith rule, vs Emperor Vitiate's 1300 years of existence? Hmmmm....
  5. Well, he wasn't. Sidious however, was defeated by Luke. Do the math.
  6. And yet he lost, and had the shortest sith rule of all time. Hahahahaha.
  7. About Cin Dralliq.... Why would they hire a mediocre saber combatant to be the weaponsmaster ? He was outwitted by an emo kid, for gods sake.
  8. Goes out to all of you negative people ; Go play another game since you're so convinced that this game'll die. We don't need to hear this.
  9. Based on your logic we can all just stop playing this game right NOW, because your precious Sidious wins in less than 4000 years anyway, and nothing in between could stop it. Right ?
  10. It's no use, this fanboy has hotkeyed all these paragraphs and you can't win against his (borderline fanatical) zealotry to Sidious' cause...
  11. hmmm, I don't know... Revan also had several other masters, Anakin had but one who doubted his abilities... Advantage ?
  12. You really don't think Scourge could've mocked Sion to defeat?
  13. I defeated vader in TFU. Several times. He sucks.
  14. Yeah, we saw who was in control and who wasn't....
  15. Worth it for just making you see your "God" sidious wasn't all that.
  16. Imagine how much stronger the Jedi Order would've been if they allowed Revan to train them in his force ways, instead of denying him to spread his "Heresy" amongst the order..... Sigh, some times the Jedi are ******s.
  17. Must also be said that Vader was upset emotionally AGAIN, proving how weak willed the dude was. And was stalemated and defeated by a kid that had trained for a few years to become a jedi, and who didn't even have proper lightsaber combat training. Weak writing, weak films.
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