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Everything posted by getdownsb

  1. Sounds to me like you don't play a class with anything close to tight tolerances and/or are oblivious. See what I did there?
  2. So much /facepalm in here. 1. To the guy that said Subjugate isnt worth it, you're wrong and you probably wonder why you have so much trouble with healers and casters. 2. To the people stating that Crippling Slash poses rage management issues, you are doing something really wrong. Ahinnialation is a rage a fury battery and constantly has unspent rage that needs to be converted to output. You should be trying to figure out how to stay low rage while dictating the fight vs most classes. 3. To the people stating that the loss of 1 GCD for an Ahni Marauder has any great impact I suspect that you lack the macro picture of the class. Ahni is a controll class, it doesn't have nor rely on burst. Burst is an Op opening from stealth, stunlocking a person and killing them in 6 globals. Burst is a PT Pyro hitting you with railshot > rocketpunch > railshot with their TD going off during that and critting, dumping 10k into you in 3-4 globals. Ahni is a control class, it likes to dot someone up, force them to engage, debuff, use Def CDs to cancel burst and render the person useless, get big health returns and sustain damage at a level that can't be mitigated in a drawn out fight. They're also a skirmisher class, they excell at picking off stragglers, forcing healers to let their team die and being very difficult to kill and/or get rid of. Now, seeping wound. It has it's place. IMO that place is in the newbie to intermediate players build. I say this because that level of player has several deficiencies they need to overcome and seeping wound works like a crutch. This level of player struggles with ability management, resource management, dot & debuff uptime, proper use of defensive Cds, doesn't know every build and playstyle of their enemies, and hasn't built up both the natural feel of the CDs/rage and a repritor of memories of habits that specific players and classes have. Seeping wound helps simplify a lot of this. You have a snare as a standard part of your opener, you don't need to micromanage rage as much, you essentially snare first and ask questions later. However if you move toward the expert level of play you don't need any of this. 2 rage and 1 GCD is easily managed and nets you a better snare use situationally and 2 extra skill points which is extremely valuable. This level player is perfectly comfortable going charge > slash > BA > DS and working frommthere. You also realize that not every fight calls for an opening snare. For instance, why snare any melee, if they kite they're not having any impact on you and you're still in control. Some players will notoriously not kite, or do it poorly. A lot of casters will happily sit ther and face cast while you go to town. Some players will kite but only to attempt to brake contact, you are taking them away from the fight and likely support and can chose to presue or not. At least that's my take on it. I don't claim to be amazing but I regularly have full permades making me their prime target, which I'd say is smart because if left alone I'll kill all the healers then all of them.
  3. Bind keys. Read this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=256372
  4. No. And currently I PUG most of the time which only amplifies the amount of "fail" that I experience. 1. You're still carrying 4 players that are a waste of space. 2. You're server must have a ton of really bad players. Yes. Only problem is that I need to find 2-3 more good players because 95% of my guild has stopped playing the game. My experience on HoG is that the ratio of competent:horrible players on Empire is around 20:1. I can't speak for the Republic. Yeah, I'm horrible. You got me.
  5. Let us queue 8 people. I would much rather spend 2 hours getting my face smashed by 8 opposing players that are simply better than my team. I am really tired of being forced to queue with 4 incompetent players and having to carry them.
  6. Google MMO and how to play. This game is easymode, wayyyyy easymode.
  7. Ability delay has been dramatically improved. However there is still ability stuttering, the animation stopping and/or re-starting repeatedly. It's kind of hard to accept an MMO where you press buttons and you have a random chance of them behaving in a specific manner.
  8. Yeah I can agree that a lot of the environments are just fine. A ton of the itemization is just Star Wars + Anime + Acid though. I mean the Terminator armor? Color + Black lightsabers? Bounty hunters looking like XFL + WWF + Rambo + GI Joe? I just keep /facepalming over and over at nearly every aspect of this game and how it repeatedly misses every mark on the side of the barn and the one next to it.
  9. I mean come on: Bumblebee Lightsabers Lawnmower Speeder XFL Sholder pads 3D Google Glasses I just... I mean, what. Serious what the eff. Did any of the designers watch Star Wars?
  10. This is only the case with gear grind themepark casual MMOs where "endgame" isn't even on the dev's drawing board.
  11. They never really tested or looked at anything beyond level 30. After 4 months in beta this became abundantly clear. It is now abundantly clear to the majority of the population, despite their rabid denial of said fact prior to launch.
  12. PvP shouldn't be about gear. The problems is that these themepark games use the carrot-on-stick gear grind to make up for poor, or complete lack of pvp design. Instanced, scripted pvp? No player owned anything? Gear trumps skill? No consequence to any PvP action? Virtually nothing in the open world? That's not PvP in the first place, that's a joke. It's how a PvE'er would design PvP.
  13. OMG, could this game get any more easymode? What a joke.
  14. Uh, I don't know what you guys are on about but ePeen plays on Helm of Graush. http://www.epeenery.com/content.php lewl
  15. Funny, I said basically the exact same thing after a month in beta, in August. I was laughed out of the building by people that had never made it passed level 20. Welcome to SWTOR, it fails. All aboard the Tortanic, set sail for all the fail that was WHO but with story story story.
  16. getdownsb

    Is SWTOR dying?

    Yes. Amazing IP, Decent planning, Crap developers. Dead.
  17. This game is gear based, It's stupid but it's reality. Your suggestions are easily exploitable in a gear based game.
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