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Everything posted by TalonKorr

  1. Maybe its me getting older, maybe its that I've been playing MMOs for the better part of fifteen years, maybe I've just seen this level of behavior too many times in the past and have to say something. So this is for everyone talking ish in this thread, and yes, I'm thinking especially of you Slipperz/Stalkuh. At the end of the day, this kind of crap does nothing but bring everybody and the community down. Getting yourselves riled up and wasting time over internet fights doesn't prove anything, you know why? Because nobody outside this game, much less the five total people going at it in this thread, care. It doesn't matter, none of it matters because its a game. You're not going to go Pro, you're not going to further your education, and you're not going to get yourself a job playing this game. Why fight over it. Regarding the comments made in this thread, we should also recognize Assimilation and Resurgum as competitors last season as well. Before PM returned we scheduled games regularly against these teams and they deserve to be remembered for their contributions as well. To PostMortem at large in this thread. You guys have a lot to be proud of. You have many good players and work well together. Your guild is clearly the most active and best Imperial PvP guild on the server. Currently, LD-Fifty can't even field a ranked team due to a healer shortage. Congratulations, you're top dogs. My only regret is we never saw you guys in 8v8's on this server, it would have been some great games. I only play this game to continue playing with my friends. Take it from me, who you spend your time playing with is more important than what you're doing. While there are some loudmouths in our group, they have been loyal friends to me for my time here. I only point out that while you criticize them for their...bravado, consider your actions when you respond. The "he started it" defense gets old quick. GG's to everyone.
  2. Got Blaurfed, can confirm. http://i.imgur.com/MueDFZ7.jpg
  3. Brony's tend to gravitate towards the cartoon because they feel the animation is good and the values it tries to teach is worthwhile. It's just another subculture group out doing their own thing. People think "Juggalos" are crazy but they accept anyone, and will bend over backwards for anyone who identifies as their subculture. While you may not like the image, the tolerance is impressive. The problem Brony's tend to run into is its the information age and people are able to provide judgement as fast as their bandwidth allowed. They're often characterized by the most deviant members of their group. Source: Took a new media and social theory class.
  4. Pffft, can't fool me, that doesn't look like Makeb Arena.
  5. http://i.imgur.com/KF0RuQA.gif
  6. According to Dulfy, hopefully ranked season 2 rewards get announced next week. Next time I think anyone has ranked scheduled is Monday 7/28 9pm EST.
  7. Good games to everyone involved, especially the pug group we had our first match with. It isn't easy starting out, stick with it guys. I get out of work at 5pm pst, then with traffic have a 45 minute drive home. We'll still be starting at 6. Looking forward to seeing you guys then.
  8. Bump for tonight, we're getting down to the end of it fellas.
  9. I know GDI and Fetoration have been tearing up lowbies in their premades. Suspicious lack of them in 55's though.
  10. Bump. Would love to replay my class quest level adjusted.
  11. Still looking for Weds/Thurs queues. Just a heads up 7/16 and 7/17
  12. Was a rough week this week. Had a sick teammate Wednesday and a family matter cancellation Today. We're going to set up a Preliminary date of Monday July 14th, if you can field it, lets go! Primary dates are Wednesday and Thursday, July 16th and 17th. 9pm EST
  13. GGs tonight to Postmortem. Queueing tomorrow, 9pm est.
  14. This as well. Hoping to see KoH, PM, Assimilation and any other guilds that would like to come out, get double comms and have a good time with friends. Dates again this week, but we're open for more: Monday/Wednesday/Friday - July 7th, 9th and 11th. 9 PM EST, GMT -4
  15. Hey guys, I'm Flak. I've been a few other classes in the past, was Grisha on Canderous Ordo, rerolled to Flak the Scoundrel and joined LD50. After not getting any ranked time on my scoundrel I decided to roll a tanking Guardian which is probably my best known character, Cates. After coming back to the game I went through a couple of character renames (Setac, Qates) before taking back my scoundrel's name. I also have an imgur account. http://i.imgur.com/mXvRUz2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MIOhxm8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xlXoilf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0ULzYET.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BBYmXIJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KfsKUSF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bdAH38J.jpg http://i.imgur.com/2KlyKgr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DHLon44.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vKt4qr9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uFAqAm6.jpg I live in Phoenix, so I'm anywhere between 2 and 3 hours behind server time. Here's some pics of a dust storm we had the other day. Also this coincidentally proves I don't live in my parents basement! http://i.imgur.com/9JhwR4h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hXmXTy3.jpg Bear in mind my camera lightened the images a bit. Some fun facts about me and LD-Fifty and its predecessor guild Lethal Dose Fifty. No I did not quit SWTOR because PoT5 was "hard", my school schedule prevented me from playing in the fall semester of last year. Bear in mind this is PST times, so add three hours. Kind of hard to be a tank for a ranked team when you're getting out of class after ranked ends. No member of Lethal Dose Fifty or LD-Fifty has ever been banned for hacking, cheating or exploiting. All infractions have resulted in suspensions, and these infractions have been community driven. I.e. reported for talking ****. I have never been suspended for any period of time from this game. Many people think we're mean, but few have experienced what it is to be on the receiving end of so much negativity. Do we talk smack back? Yes. But we get so much of it, eventually some things have to be said. Combatmedic is a teddy bear on mumble. On PoT5, Lethal Dose Fifty won a little better than 2/3rds of our games and were in positive W/L ratios against all major guilds, excluding Casual. We lost to them twice and they were absolutely amazing. I like large posteriors and I cannot obfuscate. Finally, here is the dealio. The leadership of Lethal Dose Fifty moved on to Wildstar. There are more than a few of us who think WS isn't for us and didn't want to go, so we decided to futz around on ToR. We rerolled Imperial because the guys who started this movement decided to do something "new". I will not be running LD-Fifty the way Lethal Dose Fifty was run, because I don't have that kind of time in my life. We have more than a few of our players back with us, we also invited friends and people we respect because we'd rather be more of a fun place to login for people we know, than some balls to the wall guild. I'm here to have fun with my friends, I'm not here to get into a daily dick measuring contest with everybody on the server. GGs, lets get more ranked games going, and enjoy this game as much as we can.
  16. Regrettably couldn't queue tonight due to inability to get in touch with our healers. Lets cement these days for this upcoming week: Monday July 7th Wednesday July 9th Friday July 11th We are open to other nights, but lets plan on those right now.
  17. A disappointing night for us tonight, lost Stalkuh after two matches due to weather knocking out his power. We'll definitely be queueing for ranked next Wed/Thurs, but we're open to other suggestions. Hope to hear from Postmortem as they've had an increased presence on the server as of late. Props to Resurgum for queueing. Looking forward to more games.
  18. GG's to Resurgum tonight. Looking forward to seeing more teams in queue tomorrow. Hint Hint, double comms. 9pm Server, 7/3
  19. Hopefully your wallets have recovered from the Steam Summer Sale, because its time for double ranked comms for the next three weeks. Ranked itself has been in a bit of a lull so its time for everyone to get back on that horse and get some comms, twice as fast. There seemed to be a general consensus that Tuesdays weren't a particularly good day, but Wednesdays and Thursdays were. Assuming a 9 PM start time, lets hear from some of our ranked teams out there regarding good times for them to queue. We look forward to hearing from our other big PvP guilds like Postmortem, Knights of Havoc, Resurgum and anyone else looking to join in the fun. A special shout out to Assimilation for being the only group to queue the last two weeks. Proposed Date and Start Time: Wednesday July 2nd - 9 PM EST Thursday July 3rd - 9 PM EST We're likely good to run on Tuesday July 1st, however the response the last time we tried was minimal. So going with Wednesday and Thursday.
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