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Everything posted by LadyVix

  1. With the current system, you don't need to be an "elite" raider to run ops, ANYONE can gear for it simply by playing the game. It seems your problem is that as a raider you feel entitled to "special" gear because "you need it." Yeah. Ok. The current system works, but it takes a lot more time, effort and credits to maximize your gear. Anyone can do it, even non-raiders like me.
  2. Hi - Are you looking for alliances with other guilds, or are you looking at mergers/recruiting? I have a personal Lv11 Imperial guild [Ewok Invasion] that I solo small yield conquest on weekly, a personal Lv6 Republic guild [Carebear Cabal] that I solo small yield conquest on weekly, and a Lv56 Republic guild [Destíny] that I'm in the process of rebuilding in the very near future. I'm certainly open to working with your group for joint flashpoints, ops, PVP, events, etc. FWIW, the majority of my characters are 306 DPS, however I do have dedicated 306 geared combat medic commando and corruption sorcerer healer alts, and 306 kinetic combat shadow tank. (I'm just not very experienced tanking or healing) Hit me up here if you're interested, then we can connect in-game.
  3. I use Mantellian 441 accuracy ear and implants (with cheap 95 accuracy augments) which take me to 110.04% accuracy. Nice an convenient to have the PVE accuracy requirement all satisfied in those three pieces. When I PVP I simply swap those out for Crit ear/implants, or swap to alactrity pieces for healing.
  4. There's nothing wrong with small guilds, and, in fact, I prefer small, no-drama gameplay without requirements or restrictions. What exactly would the advantages be if I surrendered our autonomy and trusted a group of people I don't know?
  5. I had similar issues a week or so ago. My connection was fine, but husbands connection kept disconnecting to server select. No issues with our internet service, so my guess is that the SWTOR servers were having problems with random logged in players. (But people in the forums still tried to defend Bioware and blame my FIOS service)
  6. Unfortunately, I won't be able to run until Tuesday due to late planned trip to Green Bay for the game. If you want to start a character, let me know your information and I'll coordinate when i get back. Sorry!
  7. When are you planning on doing this, and what server? Are you doing straight storyline? PVP? Flashpoints? Mornings or evenings? (And what timezone are you in?) Also, what classes/alignments are you going to be running? I'm always up to running a new character, but coordinating it can be the most challenging of all quests.
  8. In real life I use Google Maps to navigate my way through town via the fastest route possible. I don't seek to take the longer route "just because," because my objective is to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Running a flashpoint isn't much different. My objective is to get from the beginning of the flashpoint to the end so that I can reap the "rewards" of finishing. I follow the path that gets me there as quickly as possible, and I avoid unnecessary delays like killing a hundred extra mobs that someone else wants to kill. Once upon a time those mobs could be mowed down quickly and safely, but with 6.0 mob HP was increased, and killing one extra thing results in having to kill another half dozen things that are subsequently aggroed. No thanks. If you want to play super trooper and do a complete clear, feel free to do it AFTER the run is complete. If I'm on my healer I prefer to run past mobs to the fist boss, take the elevator up rather than clear the bridge, skip the elite turret before the second boss, and sleep/run past the dual elite turrets. My time is precious, and I don't think it's fair to infringe on the time of others by clearing unnecessary garbage mobs.
  9. How many sets do you need? I already have full Stimulated, victors, precise targeters, revitalized mystics, empowered restorers, avengers, dire retaliation, berzerkers, preservers, slow road, final breath, established foothold and amplified champions sets and 20-30 different tacticals. After a certain point you have what you need and those fragments become a credit sink rather than a viable way to gear.
  10. Why? I have WAY more tech fragments than I need. My problem is finding something to spend down my tech fragments that isn't going to set me back another million credits. ********* For me, I check all 306 armoring drops. If it doesn't have something I want, it gets deconstructed and converted to jawa junk, etc. I also review all the armor shells I have to see if they have any useful amplifier items to extract. For crafting, I have legacy 7 piece armor sets with gold amplifier mods for every crafting profession. (and for power napping) Honestly, though, I don't see any difference between using those crafting sets or using my regular armor..
  11. I have 40 characters on Star Forge - 18 are Lv 75/306 geared - 15 are Lv 65. (Played to old level capped and parked) - 5 are in various stages of leveling, somewhere between Lv 12 and Lv 55 - 2 are Lv 1 "storage mules" (one for each side) - 20 characters are in my imperial guild - 20 characters are in my republic guild - I solo small yield conquest on both guilds every week. (Approx 1.2-1.3 million conquest points per week) I also have 30 similar alts on Satele Shan, and 10 characters on Darth Malgus. (Most are Lv 65-70, but I don't have time to level them to 75, gear and finish conquest every week on their guilds) I play a lot, but I know there are quite a few people that do more than me.
  12. Bioware's "solution" of high credit sinks absolutely kill average players who are trying to play content, and not impacting the whales that have billions of credits. In the past few days I ran mostly veteran flashpoints. How much do those pay? Completing Hammer Station pays 10,758 credits, but if you're in a group finder PUG and die once, your 18k repair bill sets you 8k credit in the red. 20 runs x 10k per run = approx 200k credits 4 deaths x 18k repairs = approx 72k credits Net: 128k credits The problem now is that you've capped at 10k tech fragments, and aren't able to break down any drops until you spend down. How much does that cost? to offset the 3k tech fragments you made doing those runs, you now need to spend 1 milion credits, effectively putting you down almost 900k credits. This is what the average player is facing. Yeah, you can craft, but lets face it, a) crafting is NOT fun (which is why I play this game) and b) most of the crap that the average player can craft is damn near useless. Not everyone can afford the price is takes to make 7 mill credit/286 augments because of the high cost and low RE levels that Bioware put in place. The rich that can afford to invest and learn those recipes get richer. Everyone else has to pay out millions for them, making the poor poorer. If Bioware wanted to impact the right players, they'd make it stupidly easy for everyone to craft. RE chance of 50%? When everyone can make them, the prices will drop, and people will craft their own augments, impacting the rich crafters. Other solutions: 1. Limit how many items players can sell on the GTN per week to 50 per week. (per account) 2. Hit the credit sellers HARD. Police server chat and IP block the sellers.
  13. Last week I did 500k guild points in my republic guild, and 700k guild points for my imperial guild. (50k conquest goal met on 18 alts) Both small yield/500k planets. Got NOTHING from Bioware, and tickets go unanswered. Tell me again, why are we doing this conquest crap if Bioware gives small guilds nothing for our efforts?
  14. The forums aren't where you should be enforcing spoilers. General chat is overrun with players purposely throwing around spoilers just to piss off other players. I'm curious Eric... are you taking any action about them, or just in the forums?
  15. I'd buy it for 5 mil. I've thought about running a "real" guild, (separate from my current personal alt army guilds) so this might be a good oppoerunity. I'll send you in-game mail from Brianne to follow up.
  16. Why is people playing more than you so confusing? Some of us are retired and have (virtually limitless) time to play. I have dozens or characters, many at 75/306, most in full set armor + appropriate tacticals, and I still manage to solo 500k personal imperial guild conquest + 500k personal republic guild conquest every week. Yeah, that's a **** ton of flashpoints, but I do what's necessary to get it done.
  17. You KNOW how it's possible... they run endless Hammer Stations and Red Reapers, NOT run heroics and dailies that do little to advance their iLevel. If you choose to do your own thing rather than do what works, your results may be disappointing. I'm not a power leveler and my first Lv75 didn't happen until 2 days after the expansion hit, but by the end of week 1 even I had a full 306 set + 6 piece bonus set and a handful of tacticals.
  18. So what you're saying that because the new content is ok for you, nobody else matters? Some of us play a combination of old and new characters, and while 6.0 may be "ok" at max level, much of the game is broken for leveling characters. Can you explain why a fight that I routinely breeze through on other characters 1 shot "insta-kills" me? Do you really find that acceptable?
  19. Lv 66/iLevel 222 Gunslinger. Defense screen/hunker down active. One shotted and two shotted TWICE in first 10 seconds of the Revan weekly on Yavin 4. Go ahead and tell me how this **** isn't broken. Why the hell did I return/resub to this trash?
  20. My character's hairstyle changed with 6.0, and the only way to change it back is to pay with CC. Anther Bioware scam to steal more money from players.
  21. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a11/utladyvixen/swtor/SWTOR.jpg
  22. Personally speaking, I refuse to purchase any more boxes from the cash shop, because I'm already burned out by opening stupid RNG boxes to gear up. I'll consider purchasing more cash shop items when we migrate to a non-RNG gearing system.
  23. My situation is slightly different in that I play all my characters to cap. Spread across multiple servers, I got 54 characters to Lv65, and I hit 70 on my first character yesterday. (I left the game for a while) Retirement + being disabled = plays a lot.
  24. I' just returning myself after some time away. With how easy the leveling is, I'd recommend just going out with your old characters and grid for a bit to re-familiarize yourself with your characters. As far as what I did, I just re did my skill points and jumped back into the game. Deleting my 54 Lv65's would kill me.
  25. ^^ THIS ^^ I feel for you, because I'm dealing with the same thing. You need to be optimally geared or you're not good enough, even for SM. I got kicked from a SM party because I only had full 220 crystal armor, 220 weapon, 216 earpiece and implants, 208 relics, all 14 pieces with purple 208 power augments. It's times like this that I REALLY hate raiders.
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