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Everything posted by Caelrie

  1. You are not the majority. The vast majority of WoW players uses addons and loves them. They're wildly popular. You're actually an extreme minority.
  2. I found it! http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcasts/fan_sum_02_qa_georg_zoeller.mp3 Interviewer: So we talk about analytics and what you guys do on the developer side. Players like to do their own analytics and how to improve their characters. What tools int he game help you do that? Will you be able to export a combat log or anything like that? Georg Zoeller: Not at this point, but it's something very high on our priority list Interviewer: What's the pro and con of having something like that in? What's your approach to players min-maxing? Georg Zoeller: I have no problem with players min-maxing. I'm min-maxing myself. We do have pretty good... the tooltips are pretty good. The information on the items I think is pretty good. We're right now lacking a bit is in the evaluating your performance or your group's performance. Umm what I can tell you is there's no conspiracy where we're like we're hiding this so people aren't discriminating against other players. If you want to, you know, run a very competitive operations group and you wanna improve, having this data is certainly interesting. Umm and we're not against it, it's just right now not in. Will it make it in for launch? We don't know at this point but it's very high priority. ------------------------- This should utterly put to rest the debate on Bioware's stance on DPS metering.
  3. The file name in question is fan_sum_02_qa_georg_zoeller.mp3 Maybe you can look too and someone will have it cached.
  4. I'm doing my best to find it, but Darth Hater is being uncooperative and doesn't seem to be hosting the audio file anymore. I'll keep looking for you.
  5. That's a false dilemma. You can't top the meters if you're dead, so the best players are doing everything you want AND playing their class well too.
  6. That actually isn't true. Georg said very clearly that's not the case. They're just rewriting the combat log to make it better, not holding it out because they're afraid your feelings might get hurt.
  7. It's in a Q&A audio interview with Georg from a fan summit. Easy enough to find, just google and listen to it. He's 100% clear about the topic.
  8. Your argument doesn't actually make any sense. A DPS meter is required for their playstyle because they want to streamline their characters to the maximum potential. You don't have to use it, and you don't have to group with them. Nothing is being forced on you.
  9. You're misrepresenting their position. They're telling you that you have to be good in order to be in their group. Being in their group is optional, and thus nobody is dictating anything to you.
  10. I dunno why this thread exists anyway. Metering tools for players are on the way, as SWTOR's lead dev loves them and thinks it's a good idea for players to have access to that data. DPS meters are coming, whether you want them or not.
  11. That's how some people like playing. Who are you to tell them they can't play that way?
  12. Actually, games are meant to be played however players want to play them, not only how you do.
  13. SWTOR's community is packed to the brim with socially isolated, really lonely players, which is why there's such a big nostalgia push on these boards.
  14. It's buggy and doesn't work when I do it. And if it doesn't work when I do it, I bet it doesn't work when a lot of people do it.
  15. Otherwise known as nostalgia. That particular mental phenomenon specifically makes you remember past activities you were involved in as being far more socially connected than they really were. It's the mind's coping mechanism for isolation and loneliness. So yes, you ARE arguing against irrational people.
  16. It doesn't work past the planet you're on, so it's insufficient.
  17. The LFD tool in WoW is a huge success that millions of players love, so that's not going to help your case.
  18. Did the OP level past 12 yet so his opinion on the game actually matters?
  19. Plus, it ignores that the vast majority of groups that form using WoW's LFD tool complete the dungeon successfully without issues.
  20. I'm so in support of the camera suggestion. You can't get very close to your character before it shifts to first-person.
  21. Actually it's the nostalgic long-time gamers who call anyone who doesn't want to be controlled "kids", like you did. There IS a generation gap here, no doubt, and I find myself on the side of the younger generation despite being almost 40 and having been around since Ultima Online. The older generation confuses timesinks with challenge. They can't tell the difference. The younger generation doesn't. My apparent immunity to the phenomenon of nostalgia gives me a clearer view than most older gamers. Vanilla WoW, EQ and DAOC all had a whole lot of crap in them that I'm glad is gone. Spamming general chat for a group while you sit on the fleet station is SWTOR's crap that needs to be purged. What was I just saying? This is how people who tell us we need to save the "community" seem to act. It's ironic that this rhetoric is spouted so often by people who would no doubt be in my /ignore list for a sheer LACK of manners and I wouldn't want them in my "community". Thankfully, Bioware is aware that nostalgia is poison in the MMO business. It specifically makes people remember past games as having better communities than they really did, and makes those players try to turn back the features clock on new games in order to recapture something that only exists in their minds. Their memories aren't memories. They're fantasies. That's what nostalgia does.
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