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Everything posted by FormlessOne

  1. And you believe you can't get into a flashpoint because of limitations in the UI? I've no difficulties at all, but that's because I have a scintillating personality and I'm reasonably competent. I like the simple fact that you have to actually interact with someone to group with them. You get to know folks that way, especially folks with whom you'd group with again. No cross-server LFD, no "check the canned role" LFG dialog, just an emphasis on active guilds & networking, like the old days.
  2. Actually, it appears to be a minor bug - as someone else in this thread noted (and I double-checked), autostacking does work when going from cargo hold to inventory, just not from inventory to cargo hold.
  3. Yep, for at least three months, until I get an idea of the burndown priority & rate for the devs. The game is unfinished, but has an incredible amount of promise - no sense in throwing in the towel just 4 weeks after release. Benefit of the doubt, and all that. After three months, though, the bar gets higher.
  4. By redirecting malcontents to Guild Wars 2, thereby reducing both server & forum load and improving the game's overall performance, while simultaneously saddling Guild Wars 2 developers & staff with the folks most likely to drag down their game's performance & reputation? Just a thought.
  5. If I had 5 credits every time that came up... What moron would rob a convenience store and then, a matter of hours later, post pictures of the stolen merchandise while gloating about it on Facebook? Folks risk permabanning on a regular basis in MMOs for stupid stuff - exploits to gain an unfair advantage, harassment and trolling to amuse themselves at the expense of others - so if there's a concrete gain to performing an unsavory action, there are always going to be morons who feel it's their right, nay, their duty, to perform those unsavory actions.
  6. Pair of tin snips, a few minutes alone, and I'm sure they can be "fixed" appropriately.
  7. I can almost hear Worf clutching an electrostaff and screaming "JAFFA, KREE!" ... what?
  8. If we're opening threads for unlikely language localizations, I figured this was the next level of escalation - as they say, Hoch 'ebmey tIjon!
  9. I can live without that kind of "success," if it means: Eliminating the "if you don't have this mod, you're not worthy of our company" attitude; Eliminating the practice of mods, rather than skill, providing unfair advantages in-game; Eliminating the process of discovery and the virtue of patience in-game. Once a game is reduced to a rote, mechanical set of actions, the only challenge is in the successful application of that rote, mechanical set of actions. World of Warcraft is "successful" because mods & macros allow that game to be farmed, multi-boxed, and otherwise turned into a career rather than a pastime. That kind of "success" is killing MMOs post-WoW. I'd be grateful to live without mods, and continue treating this game as, well, a game. Macros would be nice, if only because the UI is difficult to customize and we have so many abilities per character - I can only have two action bars at the bottom of the screen, where all my combat information is provided, yet I have far more than 24 relevant abilities. Either allow us to move action bars around, or allow us to use macros to create rotations, as distasteful as that prospect is to me. If the UI could be more customizable, then I'd be grateful to live without macros, too.
  10. /fistbump Absolutely - it'll be hard enough in this game to differentiate your character from others, and one way to do so is through the luck of the draw. Super-rare items and patterns, randomly provided, are a good way of doing so. There's no "roadmap", there's no "grind", there's just being at the right place at the right time for that lucky roll of the dice.
  11. Keep it random. It's hard enough trying to set yourself apart from the pack without ensuring that everyone will get every recipe if they go through exactly n or fewer iterations.
  12. I'm running a GTX 580 1.5Gb, with the latest drivers, and it's still present. I filed a ticket on this during the last beta, and again when the game opened up for early access. The "laser light show" effect is odd, but doesn't cause undue interference. Hopefully, they will fix it soon.
  13. I'm running a GTX 580, and other than the "disco laser light show" graphic glitch, I haven't noticed any difficulties while running SWTOR. I'm running SWTOR with the following settings: - Windowed, 1680x1050, 60Hz - All Advanced settings at max, with bloom & conversation depth of field
  14. That's my hope as well, but in the interim we're going to suffer as they roll out the features that didn't make RTM over the next 3-6 months as major patches.
  15. I have to agree with this, actually. The whole point of the word "emergency" would indicate that it's not meant to be a convenience, but to be used in, well, emergencies.
  16. Absolutely. I'm sort of stuck - I have five characters at this point, including the one I leveled to open up the legacy system only to discover that there's... nothing. All I did in leveling up is secure a surname. I don't know if I should continue investing time in my other characters, precisely because the legacy system notes include the phrase, "character creation options." I'm not leveling a second character until I know what's involved in the legacy system.
  17. Way too early to tell. On the one hand, SWTOR has a stunning start in terms of content - story arcs, voice acting, environment. On the other hand, SWTOR has some surprising issues in terms of mechanics - large swathes of missing functionality, bugs in existing functionality. The next few months will tell the tale, as BioWare continues to roll out the missing functionality and fix the bugs in the existing functionality. I'm hoping that this game is around for a very long time, personally, once they finish it.
  18. QFT. The OP's sarcasm nails it nicely. It's hard enough dealing with reflex combat without having a UI that simply ignores mouse clicks when it gets too "overloaded", or interrupts that have a half-second lag before they fire. I don't care how many tens of millions BioWare spent on voice acting and eye candy, if the gameplay mechanics are fundamentally flawed and even basic MMO features are missing.
  19. A point that should be emphasized - for an MMO, it feels an awful lot like a single-person console game with some multi-player features. There simply aren't enough reasons yet for players to interact with each other.
  20. Actually, it's only been officially released for a week. It's been available via early access for nearly two weeks. Not that it matters, because some of the stuff that's missing isn't just going to appear in the next week, or the next month for that matter.
  21. He has a point, in that one of the real draws of this game was the ability to truly decide your character's "fate". The reality is that far too many of these decision trees are illusory - they resolve down to the same one or two endpoints, with "tacked-on" voice acting to smooth over the consolidation of branches in the decision tree for a story arc. We don't have "choice", just the illusion of it, except for a few rare places where your decision may affect the ability to accept a mission or two within a flashpoint. The only real decision you get is whether you want to add light or dark points to your Alignment stat. The voice acting is indeed grand, but it's a rigidly pathed experience that, once you've experienced it, you'll probably never pay attention to it again. A case in point, for me, was the remarkably parallel mission paths followed by my trooper and smuggler characters as they made their way to Carrick Station via the "tutorial." After walking my trooper through Ord Mantell, I could practically walk my smuggler through his ostensibly "individual" story line blindfolded. I appreciate what BioWare's trying to do, but right now, sitting in a half-finished MMO, it smacks of gimmickry. Knowing full well that BioWare blew a huge chunk of change for that gimmickry instead of providing a stable UI or basic MMO features is a bit odd.
  22. Can anyone actually get the patch yet? Since about 8 PM PST, every time I start the Launcher, I get "Unable to retrieve patch data. Please check network connection." My network connection's fine. I was playing the game just a few hours ago, and nothing at my end has changed in the few hours between playtime and now. Weird.
  23. Stats are boosted, yes. Abilities, however, are not - if you're level 16, you're missing abilities that a level 50 can (and does) use.
  24. I'd second that option. It's a shame that color crystals actually affect the performance of the weapon. Because of that, the CE & Digital Deluxe color crystal becomes useless by level 10, and there isn't anything in place to replace that particular look & feel.
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