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Everything posted by SaerethDL

  1. its up right now but no character copy support.
  2. imagine defending bad business practices and people's money being stolen and then calling them entitled. #1 This expansion should have been a preorder and this problem wouldn't have happened, #2 They shouldn't have announced the release date way too early. #3 Just because it's normal to get away with stuff like this doesn't mean its acceptable, we need to stand together and ask for change! #4 Stop putting release dates you can't meet, set a release date after the game is about gone gold, or give your self plenty of time to fulfill your release date, you can always move the release date closer and people would be cheering their bantha tails off. #5 yes these people deserve some form of compensation since they only gave a 6 day notice, they announced the release date three weeks ago, they should have known they wouldn't be ready. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!
  3. thats what they should do, but probably wont.
  4. yup this is correct maybe 3 weeks of actual work on the game.
  5. Yup this is correct. Plus elden ring or swtor? imma choose elden ring every time, yall enjoy your "expansion".
  6. I guess we know why bioware didn't mention it to anyone now
  7. I second this notion, i don't like 6.0 gearing at all and would like to get back to proper progression system.
  8. I approve this message, needs to be some form of worthwhile compensation. I also resubbed in preparation of dec 14th launch.
  9. Bioware just gave you guys coal for christmas and you turn around and thank them for it. priceless
  10. you are one heck of a friend for declan to get this expansion delayed for him. Now can I get my 30 bucks back? please.
  11. this is the appropriate reaction tbh, bioware should never have given out that release date.
  12. Then stop giving us release dates when you are not ready since the calendar doesn't matter.
  13. none of this will change, you're just putting off the inevitable
  14. People assume this means the release will come out polished.. this doesn't go hand in hand. It could still very well be a buggy mess, which it likely will be.
  15. a release date is not an eta, its a hard date for release. eta is totally different
  16. lol i hate retyping everything over and over. Waiting until the last minute for communication is communication yes, but it is poor communication. People have been preparing and resubbing to get ready for 7.0 after they announced a release date 3 weeks ago and now that the expansion is days away. 3 weeks ago they should have known where they were at, the expansion should have been ready to go gold. They didn't have to tell us dec 14th if they weren't even remotely ready, they jumped the gun.. that is their fault, stop making excuses for them. They could have initially told us we aren't ready to give out a release date and we will keep you guys updated when we are, or they could have gave themselves ample time and put the release date to feb or march and either announced a delay a month ahead or pushed it to an earlier release date if they were already ready. Again stop supporting bad business practices just because you think its the norm. It's time for change.
  17. wrong, what you do is open a line of communication with your customers, tell them the expansion is not quite ready yet and expect an eta (or updates) over the next few months while they see where they are at. Delays happen yes, but this one was annouced and delayed not even a month apart and days before the expansion. Again yall keep making excuses for bad business practices and blaming us paying customers for it haha.
  18. Best decision possible would be to not announce a release date way too early. Keep defending bad business practices all you like, doesn't make you right. . edit: the problem is amounted ten-fold because you cannot pre-order this expansion, its a subscription based game, which people get the subscription early to prepare for the expansion. Stop, I repeat, Stop blaming the customers for bad business practices on bioware's part. It's insulting.
  19. nope, no excuses, they announced it during a livestream in november, not even a month before release date was suppose to happen.. they knew very well they likely werent going to hit that release date. There is no way you don't know at that stage in development. Yes I've worked in game development before. nice try tho edit: to further explain, at that point during the announcement the expansion should have been 98% ready to go gold, and nothing left but to iron out bugs and other small issues.
  20. lol at people defending bioware's shady tactics, they should never have announced the release date on that livestream, they knew it wasn't going to be ready, plain and simple.
  21. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I was super excited and preparing for 7.0.. with only a few days left my hype grew. My sub just renewed yesterday. Now i'm just let down. I honestly feel depressed today, not only did they take my joy, time, effort, they took my money knowing it should have been delayed before they even announced the release date of dec 14th. Horrible tactics. I will be unsubbing, and now i'm no longer looking forward to the expansion. Way to ruin my christmas, grench.
  22. but its no different, the primary class they choose is locked in too. Seems like you chose the wrong class and now want two free re-rolls, that is not how it works. You already picked your primary class, now you get to choose a secondary class. Choose wisely this time.
  23. are you sure you cant mix and match different pieces to get the stats you want? It seemed like I could in the PTS. Like they have some with alacrity if you want more of that, as well as other stats you can mix and match with.
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