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Everything posted by dacentabaal

  1. Last I checked and played Mercs are very much viable in 4v4...I don't see what your argument is
  2. Am I the only gamer who doesn't care about FPS? I play on max graphics and aslong as my pc does what its supposed to even in a massive player/pvp crowd then I don't care. I could have sh*t FPS for all I care, aslong as I can still play in my settings then meh
  3. 1 hypercrate and I got 3...however I mistakingly gave 2 away to guildies as wasnt aware how rare they were when I got the packs hahaha
  4. I would pay for the subscription alone.. just so I could spend every waking moment killing every last Rodian player :-P
  5. Because PvE'ers moan about getting ganked in the PVP zone for the extra quests.. and then the generally being flagged and ganked on what was originally a PvP planet
  6. I keep posting it.. but why the heck not, Imperial Knights Armour/Robes And since this game is no longer Lore.. why not go bat **** crazy with armours from the SW Era/movies.. lets get some storm trooper gear on the go :-P
  7. C'mon BW Pretty Pretty please?? You could make it hover too, heck even if it walked instead I'd still love it.. its essentially a huge robot dog with a slender tail and a set of cannons for a face xD whats not to love?
  8. Was it 'Defiance'? sounds like a 'Defiance' thing to do haha
  9. See now I'm curious where I stand on this.. as on the occasion when me and guildies/a bunch of friends are bored at 2-3am (GMT) we all solo Q up for ranked WZ's and 9/10 we all get in the same groups against or with one another.. but we don't win trade we still play and fight for fun to beat the crap out of our friends/the other team however we have been reported for win trading cause of boredom random Ranked WZ's at silly hours.. go figure
  10. Me personally I don't think anyone below the age of 18 should play online games or this one, especially with the general chatter but that's my opinion
  11. I was just talking to one of my guildies who has an alt in the guild GIzka and all of that guild did the Ravegers exploit repeatedly and only ONE of their guildies got a 24 hour ban, they state its because 'all of them but the one banned brought Cartel Coins' so they think they got exempt from the ban as they had none of their matts or gear gained etc removed or touched, also asked around and its pretty much the same from people I chatted too, my mate got only a 24 ban and that was on a work day for him he didn't plan on logging in so he didn't lose out on anything as he also still has his gear and matts earnt
  12. Ok I'll bite.. I'm a HUGE mandalorian fan, the lore, the language, the rp the lot.. and I'm wondering exactly what you class as "Mandalorian" armour? because there isn't any specific look that goes with "mandalorian" aslong as its made from Beskar...its mandalorian.. which in this game some "mandalorian" rp guilds tend to forget and state 'you have to wear the BH gear to be a mandalorian' which is utter bs.. the only thing that is notable regarding the mandalorian look is the helmet T visor...otherwise its various bits of clothes or armour plates made from beskar
  13. I personally didn't bother with the comp 192 gear.. just the ear and implants, the rest is moddable geared 186.. and gives better stats imo and health, plus its better to aug that waste augs on person specific gear
  14. I get regular pops and ranked pops on both factions on The Progenitor.. but that's just my opinion.. maybe I'm lucky in getting the pops there
  15. Ooh yes..used and battle worn looks so much better
  16. Since BW are happily now making the 'larger' mounts available to people, I would absolutely love it for both RP and general usage if they release a Basilisk War Droid, they are lore friendly and available and around the time and I would be willing to buy from the CM or win it in a game much like I did my slot machine Rancor from the Casino event
  17. O...k.. I must have something wrong after reading OP's statement... I myself was unsure when it comes to Power VS Might augs for Vengeance Juggs In my PvP set I have FULL Might augs..In my PvE set I currently have half Power and half Might augs...I tried full Power augs in my PvP set and well I saw pretty much no difference.. if anything my Might augs were doing a better job.. however I have seen a difference in my PvE set from only half augs...so will play around more with my PvE set for Power augs.. but my PvP set remains ONLY Might augs
  18. When I levelled my first character last week I levelled him how I levelled when ROTHC was released.. I did all the dailies in an order so they didn't grey out as I did them, then went and started the expansion stuff/Rishi at about 58.5-ish.. My only problem was.. I capped 60 midway through doing Rishi....so all of a sudden I instantly lost the feeling to do all the quests there since I was over capped on coms from saving before...so I just blitzed through the rest of the Rishi Revan story then I think made it about halfway through Yavin IV before giving up entirely after buying the new tier gear and started getting back into HM's and OPS without finishing the story Decided to go straight to Rishi with the other alts after that to give me some incentive to wanna do all the quests and enjoy it
  19. The IA for me was too overhyped and a mass disappointment, wish I hadn't left it till last myself...but meh Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter are my top two and may aswell put my worst for loll's.. from worst to best...Trooper, Consular, Smuggler
  20. You are correct there....however...those very same PvE quests are also located everywhere else in the PvE area... so if you CHOOSE to step foot into the PvP zone to do them... then you choose to get flagged and ganked...sorry, **** happens :-/ Now in the past the PvE quests in the PvP area were nerfed so they were easier, but I recall BW patching it so that the heroics etc in the PvE area were also the same as the ones in the PvP area to stop people whining about getting ganked in a world PvP zone
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