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Everything posted by Callaron

  1. That quest is god awful thanks to the waiting times. >.<
  2. It's why I didn't buy a single one of them this time around. Not even from the GTN. I've gotten more than a little sick of constantly getting screwed over whenever Bioware tweaks these things in order to find the most efficient way to milk their playerbase. While I'm not opposed to the idea of the chance cubes themselves, everything I read and heard from people who'd actually bought them was enough to convince me that the ratio of which they drop compared to new items is way off the charts. Last thing I need is more bronze junk cybernetic sets and similar crap of which I've already gotten entire cargo bays back when those packs were current.
  3. Happy Birthday Thunder! May there be lots of cake. Or at least loot. Lots of loot!
  4. I stand corrected then. Good to know the exclusive sub rewards are exclusive after all. Well, not so good for the OP of this thread obviously, but... Thanks for the link! (Well, quote )
  5. He's not an alert. He's a mission you get directly from Hylo Visz if I'm not mistaken.
  6. He's not an exclusive thing. Go find all the threads where people felt cheated when they learned about it. The activation to have him from level 1 has been in place since the headstart, so there was never any complaining about getting him "at the last moment". The early activation IS the only thing exclusive about him.
  7. You CAN still have Nico. You just have to get him through the storylines, unlike those who qualified for the promo. They can get him at level 1, you need to get your *** all the way to KOTFE Chapter 9 before you can recruit him. HK-55 however is off-limits for now to those that weren't subbed. Keyword being "for now", as I imagine he'll eventually become available to all. Then again, he's pretty much going to be a purely cosmetic companion anyway. Call me cynical, but I don't see him getting many new dialogues in the future.
  8. That would be pretty epic. And yes, Vectron would be a good company for it! As would Tobus in all likelihood.
  9. Meh, every MMO releases new content with bugs in it. Nature of the beast. If you can't stand it, do yourself a favor don't play it immediately after the release. Give it two weeks to get patched up. You'll save yourself a lot of frustrations. Same thing with new MMOs. The moment the servers open, people flood in, and then complain about all sorts of bugs or rage quit over them.
  10. Aside from the Fleet, Dromund Kaas and sometimes the forums (places where the noobs and the bored tend to hang out =P), the community isn't all that bad. Occasionally you get a bad apple in groups too, but it's nothing compared to some of the other F2P titles I've played.
  11. http://www.mmorpg.com/giveaways.cfm/offer/700/Black-Desert-Online-Closed-Beta-2-Key-Giveaway.html If anyone wants one, better be quick! 820 left when i checked just now. Edit: All gone now!
  12. Which makes you different from the OP, who purposely chose to make some list in a sad attempt to show "how bad" this game is. So what was said applies to him. He should be off playing that one, since that's clearly what he wants.
  13. Shouldn't you be off playing that piece of crap emulator instead of wasting your time with a bad game like this? Let alone paying a sub for it?
  14. The upcoming QoL changes. Like giving us the possibility to have five active Strongholds instead of four. Also, the current QoL changes. My cargo bays are very happy with those!
  15. ^ Not that it's worth much anymore. Mounts are incredibly common now, even account bound ones. That upgrade costs 5$ these days.
  16. The speeder? You didn't get it when entering your code?
  17. You don't actually SELL them, you deactivate them. Depending on how you bought them, you may have to pay the reactivation cost (if you got them with credits) or you can do it for free (if you made the initial purchase with Cartel Coins). So no refunds needed. Your brother can rejoice. Sounds likely. Not that I'll mind. Besides, given that they are raising the cap on common decorations to 999, you can stuff one with chairs in a few minutes time and have that bonus back.
  18. I hope so! *prepares to start nagging for the limit to be raised to 6 SHs*
  19. This was a rather ridiculous amount of downtime, yes. And if you were European you pretty much lost the entire Tuesday, and given the recent launcher issues, even more than that. I think the upcoming 1050 CC voucher that we're getting in the mail is their way of apologizing though. Which is technically worth more money than 2-3 days of sub time.
  20. They are upping the cap so that we can have 5 instead of four! So yes, at the moment we're limited to 4.
  21. http://dulfy.net/2016/02/11/swtor-february-producers-livestream-notes/ That news made my day! I'm very happy to see the devs have been busy working on all kinds of good stuff, even if they didn't mention it until now. (And as annoyed as I may have gotten by that at times ) Thanks Bioware!
  22. To be fair, they did say there'd be a break during the holidays. ...Although most people initially assumed it'd be a month or so without a chapter, not friggin' 4 of them...
  23. That "holiday" break was ridiculously long. I'm also hoping that sometime soon we'll see some of those "regular content" updates we're supposed to see alongside the chapters from time to time. That being said, the recent QoL changes were nice to get however, and I'm hoping now that the holiday season is properly over, they'll be able to stick to the monthly schedule they promised for the Chapters.
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