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  1. I used a simple proxy website, and that site says I'm in turkey. I'm in the USA. It says ISP is "private customer", I use time warner cable. So yes a simple proxy will bypass any ISP ban
  2. Well it isn't for me, I'm missing shards and CS wont do a thing for me. But its not a big deal right now as they are useless.
  3. Doesn't sound that hard to bypass, just have the VPN/proxy connect with an IP from a not blocked ISP, there is no way to detect the real IP thus cant detect what ISP is being used
  4. An isp ban wont work either. They will just use a vpn to bypass it.
  5. I see people say that a lot, but never any proof to back it up. If there are farmable exploits report them and maybe post how to do them on reddit. When more people start to farm it, it will force BW to fix them sooner.
  6. Or people are buying less credits. or bw isn't banning the bots so they are pulling in more credits that way. or both
  7. No, the price drop means 1 of 2 things, Supply has gone up or demand has gone down. The why is anyones guess but don't push your ideas as facts when there isn't any.
  8. I forgot WOW added that. They stole the idea from EVE even the price.
  9. Wow that is some interesting.. logic. FFXI has children npcs and items that turn players into children. Nothing like what you talk about happens in that game.
  10. I like this idea. But if they do something like this to make them relevant they need to fix the bug where people lost their shards and are unable to get them back from the datacrons. All my characters lost their shards at some point when I wasn't playing and cs just says its a bug and wait till the devs fix it.
  11. It works, I never saw any gold seller spam. Inflation was under control. It was real nice being able to buy cash shop items with gold which is why inflation wasn't an issue.
  12. GW2 does this, they also have the opposite, game money to cash shop currency conversion.
  13. The amount you are supposed to get is 500cc for each when they sub, then 100cc for each month they stay subed.
  14. I have a feeling they aren't condensing servers right away so people would do payed server transfers and get as much money as they can.
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