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Everything posted by DarkGremio

  1. Then use your ATM debit card unless your Amish or something....
  2. Umm...Most adults have a bank account. Unless your a child, then you shouldn't be playing this game go to school and get an education. Make Mommy and Daddy proud! Buuuut....Prepaid visa card at Walmart...
  3. I am just saying is anyone else glad? Not be sarcastic but I have finals and I would be screwed if I got early start invite.I have no self discipline when it comes to an MMO that I've been waiting for a long time.
  4. Brings up really good points I applaud this post very good !!!
  5. If you did enter the code on your account on the 21st, most likely you would be in the early start already
  6. All I can say is better preparation....I'm sure they could of prepared better to handle the volume of pre-orders I mean couldn't they have anticipated this.....I mean EA makes the most profits out of any gaming company. They can afford the servers and the man hours to maintain the volume and flow what are they going to do launch day?
  7. Can anyone from Bioware fill us in on how these waves are working. Like I know were getting invites but like a time frame for when people pre-ordered and maybe the amount of people each wave gets. It would be nice!
  8. edit settings.ini file to turn on aa 1. Navigate SWTOR directory /settings 2. Open file client_settings.ini 3. Underneath the last setting, but above [game] Section.. add the following lines. AntiAliasingLevel = 4 DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true
  9. I think they should just let everyone in. What was the point of the stress test than? I mean why should they let me filter in. I'd rather wait in a lengthy queue then wait for an e-mail. What are they going to do release time when all the people who did not pre-order and just purchased a copy at the stores. Doesn't make sense in my own opinion, also I would think that it would test the servers greatly as well letting everyone in who pre-ordered. This wave stuff is in option but not the best idea. Open the flood gates!
  10. Has anyone heard how many invites are going per wave at all?
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