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Everything posted by Khayrim_Carncell

  1. I'm really just wondering why everything has to be (or become) a "farm" in this game lately.
  2. The sole fact that they actually have to try to explain their way out of their failures (everyone makes them, failing is nothing bad in my world) is a clear sign they're not doing so well with SWToR in my book. If a game runs great, nobody talks about it.
  3. I don't see any logical reason behind this other than to further artificially elongate the individual player's gaming sessions and keep him logged on longer in order to efficiently play. I don't understand why I am now being forced to do something that I have been doing anyway. (queuing for PvP even after the daily/weekly no longer requires it) PvP in this game is actually fun. Why make it a chore? If the goal is to prevent AFKs in warzones, this is a step in the wrong direction. This is gonna encourage bad play and early forfeit.
  4. Hey, danke für den Guide erstmal. Super Infomaterial. Hab ich auch fröhlich in meiner Gilde verlinkt. Kleine Frage: Wäre es möglich, die HP der Bosse hinzuzufügen? Ich find das immer einen sehr netten Indikator für die Schwierigkeit und die Enrage-Härte.
  5. Hah!, nice, I read that as: "Yeah, hardcore players see the wasted potential much sooner and move on faster. Which would desert the servers if there were nothing catering to casuals." I like that thought, actually. Because in an MMO, an experienced player can tell and extrapolate very quickly what he likes/dislikes and where the gameplay will end up most probably. °O
  6. I don't think thats the problem at all. Like this: Best gear for some slots for some classes should come from some raid bosses Best gear for some other slots for some other classes should come from some other bosses The second and third best gear for a some slots for some classes should come from commendations and crafting. All gear should be visually distinct from each other not only in color, but also in style, fabric/material and 3Dmodel. Some very special or very situational mods and tools should come from crafting only. (a little like the resistance gear in WoW, though not that bland)
  7. Was ich nicht verstehe ist, dass von beiden Seiten immer so hoffnungslos generalisiert wird. Das Spiel hat gute und schlechte Seiten. Für mich persönlich überwiegen derzeit die schlechten, aber ich gebe dem MMO trotzdem seine verdienten Chancen. An die einen: Lasst die Leute flamen, aber bezeichnet nicht jegliche Kritik automatisch als Geflame oder haltloses Geheule. An die anderen: Kritisiert das Spiel ruhig, aber denkt dran, dass euer Standpunkt nicht unbedingt der einzig wahre ist oder die Meinung des Großteils der Spieler oder sogar der Entwickler wiederspiegelt.
  8. In a next-gen modern MMO, why do there have to be numbers at all??
  9. The biggest problem I see with SWToR lategame is as follows: Lets say BioWare released a new Addon (lets call it "Stories of the Same") consisting of three instances, a new tier set and a planet with a new storyline for each of the eight classes. This was one or two weeks ago. By now the first batch of players (about 160 per Server) have already finished all three instances on most of the difficulties. They don't need to play those any further because they already have all the commendations they need for that tier set (that btw. looks exactly the same as the sets before it). A week later the same batch of players has also finished the new storyline on the planet with the three classes they find most interesting. A week later, most of the players catch up. Now its one month (at most) past the addons release. BioWare happily announces the next addon's first screenshots and interview, while approx. 50% of the before mentioned batch of players has already discontinued their subscription due to being bored with the game again. My point is: In an MMO that focuses on story (supposedly) and uses scripted cinematics and voice-acting sequences to convey them, the time it takes to release new content will mostly be far greater than the time it takes the players to play through them. In my eyes, this concept in itself is doomed. And if they can't even get the gear system to provide motivation to play past the initial hype of any new content, there is little hope left. (People already say SWToR will be F2P in less than a year...) _______________________________My two cents: Read the first 7 pages, decided to jump as high as I can because I am so happy I'm not the only one that got a funny feeling the first time I encountered the crafting/PvP/PvE-Loot "interplay functionality". The fact that they all look the same has me not even looking forward to LvL 50 anymore. This game - seriously - is a chore to play right now for me. I work long hours and all I see from the few hours I can actually play is that the supposedly awesome, great, beautiful story-driven gameplay is just a nice way of coating the same quest-grindy horsesh*t in a - very very very thin - layer of gold paint. The fact that said gold paint consists of qualitatively meh voice-overs, 08/15 standart animations, bugs and a sub-par theatrical dynamic really has me on the edge of discontinuing my subscription. Adding to that is the botched UI and keybinds customization system, movement controls handling like a sponge, the RNG-targeting system and the fact that BioWare doesn't seem to have slightest clue about enemy encounter placing or instance pacing. (I am not going to explain these right now because I think most of us know what it means)
  10. This. I am still having a lot of fun finding and getting to them. More MMOs need to reward exploration. The only thing thats spoiling the fun for me is that for some Datacrons you loose a lot of time trying to get to them. And when you do, the reward rarely compensates for the time spent. I find myself having to choose between "have fun getting that Datacron" or "spend what little game time is available working as effectively as possible". (This is kind of an issue I have with the quest-grinding and leveling speed for gamers that have to work and can't spend all day playing. I personally find myself even skipping most of the dialogues and story-immersing elements just to "get on with it"...)
  11. Der Workaround gibt die Taste leider nicht frei zur vollen Verfügung. Was ich persönlich brauch. Ein normaler Spieler hat den normalen Wunsch nach - neudeutsch - Customization.
  12. Push. Große Hoffnungen auf den Patch heute. Ich brauch diese Taste, wie Blumen das Licht! *sülz*
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