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Everything posted by GNWP

  1. Yeah, it was my thread. Now it's wiped as well as any onther threads on PTS forums. I also sended ingame bug report. But seems that their resourses are so limited that they fix Cartel Market and Galactic Starfighter bugs only.
  2. They implemented what was already planned by James Ohlen. Now they need to acutually CREATE something by themselves. In terms of plot I mean.
  3. You confusing team composiotion and matchmaking. No one cares about team composition in solo q ranked arenas, especially in regular warzones. Solution is simple - get rid of solo q in ranked arenas and make separate type of regular q. That would solve 2 problems at once: The number of teams q-ing for group ranked arenas. At least at the start of the season - just to get gear. Currently, player who does solo q get the same amount of Ranked Commendations. I remember the guy who grinded Obroan in the first day after arenas was added. This isn't right. Players who does group q ranked arenas should get better rewards. I hope rewards at the end of the Season 1 would match this principle, otherwise "Why should I strain quing as a team while I can just get the same rewards solo?" Team composition will be balanced by the class role. It would happen naturally because you every arena team in group ranked arenas need both 1 tank and 1 healer. Cancelling solo q for Ranked Warzones was a wise decision. It created many great PvP guilds, which increased a number of Ranked Warzone teams. In some guilds were even several teams. Right now all this guild are fell apart, because there's no reason in this game to create big PvP guild anymore. Think about this, Bioware.
  4. Actually, I think rating in "other game", as you call it, means a lot. IMO at least. Example: any player who has 1800+ in 3v3 in WoW knows at least what "fake cast" is. In SWTOR - maybe a dozen out of a thousand who plays WZs. I don't take SWTOR ratings into account because of such a little players pool it can't be considered as a real "skill-meter" like it is in WoW. IMHO.
  5. My old highlight from stream. Just wanted to share it with you guys. http://youtu.be/J3pAVcnMBuc
  6. Forget about it, mate. Bioware probably have so little resorses that they can make changes for 1 to 3 classes at a time only.
  7. A serveral quick questions for you Eric. How long will it take to fix: GCD without any abilities used if rapidly press key bind; CC and Force/Tech damage going through Resilience; leapers falling short on their leap; Vanguards using Ion Cell in Tactics tree. While threir damage reduction is about 50% their do as much damage as Vanguards that use proper cell. "Pulse Generator" talent MUST be tied to High Energy Cell Master Strike animation without any damage done and ability used; Full Auto doing damage without animation;
  8. Hi. Devs, why there's no official announcement on the front page about start of Season 1 and PvP Leaderboards? Yeah, I know Leaderboard is on it, but some people, apparently, don't notice it. Season 1 is actually a big event for our small PvP Community, but not everyone read closely patch notes when they don't play the game due to lack of competition.
  9. Class Story PvP Content (Warzones, Arena's etc) Mini Games (Sabacc, Pod racing, pazaak, etc) Other. Please fix the bug when GCD runs, but no abilities was used.
  10. Devs, please give a clear answers. What is "Basic Attacks"? What is "Special attacks"? How many Accuracy do they have? There is no clear definition of those in the game.
  11. By the way, Gather Strength buff duration should be increased also .
  12. Didn't read the whole thread, so don't bash me if I will repeat some thoughts that has been expressed. Adjustments that need to be made in Vigilance tree: +3% Accuracy while Shien Form is active Get back Focus returning mechanic of Shien Form. When if you hit an attack that costs focus you will get 1 focus back. Reduce focus cost of Blade Storm to at least to 3 focus. And here're the resons: +3% buff has Combat Sentinels. Why Vigilance Guardian have to spend more stat budget of Surge on Accuracy, more than other similar melee class in the game? Why every Sentinel can use it while Guaridans don't? Combat Sentinel can just spam damage, while Vigilance Guardian is dumping out ALL FOCUS in 3 GCDs and then our DPS is crippled. Basically when devs removed focus returning mechanic from Shien Form they just nurf our damage output. Combat Sentinels Blade Storm can hit for insane number and cost only 2 focus. Vigilance Guardian's Blade Storm hits twice as low and costs 4 focus. Here's the situation which describes why 2-nd and 3-rd things should be made: Vigilance Guardian on a Warzone and his number of focus. He used Saber Throw, then leaped, so now he has 6 focus, he channeled Master Strike and had been attacked, so now he has 7 Focus, after that he used Plasma Brand, and now he has only 2 focus, so he used Combat Focus which gave him +6 focus, so now he has 8 focus, he used Overhead Slash, 4 focus, he used Blade Storm, 0 Focus, next GCD, he will get 1 Focus from Visionary and use Sundering Strike, 8 focus(if specced in Victory Rush talent). So here's the question: what is he supposed to do in all this GCDs left, untill Plasma Brand will goo off CD? Spam Slash? But when Plasma Brand will go off CD, Guardian already spend all focus, and both his focus generators are on CD. So here's fourth ajustment. Get back 4.5 seconds cooldown on Sundering Strike. This will also help to maintain Armor Reduction debuff while swithing targets, which is the case in PvP. We don't need more damage, devs, just allow us to do damage that we already have, but we can't because of broken focus mechanic! Make our focus generating system fluid, not torture.
  13. Another idea for all specs: Survivability in PvP Add to Diversion/Chaff Flare baseline effect which clears you from opponents target and works as "Decoy" talent in Gunnery/Arsenal tree BUT make it absorb not only Force and Tech attack, but Ranged also. This would give Troopers/Bounty Hunters some breath against ranged classes with High Burst capabilities, especially Gunslinger/Snipers.
  14. Another idea for all specs: Survivability in PvP Add to Diversion/Chaff Flare baseline effect which clears you from opponents target and works as "Decoy" talent in Gunnery/Arsenal tree BUT make it absorb not only Force and Tech attack, but Ranged also. This would give Troopers/Bounty Hunters some breath against ranged classes with High Burst capabilities, especially Gunslinger/Snipers.
  15. Cool idea, but how would you animate it for Commando?
  16. You get this right. And yeah, this is no way over buff for Commando/Merc Healers. This will just bring them on par with Sages/Sorcs and Scoundrels/Operatives.
  17. New Idea for a Bacta Infusion/Emergecy Scan: It's a composition of my idea and someone's else. My original thought: Someone else idea, that I think I saw several times on Commando Forums abd Brainstorm thread too. My NEW IDEA: Remove Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan cooldown BUT make them place on the target debuff similar to Sages/Sorcs debuff after they put Shield on an ally, so next 15-18 seconds target couldn't healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan untill debuff goes off. Each proc of Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell reduces the debuff duration from Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan by one second. So mechanic is following: You place Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell one the target then when the target healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan debuff will each tick of Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell will reduce a debuff duration.
  18. New Idea for a Bacta Infusion/Emergecy Scan: It's a composition of my idea and someone's else. My original thought: Someone else idea, that I think I saw several times on Commando Forums abd Brainstorm thread too. My NEW IDEA: Remove Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan cooldown BUT make them place on the target debuff similar to Sages/Sorcs debuff after they put Shield on an ally, so next 15-18 seconds target couldn't healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan untill debuff goes off. Each proc of Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell reduces the debuff duration from Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan by one second. So mechanic is following: You place Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell one the target then when the target healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan debuff will each tick of Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell will reduce a debuff duration.
  19. All specs: Utilities: Give to Commando/Merc baseline ability to place on their allies analogue of Hold the Line/Hydraulic Override. Operatives/Scoundrels has Smuggle/Infiltrate, Sages/Sorcs has Rescue/Extrication. Commando/Merc has NOTHING as soon as it comes to utility skills! So do it! Give it to them! Combat Medic/Bodyguard Utilities: I think there's too much tied on Reactive Shield/Energy Shield in Combat Medic/Bodyguard tree, Devs need to separate immunity to interrunts to another new ability. So if I just want immunity to interrupts I use only one major cooldown instead of two. And when I want to survive I use Reactive Shield only, and again it would be only one major cooldown. And if I want both, I use both. Simple! Also, Kolto Residue movement slow effect need to stay longer, at least up to 6 seconds, so Combat Medic could actually escape melee instead of beeing target dummy for them. Survivability of Combat Medic/Bodyguard: Also it would be nice to increase survivablity and of Combat Medic by adding, for example, a talent which decreases cooldown time on Reactive Shield/Energy Shield while taking damage. Also it would be awesome to give Commandos/Mercs some instant "self-only" heal or something. While Scoundrel/Operative healer can basically just spam Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe(No energy cost!) all day, Commando/Merc healer can only use Medical Probe/Rapid Scan + Tech Override/Power Surge (2 minutes cooldown!), Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan with 18 seconds cooldown, then Kolto Bomb/Kolto Missile which heals like one tick of Operative's HoTs and has 6 seconds cooldown, put Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell on yourself and spam Hammer Shot/Rapid Shots at the enemy hoping for the best. Healing and energy management: Remove Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan cooldown BUT make them place on the target debuff similar to Sages/Sorcs debuff after they put Shield on an ally, so next 15-18 seconds target couldn't healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan untill debuff goes off. Other too healing specialization in the game has instant spammable heal. Sages/Sorcs - Force Armor/Static Barrier, Scoundrels/Operatives - Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe. Why don't bring a Commandos/Mercs-healers up to other two healing specialization?
  20. You're confused threads, imperial! No one understands here what are you talking about. Go there or you'll be banned by Eric Musco himself.
  21. All specs: Utilities: Give to Commando/Merc baseline ability to place on their allies analogue of Hold the Line/Hydraulic Override. Operatives/Scoundrels has Smuggle/Infiltrate, Sages/Sorcs has Rescue/Extrication. Commando/Merc has NOTHING as soon as it comes to utility skills! So do it! Give it to them! Combat Medic/Bodyguard Utilities: I think there's too much tied on Reactive Shield/Energy Shield in Combat Medic/Bodyguard tree, Devs need to separate immunity to interrunts to another new ability. So if I just want immunity to interrupts I use only one major cooldown instead of two. And when I want to survive I use Reactive Shield only, and again it would be only one major cooldown. And if I want both, I use both. Simple! Also, Kolto Residue movement slow effect need to stay longer, at least up to 6 seconds, so Combat Medic could actually escape melee instead of beeing target dummy for them. Survivability of Combat Medic/Bodyguard: Also it would be nice to increase survivablity and of Combat Medic by adding, for example, a talent which decreases cooldown time on Reactive Shield/Energy Shield while taking damage. Also it would be awesome to give Commandos/Mercs some instant "self-only" heal or something. While Scoundrel/Operative healer can basically just spam Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe(No energy cost!) all day, Commando/Merc healer can only use Medical Probe/Rapid Scan + Tech Override/Power Surge (2 minutes cooldown!), Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan with 18 seconds cooldown, then Kolto Bomb/Kolto Missile which heals like one tick of Operative's HoTs and has 6 seconds cooldown, put Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell on yourself and spam Hammer Shot/Rapid Shots at the enemy hoping for the best. Healing and energy management: Remove Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan cooldown BUT make them place on the target debuff similar to Sages/Sorcs debuff after they put Shield on an ally, so next 15-18 seconds target couldn't healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan untill debuff goes off. Other too healing specialization in the game has instant spammable heal. Sages/Sorcs - Force Armor/Static Barrier, Scoundrels/Operatives - Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe. Why don't bring a Commandos/Mercs-healers up to other two healing specialization?
  22. This "bug" was in game since patch 1.3 ie when Ranked Warzones started. Good thing that you finally noticed.
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