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Everything posted by Hadlis

  1. In a word...YES! Our dps is high but what does it matter if we die? If you read the op's post he is dying despite this AMAZING dps. We may be at the tip of the dps but it's all AOE splash damage that is pretty inefective most of the time...it just adds up to make a big score over a match. Once any player notices us we can do very little to get away as out cc is the least of all the classes. If concusion missle was an instant it would go a long way to helping us escape.
  2. So glad to hear that...I'll start stacking my crit/surge again...Why is the gear so heavy with Power?
  3. Unless the melee player does not notice where all this crushing dps is coming from....All they have to do is walk forward 5-10 meters and leap from our extream range...there is no way I can dps them to death in that short of a time. This is bad advice since it's just a pipe dream. Most of the time when I use my knock back on a jedi to get distance the jedi just leaps right back...this is just after they closed the distance to make first contact. If you get lucky enough to come up against a bad melee who does't use thier interupts you should be able to out dps them with in melee range....but most know how to put an interupt on thier tool bar and seriously gimp our dps by using them. I still like playing the class....but I would not have picked Merc if I started palying today and saw how bad they are at one on one. Saying a class is bad at one on one in PLAYER -VS- PLAYER "Definition of one on one" means it's a broken class and needs attention. I'm going to get all my gear and just start to level another class and wait for the fix...which will make my Merc FOTM sometime in March
  4. Shows how little you know about the class....you can't electro dart anybody and run away...it last for like 4 seconds....how far can I get away from a melee class that has leap in 4 sec?...not very far...lol The only map we do well in is Huttball because we can blast them off the catwalks...."I never play on the floor...instant death if I do." We need and interupt and the ability to escape from melee...use of the jetpack to blast back about 20meters would be great. Then an electro dart would be usefull. s
  5. Pretty sure Champ gear does not let you change out the mods. I have a few pieces....they are not orange and when I did the ctrl click thing it did not bring me to the page that lets me vew the mods....only tried it once though....maybe I miss clicked?
  6. Most people suck....but they are making level 50 brackets so you won't have to worry about it.
  7. If a melee person gets close you should be able to just rotate to keep them infront and just spam TM/rail. I've out dpsed several jedi that thought getting close was a good idea. RP/AB and stun are good to add in there after the first rail shot. Make sure you have your ability que set to 1.0sec so you can have the next TM in the que so there is not break in your dps. I don't like to get on ground level with melee players but sometimes it happens...especially in Void star.
  8. Hadlis

    PvP gear at lvl 20?

    I found that my pve gear I looted to be superior to the pvp level 20 gear...I saved my tokens and bought the level 40 set...Right now I'm level 33. So I'll be able to use it in a week or so If you could find a set at 20 that was orange it would be worth it...you could just mod it up as you go. The amount of vendors and stuff to look through with this crappy interface made me just stick with the pve gear till 40.
  9. It sounds like you would just die faster if there was a 1 sec GCD "33% faster" ...lol...might want to learn some LOS you could take advantage of in wf''s...
  10. You really need to post if your on a PVP or PVE server. PVP server is not really going to have a hot market for pve weapons/armor PVP- No need to take armor or weapon because there is no weapon/armor you can craft that is going to be better than what you get off the pvp vendors...to my knowledge at this time. So either focus on Biochem/bioanalysis/diplomacy "I took slicing till level 30 and switched to diplomacy to get money." Cybertech would be my other choice....but I don''t know much about it since I didn''t try it out. PVE- This is where the fact that you can craft armor/weapons might make a difference...for you and your companions.
  11. So far I have been picking the same skills in the aresenal tree you have laid out....Doing great dps and haveing a buttload of fun playing BH. I'm mainly in to pvp and pve only to get gear for my toon for pvp. Since reading your post I think I might want to put more points into the healing side then I was planning to. Great Post! /subscribed I do have a question though..... Do you use any macro's while you play? Like from your keyboard/mouse? I find the amount of keybinds to be a bit crazy in this game. So far I have macroed 6 specials...which took up 6 keys and now have them down to just 3. Power shot and unload are on one key with unload first...just have to hit my F key and which ever one is off CD it will fire. Same with the two heals I have...just hit X and I heal. I also have my two CC's on one key...Electro dart is first followed by concussion missle. I'm sure there are other combinations and different ways to play it but doing it this way really helps me keep my eyes on the game. This can easily be done with hardware and is not considered a cheat.
  12. Was a Jedi/BH on chily....Name is Hadlis...same on the Veela sever here for tor. Also had a Spy named Bartop. Chilly was a great server!
  13. It would be great if I needed some crafting item...like "Green Goo" I could just right click it in my inventory and it would instanly search the AH when I have the AH screen up. I tend to agree with the op...a bit complicated. Should be able to search by name with out having to pick a catagory. Have to check if there is an option to have more than 5 things to a page as well.
  14. How many people does it take to fill a server? There is a number in the top left hand side of your screen that tells you how many people are on planet...during the day it's never been above 200....What number does it take to fill a server?
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